Kicking and screaming children With their troubles and complaints Force words from minds of dreary states Realizations some won't meet the date
A bitter taste enters the air Cloudy grey **** tangerine Brightening to the tune of the loon A broken down *** with a gun
But faster then we are here we are gone A fatalistic but hopeful parody Cracking glass jars in the twilight moon As my sister brunette watches the toons
Littering through the concrete sidewalks As the grandma's sagging sit down to talk These registers are filled with monopoly money And I just watched a movie of ******* Bunnies
An eccentric with one hundred ways to love a woman A man that gave the game plan To a high hearted man glittering sands Ziggy the man with the amazing hands
For we are on a high and mighty moving picture trip now Caught in the lit lie of the illusion Asking the nurse for another freebie transfusion And a peek from the geek under her sheet
A silly break in the world is the only thing a mad man CAN do Because sometimes the only sky I see is slightly hued blue And the men that elude to hatters that are mad Playing with words in rhyme just make me sad
Brought up as a back door man by my own accord I caused mischief and terror like every other outlaw A foreigner in a seemingly "comfortable" land Nowadays everything seems to have a ****** plan
Where tomorrow is that day and the next will be that And the guy who you get take out from is wearing the same hat But the hate you feel deep and preach onto the electronic page May drearily, hopefully, perhaps distastefully give you a wage
Oh where does the madness stop if it only ends with money! For these worries are from a sagging face watching bunnies And eluding to grandeur nearing signs of a menstral manager And a cosmopolitan back break with the blackening beauty of a snake