Creature Born to hell Do you have a name Did you have a dream Demon in the shadows You where human once Beast of hell what makes you fight Do the fires hinder or fuel you Monster of the under world What is your story When was the day you had purpose What happened to your soul Twisted and black even the flames of hell warm it not Heart of ice and hard as stone What brought you to this place Did you ever know love Or hope Not this pain Oh Demon of the depths what holds you here With binds so tight and scars so deep What keeps you in that place of torment Demon of hell who are you And in a soft whisper he answers I am me And my binds are my own This hell is home and is all I remember These hallow walls are my friends And the shadows my embrace This pain my reminder Of a sin I forgot Of the name I have lost This is me and all I am So run, run and never look back For the things in the dark May reach to hold you in love But there arms will smother you There lips do kiss upon you But the venom of there love does **** A monster is a tragic thing Reaching out with loves hand Only to wither and rot that which they touch The worst hell of all is one of loosing the thing you love Eternal I am a Monster a Demon Please run Before I destroy you