I discovered that the sunrise is almost more beautiful than the sunset; the colours are so vivid, so expressive in comparison to the black night; the sunset changes the colour of the sky, the sunrise invents colours.
More often than usual I catch the sunsetting rather than rising; the early hours of the rising sun are the setting time of my eyelids, - but by god, when I am awake to see it, I'm lost for a moment.
I have a history of comparing past lovers to sunsets; each one I described as beautiful, breath-taking, and unfortunately, each has been buried behind mountains as well.
I wait for a love that'll have me singing with the birds at six in the morning, that'll have me peacefully resting before the clock strikes twelve - I wait for the boy that I compare to sunsets, the boy that will no longer just be a metaphor for the setting sun, but the true sun.
The boy that will be the sun, both setting and rising.