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Dec 2014
Before the paradigm
of my thinking
I use to believe
that the Universe
didn't like me
at all.
That I was cursed
with horrible luck
and when I use to think that,
everyday to me
was a bad day.
But now I don't believe
in bad days anymore.
And I've been asked
of why is it that I don't
believe in bad days
and I always respond
with the same thing,
"The reason why I don't believe
in bad days is because
I don't see it as bad days.
I see them as
character building days".
When everything seems
not going your way
and you feel like today
is going to be a bad day,
you start appreciating
even the simplest things
about other days
and how good you have it.
The moral of this
is that one should always
learn things everyday,
even in those 'bad days'.
Become at peace with yourself,
and the Universe
will become at peace with you.
Jaee Derbéssy
Written by
Jaee Derbéssy  nowhere, yet everywhere.
(nowhere, yet everywhere.)   
   Eudora, Sana and CapsLock
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