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 Mar 2014 Peppy Miller
Jedd Ong
I still think
Heaven is a small
Town with bright
Blue eyes and the
Sound of a child's

That it unknots
The brows of even
The most weary of

I still think
Heaven is a small
Garden encrusted with
White feathers and
The west-wound winds
Coming from the Atlantic.

An old harbor—Vladivostok—
Spelled perfectly,
Abandoned by
Knaves and all the carnage they left,
Or Ceasaria:

Dry bed of luminous ruins.

I imagine You beckoning us:
"Don't be afraid, come!"—
Revealing pockets of
Nature only you would have
The courage to call

 Jan 2014 Peppy Miller
June West
We planted seeds my love
a perennial opens to the mouth of the suns gentle gaze
I haven't seen it
It does not take eyes to feel.
 Nov 2013 Peppy Miller
June West
All the light turns to madness
patterns of matter
by passing around
Once upon the sun goes down.

The tricks of the trade
The plans that were made
The mask fitting before noon.
The clown, no the buffoon.

The whistles of the tune made break at dusk
we dust, we dust
we rise from our lust
prepare for yet another night .

It's someones job to give everybody fright.
The soft shallow terrors of the night.
Since when did the world split
because someone walked into a room
10 minutes past due?
**** me now.

Since when did the earth shift
because you called someone at noon
and they called back around 2?
**** me now.

Since when did time rift
because you don't share their "soon"
but still came through?
**** me now.

Since when did we get caught up in arbitrary pettiness
of e-mails, phone calls, meetings, minutes, seconds
and miss the point entirely?

Mother of God.
**** me now.
Six months passed
Since the last time
my skin broke.
But within time,
I choked.
Hurt skin.
"Cat scratches"
My greatest fear unlatches.
Trembling hands,
Cap off,
Blurry vision,
tired eyes,
One final goodnight.
I fell in love the way only a young 20-something can.
So completely and so fully that it encompasses your whole being
and grabs your heart with a fist the size of a watermelon
squeezing with the strength of a horse
one in the last leg of a race to prove it's worth to the stadium.

Your heart was not seized with mine,
and you stared into my eyes feeling empty- both in reality and inside.
You brought apologetic smiles and guilty shifting eyes
to my swollen heart like a paltry offering to an angry god,
One who has already scorched the earth.

I love you. And you don't love me. And you don't love yourself.
And inside your body are piles of self-loathing left like laundry,
you won't let me in to clean or organize your mind, heart, soul.
Inside my body are piles of hurt, sadness, and anger,
but you can leave them be, leave them for me to heal and cry over.
You don't have to help me or even let me help you, just let me love you.
I'm afraid of life,
Of feeling,
Of loving,
Or needing ,
Anyone for anything.
Faith is not something I  possess,
Too many times it's been put to the test,
It's just not there.
I hide from a person,
I must face everyday,
Because ignoring her,
Won't make my shadow go away.
Slowly I'm committing homicide,
Killing that innocent, loving caring creature,
That once upon a time,
She was me.
A monster remains in my place.
You'll never see my true face,
For I wear a mask,
A thousand masks,
Masks that I'm afraid to take off,
And none of them are me.
I pretend that I'm in control.
That no one but me is the captain of this boat.
But the truth is...
I'm scared, fragile and broken.
The reality is...
With out you I'll surely drown,
And in a lake of despair,
My soul will be found.
She could be my only chance at salvation.
Standing between me and damnation.
Maybe this doesn't seem fair to unknowing eyes,
But my baby is saving me from what is sure to be my demise.

Rachel Scott

— The End —