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pluto Aug 2013
I let the sun rays dance
on my skin, but it still
isn't as warm as your
pluto Aug 2013
I bite my nails
down to the nub;
scared that you'll
never love me the
way that I love you
pluto Aug 2013
If you are a sin

I never want to be a saint
pluto Aug 2013
I've been thinking lately of how your eyes resemble the lightning that flashes outside my window on a daily bases.

And how when you're angry, your voice sounds like the pounding thunder that shakes my windows regularly.

And when you cry, how your tears look like rain falling from the heavy, grey clouds that look like they are about to break any second.

It is then that I wish I knew how to calm a storm.
pluto Aug 2013
I still haven't figured out why, but I usually stare at people a lot.
I'm not looking at what the color of their hair is
Or how many piercing's or tattoo's they have.
I'm not looking at what their wearing, and seeing whether they shop
At an expensive store or a thrift shop.

When I stare at people I think about what they could have possibly been through.

I wonder if the only lady sitting at the empty table lost her husband in a war
Or just enjoyed being alone.

I wonder if the boy who always wore large, long sleeved t-shirts dealt with self-harm
Or Just didn't like showing his body.

I wonder if the young woman who was crying in her car found out she had breast cancer
Or just was listening to a really sad song.

I wonder if the man who was stirring his coffee was thinking about himself today
Or just was mixing the sugar into his drink.

It fascinates me how we pass so many people every day
Ignorant to what they are going through and maybe with a simple smile
We could make their day a little more worth living.
pluto Aug 2013
Lord knows I'm not enough.
But I'll give you everything I've got.
I'll give you the ******* stars
If you want.
pluto Aug 2013
I watched as you licked your lips
and the wetness of your tongue
seeped into their cracks filling them
with mysteries.

That is when I found out that I
wanted to taste you, and solve
those mysteries in the process.
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