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Emily Aug 2015
some time ago
i froze my heart
i froze my heart
i kept it cold

to keep from breaking
keep from falling apart
but ice can splinter
ice can crack
more easily than i could have known
Emily Aug 2015
they say
Sonder, is defined as realizing that every passing person has a life just as complex as your own.

to walk through a crowd
to walk through a crowd of souls
a collection of memories
refracting light off of a window
over a crib
a mother
a father
a first love
tiny hands
to be born
to die
a favorite sound
a favorite feeling
a favorite painting

and to each his own.
Emily Aug 2015
Shift you're weight
Wait just an hour
Our sun is setting
Set me down in flowers.
Emily Aug 2015
While I’m waking up,
You’re falling asleep.
As I return to reality,
You’re slipping into a dream.
“Wake up!”
“Wake up!”
I scream,
Because the next time you’re awake,
I’ll be fast asleep.

— The End —