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941 · Oct 2021
pinkandwhite Oct 2021
I gave you my laughs
I gave you my cries
I gave you my days, my nights
My moon, my clouds
I showed you myself in the simplest act
A second worth more than centuries
Our silence, infinite
Don't you know me?
661 · Jun 2021
pinkandwhite Jun 2021
my piece of advice is
love completely.
if you love someone,
show it
in every single action
cause time is a bullet
and a gun
pointing at your head
and fate isn't always fair
so let your only regret be
loving too hard.
613 · May 2021
miss you
pinkandwhite May 2021
city's lights looking after us
holding on midnight talks
as fast as the leaves falls
i'm scared that i'll miss you

can you stay for a while?
i just don't wanna sleep on my own
565 · Jun 2021
pinkandwhite Jun 2021
my biggest fear is to
give up on these dreams,
to lose the joy of life
and end up working 8 hours a day
in a tiny white square
with the men in suit and tie
complaining about the life I don't live
500 · Dec 2021
pinkandwhite Dec 2021
It's still in my head
the sunlight overrunning the window
your kinda-shy smile
your large white t-shirt
the poetry book floating on your hands

how you made all the rest seem insignificant
your words
your way

your coffee cup half full
the sky half blue
your arms around me
will we be together soon?
410 · Dec 2021
pinkandwhite Dec 2021
She was inconstant like the stars
She was older than time
Such a beautiful mess she is
384 · Jun 2022
pinkandwhite Jun 2022
I wanna memorize every line of your face
I wanna save this moment in a phrase
So when our time ends
And your touch fades away
I'll still have a memorie of you
And that's what will keep me going through
338 · Aug 2021
pinkandwhite Aug 2021
You ain't gotta leave in the morning
I can give us time,
Know It's too hard
Know you're too headstrong

But you can stay a couple hours
Or maybe a couple days
Summer is not as long as it used to be
303 · Apr 2022
talking about you
pinkandwhite Apr 2022
limpid watercourse
bird's melody
soft wind in the trees
the light side of the moon

your mind, your body, you
insanely beautiful
the way you move your hands
reminds me of the time
we were free
296 · Oct 2023
mon voyage
pinkandwhite Oct 2023
Still a little left
Still a sip or two
Still a laugh or ten
Your eyes judging my sins,
Your pale blue eyes
Your remains
That disturbs my peace
The dog barks insistently
I hope It will not mind
285 · May 2021
A flor
pinkandwhite May 2021
Ar puro na janela
É vendaval
Perfume de canela
Jasmim, nardo
Vestido amarelo

Você para mim
É  flor do instante
Distante a orar
Por mim

O oceano, o bar, a praia
Me leva para casa,
Anjos e arcanjos
É folha de outono,
Felicidade inventada

A flor é o ópio
É o ar, é o sol

Palavras enfeitadas
Poemas e aquarela

Me leva para casa.
273 · Jun 2021
Breath of life
pinkandwhite Jun 2021
Begging for a breath of life
Running through your veins
Like water, like flames
This animal spirit of yours
Who just wanna feel alive
Searching for the source of these courses
Looking for your purpose
254 · Dec 2023
to let a good thing go away
pinkandwhite Dec 2023
Is this all?
Is this all that we made?
So far
In the daylight she blooms
She blooms into a lonely night
Right in front of me
I’ll fade into a painful goodbye
Into a warn day
Either sorrow or sunflower
249 · Jun 2021
summer '19
pinkandwhite Jun 2021
your eyes, looking into mine
stairway talks
hanging in the afternoon
something about your smile,
captivated me

summer '19
sun blessing us
as soft as your skin

the TV's green light
washes this room,
playing the same records
'cause I still think about you

you're close but never enough
my hand can almost touch yours
but this could never be us

the subtlety of innocence hangs in the air
we used to dream everytime
'cause everything was still possible

season fever
still and forever

we made promises we can't keep
and maybe that's what growing up is

I wish I'd go back in time
just to make things right
just to hold you tight
but would it worth it?
228 · Dec 2021
empty bottles in the hall
pinkandwhite Dec 2021
why are we always trying to fill the silence?
will we ever get tired of pretending?
i gave you all i had
and there's nothing left to move on
just your sweet voice in my head

i don't know you
i don't know you anymore
186 · Jul 2021
pinkandwhite Jul 2021
this irrational instinct
that devours me like a beast
left with the lack of the comfort
you used to give me

sinking in the flicker of you hovering in the air
i took you as an inherent part of my soul
forgive me for trying to fill that void
a fly attracted to the fire
begging for a felling  
i was addicted to every dose of you

walking in the dark
consciousness fading
messed signals
unfinished thoughts
life weights upon my shoulder
what is this all about?
180 · Oct 2021
pinkandwhite Oct 2021
Wanna get back to the place I prayed to escape
Nights and days are all the same
When you're not here
I'm so lost here
I need the damage you do to me
173 · Aug 2021
has been
pinkandwhite Aug 2021
everything i have to say
has been said before
by smarter, happier, funnier man than i am
but nobody feels it like i feel it now
they don't know how a defeat feels in their skin
they haven't been awake for many nights
alone in this room
wondering where you are
160 · Jun 2021
heal you
pinkandwhite Jun 2021
show me your defects,
i won't walk away
show me your wounds,
i'll heal you
i'll stay through the storm
through the darkest days
i'll be there
155 · May 2021
plastic friends
pinkandwhite May 2021
just smile and say you miss them
even though you don't.
trust can't be fixed
deception can't be erased
we are not the same
152 · May 2021
playing pretend
pinkandwhite May 2021
I haven't stopped loving you
I just pretend I did
Hoping someday It will be true
150 · Jun 2021
pinkandwhite Jun 2021
deep down
there's the emotional side of me
too vulnerable
too dramatic
the side that have been hurt a million times
the child that always cries,
that's scared of everything

and to hide it, I built me

sometimes I write to set it free
146 · Jun 2021
two strangers
pinkandwhite Jun 2021
If once there was fire, today It's just dust
The heartbeat slowed
Our hands got cold
It doesn't make sense anymore
The songs don't sound the same
The movies are just frames
The poems are just words
We're just two strangers in this room
144 · May 2021
pinkandwhite May 2021
her eyes
made me dive
her smile
made me laugh
her arms
drove me home

she saved me
from the darkest places
when no one else could

and these are the things
I'll ever be grateful for
137 · May 2021
pinkandwhite May 2021
Left the phone hanging on the wall
I was waiting but you never called
You walked away,
Left me waiting in the hallway
Left me alone in this room
Wondering why
126 · May 2021
the other side of the room
pinkandwhite May 2021
It was about 3 in the morning
he would wake me up

everything was blurry
all I had
was a memory of you
sitting with your legs crossed
in the other side of the room
but even that was fading away

I was desperate
and there was nothing to run away from
119 · May 2021
pinkandwhite May 2021
essa saudade
que invade e arrebata
que mesmo perto não passa
que me fez inventar caminhos
que me fez andar pela cidade
para te trazer para casa
116 · Sep 2021
pinkandwhite Sep 2021
I keep falling
                                  falling apart

like an angel in the dark
we're far from the start
our decisions were made a long time ago
where do you go when you don't know where to go?
112 · May 2021
can't be
pinkandwhite May 2021
he takes you for walks
lunch in your parents' house
he doesn't love you like i do
but he is something i could never be
he is something for you
104 · Oct 2021
The Cure
pinkandwhite Oct 2021
All we have is pieces of people
pieces of life
and a chance to make every mistake
there is no cure
the cure comes from inside
pinkandwhite Jan 2024
I dreamt of skyscrapers
and landscapes
I dreamt of the height
and, often, I dreamt of the fall
I dreamt of guilt and forgiveness
of blurred memories and lost hopes
I waited for the spring
I waited for a change
yet it never came
still, I linger on
101 · May 2021
pinkandwhite May 2021
I'm broken in a million pieces
trying to stand up my feet
took some shots
trying to remember who I am
trying to understand
this way, empty and messy like glass
called life

lost the battle
with myself
99 · May 2024
an exploration of
pinkandwhite May 2024
one thing about it is that it inevitably fades
while we run
in the mountains
while hands open
to hold
in vain
and hands close
and mouths open gasping for air
and mouths close again in a hopeless kiss
it is not painful
you still laugh
you still believe
your hands pairing in the air
airplanes flying
flowers blooming and dying
but can't you see, my dear?
it faded
78 · Jun 2021
22 June
pinkandwhite Jun 2021
we play lost and found
your head upon my chest
i hope you're safe and sound

my eyes rolling through your body
searching for your soul
i'm selfish, i know
though you're the one i cherish

there's no doubt of this feeling
the warmth in the air
we can't deny it

running though your veins like a river
i wanna sink in that dream
never wake me up

— The End —