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pinkandwhite May 2021
essa saudade
que invade e arrebata
que mesmo perto não passa
que me fez inventar caminhos
que me fez andar pela cidade
para te trazer para casa
pinkandwhite May 2021
city's lights looking after us
holding on midnight talks
as fast as the leaves falls
i'm scared that i'll miss you

can you stay for a while?
i just don't wanna sleep on my own
pinkandwhite May 2021
Ar puro na janela
É vendaval
Perfume de canela
Jasmim, nardo
Vestido amarelo

Você para mim
É  flor do instante
Distante a orar
Por mim

O oceano, o bar, a praia
Me leva para casa,
Anjos e arcanjos
É folha de outono,
Felicidade inventada

A flor é o ópio
É o ar, é o sol

Palavras enfeitadas
Poemas e aquarela

Me leva para casa.
pinkandwhite May 2021
her eyes
made me dive
her smile
made me laugh
her arms
drove me home

she saved me
from the darkest places
when no one else could

and these are the things
I'll ever be grateful for
pinkandwhite May 2021
I'm broken in a million pieces
trying to stand up my feet
took some shots
trying to remember who I am
trying to understand
this way, empty and messy like glass
called life

lost the battle
with myself
pinkandwhite May 2021
It was about 3 in the morning
he would wake me up

everything was blurry
all I had
was a memory of you
sitting with your legs crossed
in the other side of the room
but even that was fading away

I was desperate
and there was nothing to run away from

— The End —