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Phoebe Caitlin Nov 2013
A wise man called and asked his son
'What would be changed in the world
if I were gone?

Nothing would be changed.

The moon would set
And the sun would rise
The Earth would keep on turning
And clouds would still tumble over eggshell skies
So why should I stay?'

The son got up and replied in haste
'But father, it would be such a waste
For the stars are nothing
Without man to behold
To marvel how creation
Could ever be so bold

And although new days would dawn
And the sun would still rise
I would look upon the sight
With hardened eyes

You don't mean anything to the world
But you mean the world to me.'

So the wise man laughed
Then the wise man cried
And when the new day broke
He looked upon his son
With hope in his eyes
Phoebe Caitlin Oct 2013
The house is empty
But the kettle's hot
The walls are bare
But the door's unlocked
The receivers ringing
But the phone's on hold
The lights are on
But the rooms gone cold
The windows are open
But the glass is cracked
The suns still shining
But the sky's gone black
The blood's still pooling on the bathroom floor
'Cause what's hiding there
Isn't hiding anymore
Phoebe Caitlin Aug 2013
When he died
His body was placed in a golden tomb
There wasn't much room
For any mistakes

When she died
Her body was placed in a pewter box
Shut with locks
To keep the demons in

When he passed away
His family sobbed and cried
But their tears were already dried
On his legacy

When she passed away
Her family left and shed not a tear
To them, she was a mere
***** girl, dead.

When he keeled over
His family remembered
By having him commemorated
Then promptly forgot

When she keeled over
Her mother slept around
She didn't mourn the sound
Of her crying babe

She died in childbirth
He died of loss
Buried together, under the altar
No one comes and visits them
Phoebe Caitlin Aug 2013
The walls (pastel blue)
The cupboards (shut)
The cot (empty)
The curtains (drawn)

The toys (unmoving)
The sheets (crisp)
The books (unopened)
The door (unlocked)

Sat alone (in the dark)
A man (two hearts)
Hums a tune (never sung)
To a child (never born)
Phoebe Caitlin Aug 2013
Love is stupid
But then again
What's life without love?
Like an instagram filter
The world seems happier
When she smiles
And your heart leaps
When she speaks
You know it can't last
You'll feel crushed when its over
But at the time
It seems like forever
Love is still stupid though
****** stupid heart.
Phoebe Caitlin Aug 2013
Suspicious milk
There when I got home
In a tub
Surrounded by water
Or milk blood
Ostracised from the fridge
Left alone to die
Did you commit milk atrocities?
****** innocent milk bottles?
Or maybe you're a secret agent
The names skimmed
He's like the FBI in your fridge!
He's like the CIA on your cereal!
He's like the MI5 for your cookies!
Did you get all that
Full fat?
After those Oreos!
With their twisting
Dunking their souls into the blood of our young
Or maybe not
Cow juice, alone on the breakfast bar
Not that far
Milk on the sill, defrosting.
Phoebe Caitlin Aug 2013
Before you
I knew squat about love
You read of it in books
Hear on it in songs
But never truly felt it
Before you came along
Now I feel like my whole world
Has a new purpose
And I'm scared
Because I've never felt this way before
And it will hurt
I know
Because the daydreams aren't real
And I can't expect them to be
You are my whole world
You helped me realise what I need to do
And I love you with all of my heart
Because love is the only uncharted water
In a world of maps
And I dived right in
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