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 Jan 2014 Phoebe
Jonny Angel
Hot Chai is Heaven
A twist of lemon tastes right
It permeates soul
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
Jonny Angel
I thought about you this morning &
wondered about so many things.
Did you sleep well or spin in between your sheets,
dream of anything special, mind draw a blank,
drink strong coffee, spiced-tea or have neither?
Perhaps you’re a juicer, do you fancy
carrots or strawberries or both?

Enjoy two Eggs Benedict or three scrambled,
have whole wheat toast or rye, some nutritious
granola crunch with a bit of soy milk?
Did you partake in a quick steamy-shower or
draw a soothing hot bath with lit candles & soft-jazz?
I’m wondering if you wore your hair
up in a bun or let it fall down,
all round your pretty angel face?
Did you apply make-up or
go Au Naturel, frown
putting on lipstick & smile
getting dialed in
for the start of a brand new day?
Did you dress to the nines or go business-like,
perhaps a trip to the gym for a spot of yoga?

Did you drive your earthy VW-bug or rev up the sporty Saab,
take the trolley, ride the moped, or hop on a bike?
Where you late to your work or
did you get there early enough
so you’d have plenty of time
to think about me?
I think about that too.
I want to be sturdy.

Sturdy enough for you to lean on me

Without the fear of falling.

I have always struggled

Struggled to find the right words

to tell you what I feel about you.

I want you to know

Know that I’m not afraid

Of hitting the rock bottom anymore.

I was born

Born in the womb that you blossomed

And I’ve tasted your blood long before I’ve known you.

You are the fire

Fire under my wings

That urges me to fly.

I want to be that dream

Dream that you’ve always seen for me

Or maybe better than that dream.

As a human,

I want to be majestic.

And as my father,

I want you to be proud.
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
Amanda Victoria
This isn't a testimony of love,
Or a confession of feelings.
Because the love I have for you
Is the same the tides hold with the moon.
I'll push and pull however you need me to.
Whatever it takes for you to be happy.
But you looked at me as you longed for the sun,
And I could see her reflection in your eyes.
I could feel you praying for her warmth, aching for her glow.
If the moon could cry,
I would create new oceans.
I'm sorry I can't be her.
I can't be your sun.

This isn't a testimony of love,
Or a confession of feelings.
Because my love for you is the same the leaves hold with the seasons.
You shower me and I play in your light.
Each day gets brighter and our time feels eternal.
But then, slowly,
You fade.
Things change and I hold on for dear life.
I don't want to lose you.
Your cold.
And you've found someone new.
I know you'll be back.
You always come back.
I can't wait forever for rain.
I can't keep falling.

This isn't a testimony of love.
Or a confession of feelings.
Because loving you is the same as rereading my favorite book.
I still get lost in the pages,
But I at least now know where it ends.
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
It is so hard to cope
With the loss of you
You treated me
Like I was priceless
As if I were a true queen
Your words, care, and affection
Ran through me
Like blood runs through my veins
And now that you are absent
It is as though
I'm lifeless
Nothing sustaining my body
No person or thing
Can make my heart beat again
No experience
Can ignite the passion in my soul
As you used to do
There is no one as intellectual as you
My mind is under stimulated
Since I lost you
I've been living on auto pilot
Living a lie of a life
Not reaching my goals
Or even attempting them
A permanent state of apathy and indifference
Towards what the world has to offer
To me, there's nothing without you
I can't move on from what we wanted to be
What we wanted to accomplish
Together as a unit
And now that death
Has separated us
I don't have much of a purpose
Other than to have faith and hope
In the idea that there is an afterlife
And that I may get to see you
On the other side
Nearly two years since his passing. Rest In Peace, heavenly angel.

© Peyton 2014
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