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Phantom647 Sep 2021
Oh! What a day to be Alive.
Phantom647 Mar 2023
A bad gateway keeps me from writing
What's on my heart,
On my mind,
And in my soul.
Could someone please let them know?
Phantom647 Aug 2021
What a wonderful world we live in,
Where we have seven billion 5 Pointed Stars within.
Phantom647 Jul 2021
There is a good soul in everyone.
Phantom647 Jan 2022
Life's meant to be a little messy.
If you don't have some mud on your shoes,
Some dirt in your hair,
Or a scratch from an outward reaching tree,
Did you really have any fun?
Phantom647 Jun 2021
I feel the energy flowing in me,
The breath returning to my lungs,
I am Alive again.
Phantom647 Oct 2021
Everyone can be good some of the time,
But who will be good all of the time?
Phantom647 Aug 2021
Turn away from what slows you down,
Let go of what scares you.
Move towards new life.
And embrace all that comes with it.
Phantom647 Apr 2021
The only illness that remains in you is self doubt.
Phantom647 Jun 2021
A Man is not made by what he does in big moments.
A Man is made in the mundane ones.
For if a man crafts and forges his character in the mundane,
When an ordinary moment becomes extraordinary,
He will act righteously out of instinct.
Phantom647 Apr 2021
Anger is degenerating.
It burns up in a fiery rage
And leaves destruction in its wake.
The only thing left,
Is a hollow feeling of regret.
And a want to make amends for things,
That cannot be made right.
Phantom647 Oct 2021
A night alone is better spent,
Than a night spent with bad company.
Phantom647 Aug 2021
All my life I've been running,
From goal to goal.
Challenge to challenge.
Craving the rise,
And fearing the fall.

But now,
In your arms I feel a peace I've never felt.
A nurturing love that I always feared,
Is in the end what has given me a calm I never thought I would have.
Phantom647 Mar 2023
Coming back after a long time has passed,
Brings the sweet ambrosia of nostalgia to my lips.
I sip, but do not drink.
For getting drunk on the past,
Can never last.
Phantom647 Jun 2021
I see waves crashing and breaking on the shore.
I can feel a lightning strike shoot up my spine.
I hear thunder clap as its echo moves in rings that encircle me.
I feel the Cosmos swirling around and within me.
Phantom647 Jul 2021
Anyone can throw a stone,
But it's much harder to forge a tower of gold.
Phantom647 May 2021
I see the trees.
I feel the gentle breeze.
I look at out at the grass of green.

I am at ease.
I am at peace.
Phantom647 Jun 2021
The sharp, dark waves crashed onto the rocky shore of a small island. The jagged stones that made up the coast stuck out of the ocean like an unorganized set of teeth shooting in all directions. A cold gust swept in and pushed the tall trees to and fro; moving them at the whim of the wind. The sky was grey as clouds completely surrounded the shore and blocked out the sun and its magnificent rays. The waves continued to smack up against the black stone shore when a man walked out to the oceanfront.
He was a small, old man wearing nothing but a loincloth and a bow strung across his body at his left shoulder. On his back was a quiver of crude arrows that were carved from the same black stones that created the island’s shoreline. The man was of a slight build. He was not particularly imposing as his olive skin and dark black hair continued to get rained on. He gazed out into the choppy waters before him, unfazed by the downpour of rain from the sky. He concentrated on the waves as they rose and crashed in a cycle that seemed to go on forever and ever. There was something peaceful about it all. To see a wave rally itself to an intimidating height and then disperse into the waters around it as if it had never existed in the first place. But yet that wave was always still a part of that ocean; though the definition of what was the wave was, was never clear.
The man turned his gaze back to the island with the rocky shoreline. He had lived there for as long as he could remember. His parents said the same thing to him when he inquired about their arrival on the island. And his grandparents told his parents the same thing a generation before. The island wasn’t so different from the waves, he thought to himself. People come and go. They disappear, but their essence always remains. There is something that always endures and rises in the next wave. Something simultaneously transient and eternal. The man smiled at this thought as he heard his wife call him in for dinner. He turned his back to the edge of the earth and walked home.
Phantom647 Mar 2023
I am in complete and utter awe of the world and everything in it.
Phantom647 May 2021
After the shouting stops.
After the fear subsides.
Between the cracks in the pavement,
A rose grows from the concrete.
Phantom647 Jun 2021
True beauty lies beneath the surface.
For a pretty face may hide sharp teeth.
And a strong chin may have trouble within.
Look beyond the outermost layer,
To see what someone is truly made of.
Phantom647 Sep 2021
You refuse to admit that you are no longer afraid.
Admit it and be Free.
Phantom647 Sep 2021
Be yourself,
There's no one like you.
Among the countless lives lived,
There just aren't two.
So please,
I ask of you,
Be yourself.
Phantom647 Mar 2023
Don't listen to bitter people,
For all they know how to do is hurt.
Phantom647 Aug 2021
I've borne my Soul unto you.
I've shown you my flaws,
My imperfections,
The chinks in the armor.
And instead of running,
You smiled,
And asked.

When do we start?
Phantom647 Oct 2021
The breath of God is
An inhale and an exhale.
An intake and release,
It is birth and death.
The breath of God is
Phantom647 Jul 2021
Charge fiercely at fear.
With teeth bared
And nostrils flared.
For the fight is on,
And there's no turning back.
Phantom647 Aug 2021
A chisel that is too sharp,
Cracks the marble that it works so hard to shape.
Phantom647 Apr 2021
I don't know if you realize it,
But you're climbing out of the pit.
Phantom647 Oct 2021
I'm crackling with energy,
Shining with power,
It's my hour,
To be extraordinary.
Phantom647 Apr 2021
The only curses are the ones we put on ourselves.
Phantom647 Aug 2021
Brick by brick I build my tower,
Day by day I grow my flower,
So when one day,
You ask me how I grew my power,
I'll tell you I did it,
Day by day.
Phantom647 May 2021
That's what this place has to offer me.
I do things better here than I ever thought I could.
Phantom647 Sep 2021
Act in defiance of your fear,
****** vitality from it,
Do everything it tells you not to,
And Live.
Phantom647 Aug 2021
We are not constituted of bones,
Nor muscles,
Nor arteries.
We are made of stars.
And we burn on as the Divine Fire for all eternity.
Phantom647 Apr 2021
It is best to do it right the first time,
Even if done slowly;
Than to do it improperly a dozen times out of haste.
Phantom647 Oct 2021
It's more complicated than don't crave, don't suffer.
The key is to do each,
And transcend both.
Phantom647 Sep 2021
I stare down the dragon,
That's been tormenting me for years.
Her hand clasped tightly in mine.
I brace myself for the fight.
Phantom647 May 2021
To walk on water,
To soar to new heights,
Is as easy as it is to breathe,
If you believe.
Phantom647 Oct 2021
This hurts me more than you'll ever know,
But in order for me to grow,
I have to let you go.

I thought we could be lovers,
But that would not be true.
I thought we could be friends,
But that wouldn't do.

So now I've found the best way to hide my pain,
Is to stop thinking about you, and let you leave my brain.

We'll both be better for this in time,
I know that to be true.
But there will always be a part of me,
That will always love you.
Phantom647 Aug 2021
When our lives are mundane,
We crave the unknown.
But when it comes,
We turn our backs and run away.

Don't hide from what you don't know,
For going through it is the only way we grow.
Phantom647 Oct 2021
All is love and love is all.
For even hate is the energy of love flowing in the wrong direction
Phantom647 Apr 2021
When you are at peace,
Everything falls into place.
Phantom647 Jul 2021
How do you face the truth,
When you've been living a lie for so long?
Phantom647 Mar 2023
It rains today,
For flowers to grow tomorrow.
So do not fret when your shoes are stained with mud,
For that merely means you'll soon be out of your rut,
And in a beautiful field of flowers.
Phantom647 Sep 2021
Follow the ray of sunshine.
Step out of the shade.
Phantom647 Jul 2023
Be free,
And sing the song of your Soul.
Phantom647 Jun 2021
The shackles that once held you in place,
Have fallen to the dirt below your feet.
You are Free.
Phantom647 Jun 2021
I feel free;
To live without the burdens of the past.
To exist now in the present moment.
To move through life without worries about the future.
Phantom647 Mar 2023
Look at how free you are,
Free from pain,
And from past scars.

They hold power over you no longer,
You are free.
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