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it sneaks up on you
and it follows you
you know?
like a ******* shadow
and then you forget it's there
because sometimes the sun shines
and sometimes the sound of laughter
and the beating of hearts
scares it away
but then it always, always
finds a way back to you
and devours you

you know?
The snowman to the scarecrow, “Hahahaha you’re just a stick figure…. and your hair’s straw.”
The scarecrow to the snowman, “Watch who you talk about whenever you open your mouth, for all the coldness in your words will still melt to the ground along with you as soon as the sun comes out.”
“You’re such a chump…” the snowman said… “…two words for your ancestry, tree stump.” the snowman said
“You’re fat… you have a carrot for a nose, and what’s up with that stupid green and red coloured hat?” said the scarecrow
Well played
“I work all year round… you’re here for a season, did you really think you could hold your ground against someone that is here for a reason?” the scarecrow added
The snowman cringed, but then had a comeback
“At least I don’t wear the same filthy clothes every day of the year… what? Are you trying to bring ‘brown’ back?”
Point for Snowman
“It’s better than being fat and going naked.” Scarecrow brought it back

Scarecrow is consistently winning right? I know… I know man!
If he made you a fan, stick around for an autograph… I will throw in mine too
For more on the war of words between these two
Watch this space for round two.
Yeah... don't ask why I wrote this or where it came from, I'm stumped too. **** voices in my head.
A scale, something sharp enough
to cut deep, deep into feelings of
self-worth, of self image a object
that just by looking at rips away
at every ounce of confidence you
have every built up, you start at
the numbers hoping that you get
numb-er, praying that society gets
dumber because there are no words
to explain the hurt of looking at the
numbers that appear on the society
ridden scale. Where in the definition
of beauty, does it say skinny? where
in the idea of gorgeous does it show
a small waist and curves where they
see fit. At what point did we give
the media the power to control how
we feel about ourselves. where did society
get the power to make us, feel so powerless
Beauty is not a number, it is not a size
nor is it a hair, or eye color, or skin tone
people say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
so please, take this opportunity to hold everything that you
are and everything that you will be, and realize
That you, are the most beautiful you can imagine.
You, are the New
definition of
 Jan 2013 Peyton Smith
 Jan 2013 Peyton Smith
s                                                           y
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   d                                        f  
with your own warm water,

emerged. never experience

fresh air
 Jan 2013 Peyton Smith
I cant breathe
These cigarettes are making me faint
These stairs I climb to come home
Seem like a never-ending stairwell, I can never seem to conquer
I fall victim to these beers to make me some lyrical and woeful
To unleash the words that writer’s block ties from my sobriety
To show I am a somebody who can write down the things people cannot bare to tell
To let these emotions I hide and tuck away,
Have them come to the surface, break way for the futile few who never could
The colours of the wind and the true colours of our society
 Jan 2013 Peyton Smith
Merry Christmas, you filthy animal
Here is a scarf to pay your rent
And some of this seasons slippers to eat
You had the world within your grip: I gave it to you
Why bother with education, you just graduated
Just so you know, I wont help you and you’ll never leave
You’ll never make it, Mary has been nothing but nice to you
You are welcome to come down and eat with us

*That wont be an awkward conversation
 Jan 2013 Peyton Smith
What if I was waldo?
You would search page after page
Studying a painted picture
To find where I stand
Who would notice my stripes?
And trace their finger to meet bones
Or would you be that intolerable Attention Deficit Disordered kid
Who threw the paperbacks towards the wall
Because you couldn’t find me?
Do I still bother you, long after the freedoms of childhood are over?
If you found me on one page, who would quit
Who would keep searching?
Would you find my red shaggy cap
And throw in the towel
End that game of monopoly
Because it has already taken up much too much of your week
And your time
Who would stare.
Let the people and places blend into one
As if we were all waldo
Trying to be found
There is the earthy growl of thunder in the distance
I can feel the electricity in the air
The booming sounds of the storm is like a Drumbeat
It gets in my bones, moves me in a rhythm
I am dancing, not to the storm, but with it
I feel so alive, I feel like I could never die
I am immortal, I am pure power
Lightening is striking the ground all around me
Sizzling and snapping at the air
Then, silence...
I return to the world of the mortal
2013 © Natalie Wood
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