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 Oct 2013 petuniawhiskey
Free fall sensation in the dark
invited dizzy dreams
spark singed skin

the last time I felt like I do when you touch me
I had stuck a necklace in an electrical socket
to try and figure out how the lights work
I thought I could take the energy
I thought by touching it I could understand

Except for that hurt, and you are the opposite of hurt on the same intensity
just with fingertips
except for I understand alternating current now but not this

You make me want to make sculptures
and bad jokes
you make me write but the words come out like dogs off the leash in the park

Next to you is the place where I fell asleep at the beach
and woke up warm and sun-washed
where my body felt like it belonged to me
and the waves had washed away the smell of wet cities and
old growth trees

Next to you is banana pancakes with strawberries
and silence is a round comfortable thing
like hobbit feet
like blanket forts
safe and temporary constructions
inventive nomadic shelters
lovely places to spend rainy days

You are like aloe-vera gel
and I've been forgetful and spent to much time in the sun
trying to breath in life but got hurt
but it doesn't feel raw when you slide over my skin
instead its tingly bits of mint and blue
like gypsy wind chimes and spicy food
Ashes scatter in the trees
As I fall upon my knees.
Whispered words of muted grief
To me the sorrow's been bequethed.

From the metal can in hand
You catch the wind
Like powdered sand.
Goodbye to you
My dearest friend,
I'll see you soon,
Around the bend.

Farewell to tears
That never dry
I say goodbye.
Ashes fall
Spirits rise.
Life goes on
And heartache dies.
Born and brewing on the road
A choice on me has been bestowed
To grant one side my presence there
Take time to choose; contrast, compare.

Offers, one side, an easy life
Let's sing all day, and play the fife!
The other, it seems, is harder still,
Yet full of life; a forest's trill.

"Come here!" one says, "there's much to do!"
"Have fear!" one says, "it's brutal too!"
"It's crueler there," says one, in rebuttal.
"It's cruel, but fair," one says with a scuttle.

Forever struck, undecided on the road
For which side is better; my humble abode?
Made soon is this choice, for ahead comes upon
Two lights on the hill, like a double edged dawn

Quick like a deer, I unfold into action.
Be part of the woods? Or a slave unto fashion?
To the judgement of others, their eyes on my back?
Or the home of the hunters, to survive their attack?
To the glistening great cities with the smog thickened air?
Or the rolling green trees, all alone in despair?

So towards the lights I will run, on the road I will ride.
For I will always remain with one foot on each side.
Beware Of The Dog**
Even if he sleeps
He isn't gone
Still anger seeps
Into his bones
It keeps him alive
All he knows
Rage and lies

He is the primal part of me
The part I hope to never be
He is the end of the war
The beginning of the blight
Black to the core
Absent of light
Always wanting more
Stalking the night
All he lives for
Is a ****** fight

His teeth sharpened
His claws honed
His muscles hardened
Iron for bones
His cage of ebony
Bars built by me
Walled in ivory
So he can never see

I feel the instinct
Baring jowls like a wolf
A killing machine
Rage waiting to engulf
It is the one thing I know I can do
Without a doubt, tried and true

For his blood is mine
So he always knows
When it's time
To come to blows
But I breathe it out
The burning stout

Because though a beast feels no pain
I know this means he has no gain
So I keep his cage locked
Cushioned, it must not be rocked

I know there is beauty in brutality
Grace in a perfect ****
No weight of reality
When blood begins to spill
But I know there is something better for me
A miracle that I see 
No one needs to bleed
For my soul to finally be free
 Oct 2013 petuniawhiskey
I am the books you’ve never finished,
the pages left unread.
I am the corners you’ve left bent,
and all the lines inside your head.

I am the fading, crooked spine,
with the slightly torn cover.
And when all the words run out,
I am what’s left to be discovered.
 Oct 2013 petuniawhiskey
I leave the lights off whenever I get home now.
My eyes don’t care much for looking around these days.
My heart was never big enough to get lost in anyways.
They say we haven’t seen most of the ocean floor,
but I could tell you all about it right now.
And that’s okay.
I’m not okay,
but I’m okay.
Even the sea must let go sometimes
and trust that its tides know where
they must be.
Even the waves know it takes time
before they can be free.
I don’t need light to see that darkness
knows how to wait patiently.
And I’m not scared of the dark anymore,
since I’ve realized that it’s just a part of me.
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