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Petite Parcel Dec 2015
I know that time is passing
as it always has.
A never stopping train
on a never ending track.

So why does it stand still
as I wait for you?
A hushed and whispered click
followed by a lazy sounding clack.
Petite Parcel Nov 2015
Every minute that ticks by
is another moment in the past.
Every week that slips away from me
is as if someone has answered my plea.

Every month that we witness
flash by in an instant
Every year that so cautiously lingers
brings us closer to a Mr. and Mrs.

And so every tear that I cry in your absence
will only glisten in your shimmering presence.
I shall only remember tomorrow
that each tear of joy or sorrow
simply Waters our garden.
Petite Parcel Nov 2015
How to know exactly what it means?
It isn't all that hard,
at least it's not to me.

We had an instant connection
with every new word spoken
and now you are my heart's protection,
healing all the times it was broken.

I can feel you pulling me nearer
from a thousand miles away.
The pain only feels dearer,
as I miss you more than I can say.

I am living with half a heart,
as you will always have the other,
but still it feels more one part
than ever I could recover.
Petite Parcel Nov 2015
I've missed your voice, love
more than I could ever say.
Even though it's in my head,
every single day.
Petite Parcel Oct 2015
Everything is so much harder
without your face to make me smile

What we have is open,
so why do I feel so closed?

I have no interest in another's lips
they just don't feel like yours.

I walk around like a whole person,
how can I be, when half of me
is a million miles away?

Night is the hardest.
My head gets the upper hand,
reminds me that the piece of me
that snuggles me closer
is missing.

Everything is so much harder
when you're gone.
I know my heart will beat stronger
when we reunite after so long.
Petite Parcel Oct 2015
You've heard this before
but I thought I'd get it out of my head
such an interesting analogy
just can't be put to bed.

You were like a fast track train
of fiery male libido
heading down every path
going nowhere and everywhere
all at the same time.

Did you know what you wanted?
Did you have clue where you'd stop?

Then I waltzed across your tracks
at just the right moment
to get hit by a train going a hundred miles an hour.
We collided.

One would expect me to be sent flying
and you to carry on as you were.

But I didn't.
You stopped.
I looked at you
and you at me.
And I know that I fell for you

I climbed up on your train,
eager to ride the rest of the way with you.

Just maybe not so fast this time.
Petite Parcel Oct 2015
It happened and I had no control over it
Suddenly everything we are just hit me,
and threw me,
and then it sunk in.
                                               What are the odds I'd find you
                                               You'd find me
                                                 We'd meet
                                                   We'd talk
                                                      We'd make love
                                                          We­'d fall in love?
I feel so much in this moment, staring into you
through a computer screen.
I see myself reflected in your eyes,
as if your very soul is trying to show me
my own inner beauty.

                                                  I couldn't see it before you
                                                  I didn't know myself
                                                  not like I do now.
You've shown me a lot,
taught me a lot,
let me grow.

And now I know.
It's truly you that I see
staring back at me.
An easy smile spreads across your lips,
you feel it too.

I feel like you're the only one I want,
the only one I need,
the only one that I can see
spending the rest of my life with.
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