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Peter Praise May 2016
The lamentation of a lad
So it was once in my yet to be valued life of minehun!!                                                      The plateau becomes rocky and how pathetic can this be                                                               ­             when a lion acts like a frog?
I am a disgrace to the mission,                                                         ­      my stand for the  vision,                                                     ­              what i represent as a lad,                                                             ­             for now i can’t take a look at the sun at I am a disgrace to the mission,                                                         ­      my stand for the vision,                                                          ­         what i represent as a lad for now i can’t take a look at celestials at night that say look a competitive stage, the fight for glory, it hurts                                                            ­         to see my emotions run deep into my ribs.                                                            ­           Once again i say to whomever with eyes,                                                            ­           it’s obvious, life as put my back to the plateau, to the spiky mountain , it hurts to see my emotions run deep into my ribs.                                                            ­           Once again i say to whomever with eyes,
Peter Praise May 2016
Love, life
I am and always will be in love with life herself
Right under the sun and moon I make love to her                                                              ­                             Looking at the Milky Way in the eyes of brothers and sister                                                           ­                                 who go by and by all around the cardinal point                                                            ­                               with head and hands up and down left and right            
                                               ­                                                                 ­                                                 just to pay homage to the god mouth                                                            ­                                                            and gods of the stomach
Monuments like this gnashing and showcasing of teeth                                                            ­                                                                 ­                        sabotages the stage due to the help of pain and joy                                                              ­                                                                 ­                                                       happiness and sadness entertaining no one but themselves                                                       ­                              being innovative some of my kind laugh                                                            ­                                                  when pain comes on stage                                                            ­                                                                 ­           and some cry when joy step to stage
But all of these can only make it to the finish line                                                             ­                                 when love shows her dancing skills                                                           ­                                                               wi­th life being her tango partner in his own skills
When love take her first dance step                                                             ­                                                                 ­  the small rise and when she take the other                                                            ­                                                        the mighty fall and small smaller and mighty mightier;                                                        ­                            how aesthetical, you know not the turn she takes next                                                             ­                                                                 ­                 up down in respect to gravity                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­      When love take her first dance step
Peter Praise Apr 2016
Sitting trianglally
Like a pool stick
Was my location
Seeing her hurt make me hurt !
Week she seem from my vantage
Lost I told myself !
Go to her
Why should I ?
She looks to serious
What do I say?

Take my hands
And I will give you the moon:
Cause even a shooting star Can't grant this
Wait it was written somewhere
To be self confidence,
Is to do what you are afraid of
What dose that even mean?
Peter Praise Apr 2016
Don't ask me cause i wanted more
Am a king In my own dwelling
I tried calling to the platform
She never came
Money makes the rule
I got the act I know
I want to do it no one knows
They don't understand
So I say to you give me
A platform to prove myself
Prestidigitation, when the time comes
But it never went
the time is now
Talented is my own Neptune
In the house of praise
my name will make the hall of fame
As the sun and stars dewlls
Before the fat lady sings
I am drawn to two beautiful women
I know tis not good, far off a bad omen
I can't leave them both, i
Don't know how to live a lie
I guess tis better to be lone.
That I loved many with a heart
That I did more when I shouldn't
That I told Stephanie she was too fat
That I told Ola to give up & not fight it
That I didn't pray like my mama did
That I show no remorse when wrong
That...that I don't know how to Love.
Why do we go to church?
To show our devotion
Or a dress-up to match the chapel?
To listen to what the preacher says
Or to sit next to a regular crush?
To go with one mind of worshipping
Or to make people worship your wears?
I ask Again
Why do we go to church?
To exalt the rich
Or to pray for sinners?
To oppress with chunks for donation
Or to give the last of ones own?
Why do we go to church??
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