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Peter Pan May 2014
If I told you I loved you

         Would you think
      I was lying
Peter Pan Oct 2014
I don't want to die
I don't want attention
I just like the pain
That clean slice
Through my delicate skin
And the fire it lites inside
Peter Pan Jan 2014
For you?


      I'm tired of
Peter Pan Aug 2013
Pleas don't go
I want you
To see you
To kiss  you
To touch you
To feel you
To be with just
please don't go
Peter Pan Aug 2016
I have no need for a knight in shining armor sitting upon their  high horse
With perfect shields and swords held high

Give  me a knight with battered  armor dented shields and scratched bladed
Who have hunted down their demons faced their feare and won
With bight eyes and angry scars

Give  me  a  knight that's traveled far
Not one that's stayed in their own court yard
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Make me gold
Like the sun

Make me silver
Like the moon

Make me blue
Like the sky

Make me black
Like the night

Make me green
Like the forest

Make me red
Like the fire

Make me


Make me love
like the

Rainbow after Rain
Peter Pan Sep 2013
be like
Peter Pan Sep 2013
be like
Peter Pan May 2014
Sometimes I like to be alone
Sometimes it hurts too much
Peter Pan Aug 2014
I get
   So lonely

Trapped in a world
    Without you
Peter Pan Jul 2013
can I just melt away
flow around the world
disappear into the earth
become one with the universe
Peter Pan Jul 2013
magical colors
mixing, dancing
morbidly beautiful
gasoline in a puddle
Peter Pan Aug 2013
Mr. Man on the Moon
Hows your afternoon
Mr. Man on the Moon
Never too soon
Midnight sky
Mr. Moon so high
Whatcha doin tonight
Flyin high as a kite
Feels so right
Mr. Man on the Moon
Shining so bright
Whatcha doin tonight
so this isn't quite finished yet I don't think but its one of my twi-late thoughts you know the things you think of right before you fall asleep, its a little rough but I kinda like it so far
Peter Pan Oct 2014
There is a constant melody
Playing in my mind

A softer sweeter parody
Of the reality I leave behind

Keeping time to the beat of my heart
Gently humming along

I can't remember when I heard it start
Ever changing beautiful notes
Not sure if I'm done with this yet
Peter Pan Jul 2013
my love
i miss you
so much
i can not express it in words
i miss our giggles
and coffee dates
and nonlebian/lesbian hand holding
our loudness
our singing a
and awesome dancing
i miss taking pictures
and smiling
our moments of stupidity
i miss all of your wonderfulness
with love
Peter Pan Sep 2013
This isn't happening
Not now
I've been happy for so long

I can't fight the tears
Darkness closing in
This isn't happening

I've been doing
So good
I've been smiling

This isn't happening
Not now
I can't break down
Peter Pan Apr 2015
And she moved on from him
like peeling off an worn and tattered sweater
never to be worn again.
Peter Pan May 2014
If we didn't feel pain

     Then where would we be

No one would grow

     Nothing wwould change

If we didn't feel pain
Peter Pan Apr 2014
The media
Slowly whispers it's way
Into your thoughts
Subtly changing your outlook
On everyday reality
**It's time to wake the **** up
Peter Pan Aug 2013
Life is a puzzle
through out the years
we build upon it
click into place
lose a few pieces
but create
a beautiful picture
full of stories
Peter Pan Jan 2015
She gave me pineapple kisses
her smile was sweeter than sunshine
I wish I could make her mine
but she slipped away through a different strand of time

I've heard
Pineapples taste of summertime
A humid sticky night, lovers delight
but the texture I couldn't bear
so eat the fruit I wouldn't dare
then my world changed when I met a beauty so rare

With hair like dark chocolate
and eyes like the sky
Her laughter like a familiar song

She gave me pineapple kisses
her smile was sweeter than sunshine
I should have made her mine
before she slipped away through a different strand of time
Not entirely finished yet it's a slow thought process
Peter Pan Jun 2014
I enjoy the rain

When it really pours

It feels like home
Peter Pan Jul 2013
my mind starts to wander
an endless train of thought
full of emotions
the need to create
expressing inner turmoils
yet I find
I have nothing to
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Familiar faces
Unknown names
Different people
Similar features
I don't know them
I don't know
if I care
Peter Pan May 2014
Sometimes I get lost

     In my bed,

Floating around                      
A sea of unleashed thoughts,

Tidal waves of ideas                    

Ships of good intentions.    

Leave me in their wake,

Without a second glance.                    

My thoughts
                         Send out a ripple.

A simple cry for help.

This life boat slowly sinking,
Into the depths of plain white sheets

Maybe tomorrow.                

I'll set sail.
Peter Pan Mar 2016
I love the way you sleep with me
  your body envelops me whole
     the way your arms hold me close
          you conform to the curves of my body
               soft nuzzles into my neck till you're content.

I love the way you sleep with me
   never a space between us always connected
     entangled in eachothers warmth
        heads side by side sharing a pillow
            our chests simultaneously rising falling with every breath.

               I kiss you wherever I can reach sometimes you kiss me back softly in your sleep
            hug your back hold you close and chase away bad dreams
         trace your face with my finger tips on engraving you in my mind
I love the way you sleep with me perfectly at ease.
Peter Pan Jul 2015
If I could seep
out of my skin
rising off like steam
float around
be everywhere and no where at once
I think I would be content
to stay there for a while
Peter Pan Aug 2013
       Sub city
              Sub lifestyle
Always staring


Never looking
Ignoring people

Around you

Avoid eye contact
at the floor

             Sub city
                     Sub lifestyle
Peter Pan Jul 2013
I wish you could see
that moment
when you text me
and my whole face lights up
with that one hello
all that happiness
just from you
and you don't even
Peter Pan Nov 2013
Hands up your sides
Eyes locking eyes
How ya gonna feel
When ya get that

Teeth on your neck
Nails down your back
How ya gonna feel
When ya get that

Tongue in your cheek
Things going deep
How ya gonna feel
When ya get that

When you get that moment
Peter Pan Jun 2013
You make me nervous as hell when I see you
I guess that's the hell in hello
the smile you share
the hugs you give
make life so much better
there's hell in hello
then where is the good in good bye
I guess it was how good it was
to see you smiling at me
to feel your arms around me
that was the good
and I guess this is bye
Peter Pan Apr 2015
I've seen
all there is to see here
And these hungry eyes
want to see 
Peter Pan Jun 2013
outside my window at night
helps me sleep without fright
no terrors keeping me awake
just calming rain that isn't fake
a simply yet complex melody
as if giving the world an apology
"Sorry for this but its for your own good"
and it rains on as it should
Peter Pan Sep 2015
I often wonder about your lips
more specifically your kiss

  If they are as soft as I imagine
if they are as passionate as I hope

  Yet you leave me to ponder the structure of your profile
  Only guessing how your mouth would fit against mine

   Questioning if I would like how they traced my collar bones
   Or when they brushed my ears as you whispered the fading memory of your dream

  Would they leave behind shadows of safety on my forehead
  Stains of desire upon my soul

  Leave little love notes wherever they wondered
  Small silent secret I love yous
Only known to those who could feel them

  How I wish you would explain every detail of your lips
  With just one kiss against mine
Peter Pan Nov 2013
I want to sleep
But my brains still going
Thought train off the tracks
Rapid racing random

An yet producing nothing
Peter Pan Aug 2013
what am I doing with my life

sitting around

wasting away

what am I doing

wasting time

what is my life

what am I doing
Peter Pan Sep 2013
His face was all
Tall handsome
The tight jeans
Fitted t-shirts
The original
Traveled through time
Mingling with
Hard rockers
Metal heads and

Who stopped traveling
To be labeled
And watch as history
Was made around him
And to change lives
And make history

The hippie punk rock hipster
time traveler
who's now only
moving forward
Peter Pan Jan 2014
Spending time with you
Is like the white noise
To the chaos of my life
Peter Pan Aug 2013

Subtle music


Peter Pan May 2014

That **** don't stop for no one
Peter Pan May 2014
In this world of rage and distraction
What are your thoughts your inner reactions
When you see people living in the streets
And trash at your feet
Do you show your emotions
Across an expansion of oceans
Or keep them bottled up inside
Safely in your soul to hide

Why keep hidden from world's view
When you could make a difference yes just  you
Makes someone's day give them a smile
You could make people happy for even a little while
One small thing could start a chain reaction
In this world filled with rage and distraction

So make your inner thoughts outter
Become a shouter
Express your emotions
To the size of oceans
And maybe just maybe
We can keep the world from going crazy
Peter Pan Dec 2014
I loved you
More than I ever wanted too

And now?

I miss you
more than you will ever know
Peter Pan Aug 2013
How I wish

                To feel

Your smile

Into my

Peter Pan Jan 2016
I love you more
   Than I love myself
And I don't know
    If thats good
              Or bad
Peter Pan Jul 2014
I love a good thunder storm

chaotic beauty

      the dramatic dance
of lightning and thunder

the trees swaying to the beat
of the electrified hum
       that fills the air

moisture clinging to every surface

waiting for the crashing symphony
Peter Pan Sep 2014
Slit my wrists

Drain me dry

And I'll still have hope

Running through my veins
Peter Pan Mar 2015
Do you ever miss someone so much
long for their presence
like a thirst you cannot quench

when you do see them
it's like that first sip of water
after a long run
a tall glass of lemonade
on a hot summer afternoon
an ice cold beer
after a long day

And you really see them
drink in their energy
gulp it down
like it's the most decadent flavor
to touch your tongue

And now that I've had a taste
I'll never stop craving you
Peter Pan Jan 2015
Sometimes it's hard not to hate you
you care more for you girlfriends
(Meant to be plural)
then you've ever shown for me
your flesh an blood
you brought into the world

You've distanced yourself from me
left me behind to live with a monster
so you could feel better

All I hear from you
is she's so serious about this
or I like how she does this
she's a wonderful that.

I try to be happy for you
but sometimes its hard not to hate you
and sometimes when you talk to me
I just want to be a sarcastic *****
but I don't
Peter Pan Apr 2015
I miss you
not the I miss you and can't wait to see you again

But the I miss you
and I know we won't talk as much
you're hugs won't ever be the same
I won't get to kiss you when you smile
or reach for your hand after getting in the car

I miss the safety
the comfort feeling
the entirety that is your being

It was only yesterday
and it ***** because
I miss you already
Peter Pan Aug 2013
Just passing through

          Unseen by wondering eyes

Just passing through

          In the
    Negative spaces

Just passing through


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