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May 2014 · 605
I dunno
Peter Pan May 2014
I'd give up all my happiness
May 2014 · 240
True words
Peter Pan May 2014

That **** don't stop for no one
May 2014 · 350
Peter Pan May 2014
Sometimes I get lost

     In my bed,

Floating around                      
A sea of unleashed thoughts,

Tidal waves of ideas                    

Ships of good intentions.    

Leave me in their wake,

Without a second glance.                    

My thoughts
                         Send out a ripple.

A simple cry for help.

This life boat slowly sinking,
Into the depths of plain white sheets

Maybe tomorrow.                

I'll set sail.
May 2014 · 313
Peter Pan May 2014
Words are full of magic.
What spell are you casting?
Peter Pan May 2014
In this world of rage and distraction
What are your thoughts your inner reactions
When you see people living in the streets
And trash at your feet
Do you show your emotions
Across an expansion of oceans
Or keep them bottled up inside
Safely in your soul to hide

Why keep hidden from world's view
When you could make a difference yes just  you
Makes someone's day give them a smile
You could make people happy for even a little while
One small thing could start a chain reaction
In this world filled with rage and distraction

So make your inner thoughts outter
Become a shouter
Express your emotions
To the size of oceans
And maybe just maybe
We can keep the world from going crazy
Apr 2014 · 418
pay attention
Peter Pan Apr 2014
The media
Slowly whispers it's way
Into your thoughts
Subtly changing your outlook
On everyday reality
**It's time to wake the **** up
Mar 2014 · 762
freezing over
Peter Pan Mar 2014
Outside in the winter
Numbing my everything
To match my frozen heart
Feb 2014 · 386
Peter Pan Feb 2014
I wish I could fall into the pages of book
Mix in between the lines of characters
Explore all the imaginary places
Get lost in the story
Live in the words
A new adventure every page
Jan 2014 · 374
Time with you
Peter Pan Jan 2014
Spending time with you
Is like the white noise
To the chaos of my life
Jan 2014 · 632
It's been too long
Peter Pan Jan 2014
I crave you
To feel your slightest touch
On my skin
Your breath on my neck
I want you
A kiss and a cuddle
To feel your warmth
I need you
The comfort of your voice
The familiarity of your smile
When you look at me
Jan 2014 · 348
Just to let you know
Peter Pan Jan 2014
For you?


      I'm tired of
Jan 2014 · 398
It's over
Peter Pan Jan 2014
It was nice
While it lasted
But I'm done
I'm done
Crying over you
Jan 2014 · 566
I trusted you
Peter Pan Jan 2014
That face
You make
When you realize
It was all lies

The heart break
You feel
When you find out
From someone else
Nov 2013 · 374
thoughts at midnight
Peter Pan Nov 2013
I want to sleep
But my brains still going
Thought train off the tracks
Rapid racing random

An yet producing nothing
Nov 2013 · 351
Peter Pan Nov 2013
The music
The energy
Makes my heart
Skip a beat
Nov 2013 · 377
That moment
Peter Pan Nov 2013
Hands up your sides
Eyes locking eyes
How ya gonna feel
When ya get that

Teeth on your neck
Nails down your back
How ya gonna feel
When ya get that

Tongue in your cheek
Things going deep
How ya gonna feel
When ya get that

When you get that moment
Nov 2013 · 430
Peter Pan Nov 2013
School is ******* out my soul
Taking each abstract thing I love
and forming perfect even shapes
Of normality

I want to be educated
In the beauty and meaning
Of life
Not conformed into a role for society
Nov 2013 · 477
Good music
Peter Pan Nov 2013
Good music
Puts me in a trance
As I  absorb it's essence

Seeps into my soul
Sets a a stain
Like a strongly brewed tea

Imprints upon my heart
A constant melody
forever floating through my thoughts
Nov 2013 · 404
Peter Pan Nov 2013
Sometimes I need to walk out all the sadness
Sometimes I can't walk far enough
Nov 2013 · 3.3k
You make Me want to Cuddle
Peter Pan Nov 2013
I wanna snuggle
Cuddle up close
Collapse into you
Curl up in your soul
Nov 2013 · 396
in that moment
Peter Pan Nov 2013
When I'm with you it's like
There's life
Then there's us
And I forget everything
And it's like
Oct 2013 · 573
you understand my soul
Peter Pan Oct 2013
You understand my soul
I wanna be close to you

You understand my soul
You inspire me

You understand my soul
I want to make you smile

You understand my soul
And you've stolen a piece of my heart
Oct 2013 · 331
Peter Pan Oct 2013
What's wrong with my brain
I am going insane
Mentally deranged
Oct 2013 · 423
And we just call it Rain
Peter Pan Oct 2013
That moment
The calm before the storm
Before the sky splits open
And pours out everything it has
Connecting heaven and earth
And we just call it rain
Oct 2013 · 346
Peter Pan Oct 2013
For all the things we create
We forget how easily
Things are broken
Sep 2013 · 348
not now
Peter Pan Sep 2013
This isn't happening
Not now
I've been happy for so long

I can't fight the tears
Darkness closing in
This isn't happening

I've been doing
So good
I've been smiling

This isn't happening
Not now
I can't break down
Sep 2013 · 627
Peter Pan Sep 2013
I believe there's magic
In coffee
With every sip
Every swallow
Every taste
Something changes
Something is different
You never quite know what
But its there
I believe there's magic
In coffee
Sep 2013 · 902
Just another look alike
Peter Pan Sep 2013
I saw some one
Who looked like you
The other day
My heart stopped
Wrong place
Wrong time
It wasn't you
And I'm moving on
Sep 2013 · 383
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Where do you hide
When the demons are inside
Your mind your heart your soul
There is no where to hide
When the demons are inside
Sep 2013 · 406
searching faces
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Familiar faces
Unknown names
Different people
Similar features
I don't know them
I don't know
if I care
Sep 2013 · 2.4k
time traveler
Peter Pan Sep 2013
His face was all
Tall handsome
The tight jeans
Fitted t-shirts
The original
Traveled through time
Mingling with
Hard rockers
Metal heads and

Who stopped traveling
To be labeled
And watch as history
Was made around him
And to change lives
And make history

The hippie punk rock hipster
time traveler
who's now only
moving forward
Sep 2013 · 400
it's grey today
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Its quiet when your
Silent thoughts
Race through
My head
Laughing crying
Silent thoughts
To every one
But me
Sep 2013 · 446
hold me
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Hold me close
Block out the world
So I can wonder around
Get lost in your soul
Sep 2013 · 907
I don't drink black coffee
Peter Pan Sep 2013
A little bit of bitter
A whole lot of sweet
A powder
They call creamer
I don't drink black coffee
It tastes like death
Sep 2013 · 485
when I sleep
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Going to sleep
An awkward dance
With my partners
bed and pillow
but when we work together
slip into rhythm
the applause
is endless
Sep 2013 · 373
You Can smell it Can't you
Peter Pan Sep 2013
You can smell it
Can't you
Slowly rolling in
Across the land
Following the clouds
Just before it rains
You can smell it
Can't you
Sep 2013 · 707
why must you elude me
Peter Pan Sep 2013
I know you're there
Taunting me
Just out of reach
Sneaking up close
Then dashing away
Making me
Want you more
Why must you
Elude me
Sep 2013 · 376
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Our words are magic
26 letters
And our creativity
Endless possibilities
Casting spells
With our stories
Bringing up
Forgotten emotions
Sep 2013 · 370
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Do you ever lay in bed
And ponder your

You have to ***
And your stomach
Is rumbling
Yet you stay on your
On your island
Of solitude

Check the clock
You should have
Gotten up
Hours ago

Face the day
Or at least
Whats left of it
Sep 2013 · 513
who am I
Peter Pan Sep 2013
A burning mass
Of bi polar
Ups and downs
And all
It's who
I am
Deal with it
Sep 2013 · 846
like colors
Peter Pan Sep 2013
Make me gold
Like the sun

Make me silver
Like the moon

Make me blue
Like the sky

Make me black
Like the night

Make me green
Like the forest

Make me red
Like the fire

Make me


Make me love
like the

Rainbow after Rain
Sep 2013 · 285
like colors
Peter Pan Sep 2013
be like
Sep 2013 · 326
like colors
Peter Pan Sep 2013
be like
Aug 2013 · 337
Peter Pan Aug 2013
Just passing through

          Unseen by wondering eyes

Just passing through

          In the
    Negative spaces

Just passing through


Aug 2013 · 720
Peter Pan Aug 2013
A hug

        A kiss

                A touch

                       Conformed to your figure
                            One simple shape
                          How I long for your embrace

                                           A touch

                     A kiss
A hug

Consumed by your soul
Safe in your arms

Your hug
your kiss
your touch
I know I've been doing a lot of similar poems to this there's just someone I miss right now
Aug 2013 · 248
Peter Pan Aug 2013
That moment

When that someone

Your world

Looks at you


Just smiles
You are the only thing
In the world
They see
And they smile

Just for you
Aug 2013 · 391
hello poetry
Peter Pan Aug 2013

Their thoughts
With strangers


Swallowed whole
Spit back out

To be shared
By others

Our words
Our thoughts

**hello poetry
Aug 2013 · 1.6k
tonight 08/26/13
Peter Pan Aug 2013

Subtle music


Aug 2013 · 1.2k
Peter Pan Aug 2013
       Sub city
              Sub lifestyle
Always staring


Never looking
Ignoring people

Around you

Avoid eye contact
at the floor

             Sub city
                     Sub lifestyle
Aug 2013 · 255
Peter Pan Aug 2013
I get


Every day
                 By what I wear

                      By what I say

                                          By what I do
My short hair

My crazy

My style

I am not

Your traditional


                     I am simply me

                         and I am still

It just takes the right
                                       to see
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