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Sep 2014 · 479
The Humming.
Peter Cullen Sep 2014
The weather feathers slowly,
then it drives,
the honey bees,
from their well built hive.
Movement, that's natural with rhyme.
moments, forever cast in time.
The swaying, the humming of the swarm.
Forever living, while it still feels warm.
Pollinating for a desperate world,
forgetting all the lessons there to learn.
Buzzing bout the latest shiny things,
forgetting bout the summers birds,
all the songs they sing.
Then there comes the winter and the snow
The humming gone for one more year..............
lets hope it returns.
Sep 2014 · 449
Peter Cullen Sep 2014
The melting *** and rolled up snot,
underneath the tables.

That old high stool,
that graced this fool,
was winning,
always able!

A tender ear,
with his shillings for a smile.
That tenderness, he always sought,
but was never! gonna find.

The dreams that seemed so reachable,
always after one more glass.
The moments that he longed for,
moments that had long since passed.

Every man must faulter.
Live in the shadows,
shadows cast.
Those moments that he longed for,
  lost upon his path.
Sep 2014 · 283
One Of Many.
Peter Cullen Sep 2014
Someday we will be strong enough,
to right the wrongs that we made wrong.
Someday we will be whole again,
with all the birds and all their songs.

Those evanescent visions ,
that seem to seep through all thats done,
waiting like a blade of corn,
reaching, leaning to the Sun.

The light, long there before our breath,
before the things that we regret.
Shining then and shining now
shining before we knew how.

How to deal with right or wrong?,
sitting underneath that Sun.
One of many,
our Sun  it shines!,
as we all try to define.
One of many,
let it burn!
as we all learn.
Aug 2014 · 424
The Shadow Seekers.
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
In the safety of the shade.
The shadow seekers plot their way.
Thread their course, a careful road.
Hiding from the truths they own.
In the darkness, where they rest,
ruffled feathers in the nest.
Afraid to fly
Afraid to soar,
relying on what shun before.
The light that graced,
that first sweet day.
The light that faded, as they aged.
Dulled by structures on the road,
built by men, to be sold.
In their shadows,
now they live,
living off the crumbs they give.
In the shadows,
in the shade.
The shadow seekers find a way.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
Sat here with the clock
and its tickety tock.
There's holes in my heart
and holes in my socks.
The wallpaper peels,
reveals wallpaper from,
two decades before,
when we were still young.
Now aged with the years,
covered over in time.
Lost to the new,
lost to our eyes.
Its beauty, still present,
so I peel back some more.
Listen to records
and lie on the floor.
The ripples of smoke
swirling to the ceiling
kinda portrays
the way that I'm feeling.
Floating around
always lost to it all.
My mood just like wallpaper
can rise and can fall.
Aug 2014 · 966
Alive, Alive-O!
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
The mist lifts slowly,
like the darkness outside.
Light then returns,
bringing sight to the eyes.
The flow of the Liffey,
calm like the breeze.
That runs with my thoughts,
out into the sea.
Into the bay,
out past Howth Head.
Thinking of people,
some breathing, some dead.
The heroes, the villains,
the loved and the scorned.
In Dublin city,
all have been born.
In Dublin's fair city.
Alive, alive-O!
Aug 2014 · 356
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
Hold me as I sleep tonight,
kiss me as I slip away.
Deep within the the realms of dreams,
lie with me and end today.
Pray for me and my poor soul,
but know I love you more each day,
I'm sorry for the hurt and pain,
sorrier that I can't stay.
That darkness that has followed me,
has failed to bring those brighter days.
I'm sorry that we ever met!,
sorrier that I cant stay.
Aug 2014 · 305
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
Standing on a cliff with others,
so close..............
so close to death.
Standing, staring at the sea,
each one sharing,
our oul doubts and deep regrets.

Tales of how we crash and burn,
staring at a dying sun.
Lessons learned,
lessons shared.
Remember someone always cares.
You may never know their name,
but every single soul shares shame.

Shame about the way we live,
how we find it hard to give
A high horse, seems to sit so well
with this world, the ones who tell.
Tell us how to live our lives,
trying to dictate your mind.

Trying to dictate your mind,
the blind men,
leading on the blind.
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
I've a feeling I've been at war before,
but I couldn't say which one.
I sometimes hear the rattle,
the chorus of the gun.

Its resonates inside my dreams,
I own a different face.
Still I have a feeling
my soul was at this place.

Where children on the street are crying,
some don't cry at all.
Bodies in the rubble,
far to young to fall.

Upon the reign, the greed of men,
the power that they crave.
The forgotten leaves of autumn,
fall softly on their graves.

A part of me remembers,
the horror and the pain.
Fighting for the right to live
crying in the rain.

In some trench, under some flag,
a long long time ago.
Those forgotten comrades,
dying in the snow.

It's those forgotten comrades now,
in my dreams they glow.
Those lost forgotten comrades,
dying in the snow.

Aug 2014 · 667
Simplicity Lost.
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
The burning of the incense bowls.
Anointing of the oils.
The fruits brought from the forest.
The harvest from the soil.

Fires, that bring warmth to hands,
burn brightly on the hill.
The bounty from the hunters toil,
smoulders, blackened on the grill.

The thoughts that guide his dreams at night.
Resting with an open soul.
The fears that sometimes darken days,
are never his, not his alone.
The fear that sometimes darkens souls,
never fed with thoughts to grow.
Aug 2014 · 337
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
As the night collapses to the dawn of a new day,

I start to feel the seasons changing,

Mother Nature rearranging,

for now in gentle sways.

And as my bones lie weary,

maybe tired from the fight?

I can feel my body aging,

old thoughts and fears all rearranging.

As summers birds take flight.

So now with the Autumns harvest,

the seeds we failed to sow.

I can feel a yearning,

and life with all its learnings.

Life with all its learnings,

must surely help us grow.
Aug 2014 · 324
Wild Fire Billy.
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
I heard that Wild Fire Billy died.

Without his coat but not his pride.

I heard that Wild Fire Billy died.

It's said, they found him on the road,

buckshot lead inside his head.

They say, they shot him from behind.

I heard that Wild Fire Billy’s dead
Aug 2014 · 225
The Ticket.
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
There’s sometimes resonance
in words and sounds that linger.
That carry an energy, so deep, that never sleeps.
Thoughts that never try to turn asunder,
are thoughts, you wish would vanish in the wind.
Heading west to find a destination,
a ticket to some long forgotten town.
A life, that led you to this desperation,
is the only life that’s gonna drag you down.
Aug 2014 · 265
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
Time, who knows where it goes?,

What lies in the midst of yesterday?

Maybe tomorrow is today on some unparallel plain,

reliving all the things we did yesterday - today.

What do we get out of time?, and

do you make it all worthwhile?,

do we use it wisely?

For once a moment is used,

it is used and gone forever.

Or is it?

Maybe on this plain at least.
Aug 2014 · 590
The Shaman.
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
The Shaman cries,
the light has died,
he felt it as it left his bones.
He watched it fading from his eyes,
lost to a world where no one knows.

And as he lies down in the grass,
he sheds a tear for mother earth,
Reflects on what has come to pass,
then wonders, prays, for her rebirth.

Shall it all come right next time,
or was it just to test our souls?.
Were we never meant to shine?
before we got to break the mould.

    Before the world was bought and sold.
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
There Were Trees
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
“There were trees there once”, he said,
as his youngest grandson looked out across the barren landscape
that went on for miles and miles before his innocent eyes.
“And animals and birds too” he continued.
“Like the ones I’ve seen on the screen?”, asked the child.
“Or the ones Momma swore she once saw in a zoo."

“What were they like?” he quizzed,
without knowing the pain and sorrow
that rested in his old grandfathers heart.

“They were beautiful child, beautiful and free,
but the greed of our kind could not let them be.
The greed of mankind was a terrible thing."

“And will they come back? "asked the boy, with hope in his eyes,
as his grandfather rose, looking up to the skies.

“Only God knows my boy, only God knows”.
"If the sea returns blue child,
then only God knows"
Aug 2014 · 248
Old grey stones.
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
Sitting still with twilight
high above the Celtic Sea.
Not a soul to stir my thoughts,
each one on its own with me.
Sitting by the old grey stones,
among the lost forgotten graves.
Not a soul to stir my thoughts,
gazing down upon the waves.
Each one replaces the one before,
new life making old life's passing,
easier as you mourn
New life makes old life's passing,
easier when it's sore
Aug 2014 · 462
Free As Fire
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
Free as fire, left to burn.
Sweet desires churn and churn.
Inside our hearts, our vacant minds
As the blind lead on the blind.
Through the puzzles, mazes deep.
Searching for the truths we keep
Messages that fall through lucid dreams,
nothing's ever as it really seems.
Messages stitched in every moment.
Remember your the only one who owns them.
Aug 2014 · 518
Waverly Lane.
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
Down Waverly Lane,
the mist and the haze,
the fog that descends,
the cold and the rain.

Down Waverly lane,
histories stains,
lurk in the shadows,
dance in the shade.

Down Waverly Lane
the night and the moon
the dreams you can't lose
the guilt you consume.

Down Waverly lane,
histories stains,
lurk in the shadows,
dance in the shade.
Jul 2014 · 2.7k
Sports Day.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
So the school bags are gone.
Summers sweet songs,
sweeps through the village,
the Sports Day is on.
The egg and the spoon,
the three legged race,
Mrs McGinty ends up on her face.
The children delight
a comical sight,
her legs in the air
those old tartan tights.

Those days,
that simplicity,
the little things, that stay with me.
Those clear skies,
I remember still,
the easiness
and sweet free will.
Jul 2014 · 3.1k
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Sinking low beneath the waves
Lost in underwater caves.
Passages that lead us there,
never read, cause no one cared.
Cities underneath the sea,
once a home to you and me.
Now monuments, of how we failed.
Memories, as we set sail.
Set our course against the stars,
were we born to go that far?
Memories as we set sail.
Monuments of how we failed.
Jul 2014 · 483
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
I want to help humanity
yet I can't even help myself.
A child born to this greedy hell.
A product of this hungry race.
Where to take has been made easy,
without question, without words.
Taught to grab, without thought,
from a dying world.

I want to find humility,
a voice that rings with truth.
A truth that sings in everyone
deep within our roots.
Deep within the eyes that see,
the thoughts that form our words
I want to live where we are free,
in a brand new world.
Jul 2014 · 599
Something Deeper.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
There were sparkles in her hair
and a twinkle in her eyes.
Still there was something deeper
something yet to realize.
The light that she brought forward
was burning like the sun.
The colours flowing through her hair
would like a river run.

Run and roll o'er rocky mountains
on a route to mend the heart
Leafing through the crumbling pages,
the maps of life, all torn apart.

She laid it out before him,
like a picnic on a mat.
Then she lay beside him
purring like a Persian cat.
Still there was something deeper
something yet to realize.
The light that she brought forward
forever burning in her eyes.
Jul 2014 · 475
That Flame.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Green green rocky road,
the path that you brought forth,
that lonely bright star in the sky
shining in the north.

Through the last days of July,
the sun sits heavy in the sky.
Shining more, yet still the same,
that sacred old eternal flame.

It burns within,within us all.
Even those who shun the call.
That call that whispers in our ears,
the one that always keeps us near.

Near to what we know is right
a silent knowledge cast in light.
The light that keeps the flame alive
inside your heart
inside your mind.
Jul 2014 · 599
Sweet Reprieve.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Heroes lie not far from here,
beneath the soil that brought them near.
Closer with each step they took,
and every time they chanced their luck.

The man who sits across the road,
a hero with a tale untold.
A soul that can't be bought or sold
A silent hero growing old.

Then there's stars that fail to shine,
but maybe just in your minds eye.
Every star that brought the light,
was to balance out the nights.

The nights when darkness falls the most,
the battered ships upon the coast,
all waiting for that sweet reprieve,
when we think, when we breath.
Jul 2014 · 1.9k
Spaghetti Falls
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Spaghetti fell upon the floor
ferocious was the feast.
When he went to pick it up
he saw the hooves upon the beast.......
underneath the table
like some long lost
crazy fable.
Told and told and told again,
still lost upon the ears of men.
Sold and sold and sold again,
souls are cheap when there's no hell.
Jul 2014 · 345
Paradise Found.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Paradise lost, then its found
Once the fat pigs get their pound
of flesh, of life, of all you own,
they'll tax your life but not your soul
(although given half a chance they'd probably try)
Its enough to make you cry,
to scream out loud,
that primal scream,
be careful or they'll tax your dreams.
Hungry creatures at the trough,
I don't think they'll ever stop
I don't think they know themselves,
as the eat there way to hell.
Jul 2014 · 471
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Shells reign down on Palestine
Planes are dropping from the skies
around the world there's silence from our peers.
Shells are washed up on the shore.
A small child plays, true and pure.
Soon his loved ones will be drowned in tears.
The innocent, tonight,
they live in fear.
Jul 2014 · 707
This Old Soul.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
This old soul brought back to learn,
to live with joy,
to live with pain.
This old soul's alone again.

Seeking out the light in shadows,
cast over from the old divide.
Swallowed in waves of emotion,
castaway among'st the tide.
Ego bashed, within an inch,
within a moment of each life.
This old soul and new beginnings,
reaching for the other side.
Jul 2014 · 583
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Swim upon the truths you know
before you choose to drown in mine.
Cherish them for what they are,
without reasons to define.
Every angle,
from all angles.
Every measured,
tapered line.
Leads to a point,
a point of being,
frequencies that always rhyme.

Clashing symbols to make noises,
symbolize just how you feel.
Wear that feeling on your face
Someday you will know what's real.
Wear it proudly on our faces.
Someday we will know what's real.
Jul 2014 · 688
Energy And Nature.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Fingers burnt, lessons learnt,
forgotten all too soon.
Memories, some lost to time,
underneath forgotten moons.

Long before the measure of time
the measure of everything.
Long before the breath of men,
and all the birds that sing.

Energy and nature,
evolving as they should.
Blossoming through sadness
seeking out whats good.

Seeking out the goodness,
the Godliness it knows.
long before the summers breeze,
the winters ****** snow.

Long before the reasons
we were never born to know.
The changing passing seasons,
that watch us as we slowly grow.
Jul 2014 · 365
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
One hundred million grains of sand,
each one a part of what was planned.
Measured each before they fell
amongst the seaweed and the shells.
Feeling warm beneath your feet
everything it has to be.
Waiting to return to sea.
Waiting just like you and me.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
So that old clock stopped ticking,
one less noise to fill my ears.
As my mind goes to rewind,
pulsing, reeling in the years.
Every second hazy,
lost in time just like the clock,.
Memories lost, through just living,
moving on, amongst the flock....
Thinking of the shepards,
some were good,
and some so bad.
Moments that formed where I am,
all the good and all the bad.
The memories you lock away,
will be the ones that drive you mad.
When that old clock stops ticking.............
there's no time fo feel so sad.
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Luna May And The Holy Ghost.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
On St.Michael's layline,
a dozen miles from Dingles coast.
This was where young Luna May
was to meet the Holy Ghost.
High upon the rocks of Skellig,
awoken by the angry waves.
The ground beneath began crumble
opening the ancient graves.

The ocean calmed,
as angels fluttered,
danced and sang beside the sea.
Young Luna May just watched in wonder,
shedding tears of disbelief.
She checked her pulse and shook her head
cryed out loud "how can this be?".
Blessed herself before she fell,
gracefully onto one knee.
She looked up to the skies above,
eyes filled with fear
and filled with love.
The clouds gave way to brilliant light
and she could sense that God was near.

She asked "why have you chosen me,
what is it that I can do?"
This is when the Ghost appeared
forming from the morning dew.
It led her up the ancient steps
Clasped her hand,
yet she felt free.
Sat her down upon the grass
kissed her gently on the cheek.

As it did, her life went flashing,
like lightening bolts before her eyes,
thunder roared inside her soul,
as she slowly realized.
"Am I here because I've wondered?,
doubted all I felt within"
This is when the Ghost would speak,
telling her "doubt is no sin,
all you need, has always been".
"All you need, has always been".

Then suddenly..........
her eyes shot open,
jolting upright in her bed.
This is when she was to realize,
"I've spent too long living dead.........
Then with grace she was to realize,
"I've spent too long in my head."
Jul 2014 · 2.7k
Blackrose Hill.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
A slice of toast,
burning on the grill.
A ghostly face,
the window pane,
terror running through the brain.
A shadow that was moving,
now is still.
Darkness hoovering the light,
and all that shun on Blackrose Hill.

Floorboards, creaking,
then they're not...............
Hiding in the pantry,
with a stomach tied in knots,
Churning, like butter in a ***.
That old house on Blackrose Hill,
years since left to rot.
That old house on Blackrose Hill,
that old empty cot.
Jun 2014 · 370
Plains Of Fear.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
The hands of time turn lonely on the plains.
There was six thousand bodies,
now thirteen remain.
Like a bakers dozen,
cooking, underneath the sun.
Underneath the plains of fear,
missing everyone.
Missing Sunday dinners,
a kind word from a trusted friend.
Underneath the plains of fear,
there's no time to pretend.
No time to hide from all that love
that graced us as we shun.
Underneath the plains of fear,
me and my old gun.

Peter Cullen Jun 2014
We lay here as the night sets sail,
as that darkness falls away.
Underneath the dying night,
waiting for the beckoning light.
The stones that rest beneath our backs,
rounded by the years and tides,
how they make us both relax,
filtering our thoughts and fears.
Being close to nature.
Being close to you,
these they are the moments,
the ones that draw me near to you.
The moments that resist confusion,
slowy.......... filtering the truth!
A thought once it has blossomed,
can easily defy its roots.
But now we're left with nothing,
just the stars above our heads.
The stars that sparkle in your eyes,
the ones that say its time for bed.
Those eyes that watch me dreaming,
as I slowly fade away.
They're the only eyes I want,
as we greet the light of day.
Jun 2014 · 9.2k
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
growing tall,
bringing life to that dull wall.
Reaching up towards the Sun,
flowering for everyone.
Bringing seeds and oil to harvest,
paintings from a demented soul,
the kind of one who falls the hardest,
upon life and everyone.
Nature coursing through the madness
bringing new light with the dawn,
but every star is stalked by darkness
making it shine all the more.
Until its flame is quenched by powers
A force much stronger than us all.
We'll just sit and watch the madness,
and those Sunflowers by the wall.
Jun 2014 · 841
Mist On The Mississippi.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
That mist on the Mississippi,
lay heavy,
like those angels tears.
That brought a flood of silence
whispers falling on deaf ears.
People being trodden on,
like pebbles on the strand.
The poor old Mississippi.
A slave,
just like all those men.
Working, ladden on the barges,
the steamboats and the trains.
All for one
and none for all,
seems to be the way.
There's 99% out there,
just waiting for their day,
yet still that 1%, it seems
always get their way.
All the sweat, the blood,
the tears, shed down through the ages.
Can't be found in old books bound,
their history or fables.
That history, which the victor writes
on those blood stained pages.
Make us grateful,
for this life,
grateful for these wages.

99% My friends,
surely we are Able?..........................
Jun 2014 · 564
Crimson Skies.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
We looked down into the canyon.
Our tired eyes strained.
The dying Sun.
Searching for that hidden trail.
Running from those smoking guns.
Those men with money on their minds,
who have no place for guilt, nor fear.
As we looked into the canyon,
I thought I saw her shed a tear.

Three long days spent running.....
just these old rags upon backs.
At night I'd watch you sleeping.
Sweep the ground to hide our tracks.
The morning light would bring relief,
cause you'd be by my side.
Thinkin..... someday if we make it,
thinkin you might be my bride.

But alas, our fate was always written, there among the stars,
I should have left you safe at home,
in your fathers arms.
I should have hit the road alone,
before they got a scent.
But it was you that always said
"Our Love is Heaven sent".

That Shot Rang Out...........
that pierced your heart.
Rang through the crimson skies.
So with this final bullet,
I shall also say goodbye.
Ill see you soon in Heaven dear,
from where our love was born.
Ill see you on the otherside..............
upon those golden shores.

See you on the otherside,
so we're never alone.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
The light that lit the longest day,
now faded,
"time to cut the hay!"
Time to reep those seeds long sewn.
The furrowed lines
where all has grown.
Thank the Sun,
though shy to shine.
Without it, there would be no time.
No hallowed ground,
or sacred soil.
No harvest for a God to spoil.
Seasons would be just a notion.
Tidal waves without an ocean.
Secrets told without a voice
without our Sun,
there'd be no choice.
Jun 2014 · 471
Upon Those Lonely Oceans.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
Worried!, those young hurried souls,
they seem to  hurry,
before they see.
Seem to focus,
on what's easy,
focus on a way to be.

Or is it, that their minds are trained
to feel a certain kinda pain?
I wonder bout their worries,
try to understand their ways.

Its like points upon a compass,
when no one seems to know the way.
An awkward situation,
when there's nothing that's worth to say.

But sometimes there's a navigator,
calling from within.
It's that old voice,
in the dark of night,
where you should begin.

Truth is truth,
and lies can't lie,
cause lies were made to fail.
Those lies you hide now deep within
are never gonna sail.

And so upon those Oceans,
filled with plastic,
and now lost to man.
Upon those lonely Oceans,
That's where our old love began.

Upon those lonely oceans,
Dear God,
I'm doing all I can.
Upon the truthful notions,
Lord I'm doing
all I can.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
Upon the fields of Ulster,
the Druid Cathbad long had passed.
He left his knowledge to a few,,
and all but one, had long since passed.
The secrets of the land and nature,
secrets from those sacred souls.
Sewn, into fields of wonder,
then to rest with him alone.

Born under skies of roaring thunder.
A child that always walked alone.
Found his way to silence,
found a way to be at one..
Those days amongst the flowers,
the trees and all that breathes with truth.
T'was there he found a way to live,
somewhere to seek out the roots.
The knowledge that was planted,
bringing fruit to a hungry heart,
was where he met old Cathbad,
this is where it was to start.

And so the years of learning
followed like a growing wave.
The Alchemy and Healing,
wisdom from an ancient age.
The reasons why it's worth to try,
the light that lights the day.
Those teachings, some they came with grace,
and some they came with pain.
And then he was the only one,
the last one to remain.
A Druid under stubborn skies,
crying in the rain.
Jun 2014 · 375
A Brand New Life.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
All those kingdoms, born to fail.
An energy they cant contain.
The ancient halls and houses,
where people chose the path of men.
They're shaking now, under their weight,
they're gonna have to start again.

Rewrite those written fallacies,
the twisted truth they tried to sell,
before we fall into the sea,
before we create our own hell.
The fruits of truth are peeling,
revealing all, just as they're ripe.
They're gonna bring a brand new world.
They're gonna bring a brand new life.

One lie takes another lie,
and another after that.
Then the truth grows pale and skinny.
Deceit chews on its swollen fat.
But those lies now are shining,
like a beacon on a stormy night.
God bless inperfecton,
for teaching us whats truely right.
Ye God bless inperfection,
and all that was lost to the night..
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Blurred Lines.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
Blurred lines blurred lines,
those failed designs, that sit now on a shelf.
All those hours lost to time,
lost unto oneself.

Aligned defined, aligned defined.
The future of our world.
Something we could never own,
and never put in words.
The moment that we realize,
was always gonna be.
A moment that will chart a course,
to our destiny.

Blurred lines, blurred lines,
our failed designs, that led us to the love.
Was something that was cast in light,
so many miles above.
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
The Hill Of Tara.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
The holy grail,
is deep within your mind.
Breath In....,
breath out....,
dont scream or shout,
seek and you shall find.

Sitting on the ancient hill,
where High Kings once were crowned.
The Stone of Destiny in light,
thats sometimes lost and found.
Then the Sun it rises, bringing sight,
to tired eyes.
That Star that burns
for all of us,
shining in the morning sky.
Guiding some to madness,
others to a shadowed truth.
On The Hill of Tara,
reconnecting with our roots.
Jun 2014 · 719
Twelve O' Clock Mass.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
Sunday Mass, I'll take a pass
and **** it up amongst the leaves.
I'll ask a fellow parishioner,
all he knows before he leaves.
Find out, "who read the gospel?"
The readings, telling right from wrong.
I'll find a worthy tale to tell,
and all the hymns and all the songs.
Those songs about salvation,
(salivating for the public house),
I'll burn a candle in my mind
then dampen it, with all my doubt.
Then I'll seek out knowledge,
someone with something real to say.
I'll wonder bout those Gospels,
and everything they fail to say.

Jun 2014 · 426
Melody in Time.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
A spirit in the headlights,
a mist that formed into a light.
It spun itself in spirals,
distorting everything in sight.
Under an old and trodden bridge
where lockgates rise and fall.
It burnt my eyes and taught my soul,
all it needs to know.
It left me with a whisper and a melody in time.
It spoke of secrets hidden from the greedy hands of men.
Men who value power, and a need to make one bow.
It left me with the answer,
but wouldn't tell me how.
"Everything you've ever known is true and then its not."
"Its all about the angles and the moments you forgot."
"Its all about the melody, the melody in time................"
It spun itself in spirals.....
then disappeared into the night.
It spun itself in spirals,
distorting everything in sight.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
The Devil in the ditch and nettles,
a twisted soul that couldn't settle,
on a golden gilded cloud,
could not bring himself to bow.
Lurking in the darkest shadows,
in the corners of your mind.
Pulls a veil over your face,
ties your tongue and leaves you blind.
Feeding on unfiltered light,
lost in the prisms of your eyes.
Hiding in the dark of night,
waiting to be exorcised.
Waiting for a chance to try.
Jun 2014 · 982
The Passion In The Roses.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
A love bound by the centuries,
is stirring on the lawn.
Scarlet, Crimson, Red and Green,
awoken with the dawn.

The passion in the roses,
that brings the beauty through.
Is a passion we should try to find,
inside me and you..

The sunlight in the morning,
that brings a brand new day.
Is something that we can embrace
if we try to find a way.

The passion in the roses
that brings the beauty through
Is a passion we should try to find
inside me and you..

And when the Sun is falling,
lower in the blood red sky.
The thorns you once had in your side,
are like a crown you wear with pride.

The passion in the roses,
that brings the beauty through.
Is a passion we should try to find
inside me and you..

The passion in the roses
and all thats truely true.
That Passion that was always there
is inside me and you.
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