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Peter Cullen Jun 2014
The Calm amongst the lillies,
made all those old fears seem so silly.
Shun light into the darkened cave,
like flowers on a strangers grave.
The light it flooded through in waves,
fractured by the morning haze.
Stillness lying in the grass
with the minutes, hours pass.
Staring at a moving cloud
and all the silence seems so load,
away from all those bustling crowds,
away from all those bustling crowds.
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Stories In The Heather.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
Sharing books, sharing stories,
getting the read, each on each other.
Everybody has their tales
that we share, share with each other
Epic yarns, so close to you,
may seem dull to another.
But tales are made,
made to be told.
They bring us close together.

What about those stories lost,
blown past with last years weather,
There's stories in the skies above.
There's stories in the heather.

We search in life, to find a way
a way to make it better.
We search and find a way to share
that brings us all together.
A way to shine amongst the grime
with all our words and letters.
Words that carry all we know
are lighter than a feather.

What about those stories lost,
blown past with last years weather.
There's stories in the skies above.
There's stories in the heather.
May 2014 · 232
Peter Cullen May 2014
Be thankful for your Gut!
and all that it may choose to say.
The water that flows through you,
watch it, as it gently sways.
Watch the stars,
the stars above,
for everyone is full of love.
Watch your words
and watch your thoughts
be careful of the friends you bought.
See somethings come without a price,
these things are the joys of life.
A childs smile in the morning light.
A loving hand to hold at night.
Clasp it tight and clasp it true,
these are the hands that pull you through.
Search for those hands to pull you through.
Peter Cullen May 2014
His kingdom fell before his sword,
before he was to meet the lord.
All was lost with yesterday
but no one had the strenght to say.
Not one of them could find the words
before his light went from this world.
He left this life, this mortal plain,
leader of the old demain.
Leader of a band of men
never to be seen again.
Gone with the wind
his final breath.
As the Sun sets in the west.....................................
May 2014 · 594
Turbulent Skies.
Peter Cullen May 2014
Turbulent skies
the dragonflies
can't find their wings tonight.
Thunder claps
then lightning strikes
as the gypsies start to fight.
The blood spilt on the sawdust floor,
soaks it up, as they want more.
Half the crowd all soaked in porter,
another lamb is for the slaughter.
Shots reign down upon his head,
his legs won't buckle, a stubborn mule.
Better to live, than to be dead,
the last words of a dying fool.
And as the pride of one is lost
another clan will count the cost.
Until they meet again sometime.
Underneath turbulent skies.
May 2014 · 3.1k
The River Rhine.
Peter Cullen May 2014
The Watchmen, lonely, watching time,
upon freezing beds,
the cold, the wet, the dead,
along the River Rhine.

Flares,illuminate the sky,
young soldiers, writing letters home,
some they start to cry.
Wishing they knew why,
along the River rhine.

Those treasured tear stained letters.
A young souls last goodbye,
a flare shines in the sky.
Wishing they knew why,
Upon the River Rhine.
Peter Cullen May 2014
If you could have one answer,
to any question in the world.
Would you ask about the past?
or what needs, to be learned?
Would you think in wonder,
bout those reasons never found.
Sometimes wonder is the reason
you can't seem to come around.
All thats gonna greet us,
the good the lost and all thats bad.
Those stories that are left untold,
are always gonna drive you mad.
But get back to that question,
what is it that you'd ask?
Would that sacred answer,
relinquish you from what you thought?
May 2014 · 477
All you Thought You Were.
Peter Cullen May 2014
Every moment, every day,
has been relayed
has been replayed.
With time alone, to watch it all,
as we rise,
and as we fall.

Falling throught the city,
with a demon on my back.
Hiding from the morning light,
falling through the cracks.
Sitting at a bus-stop,
no bus to take me home,
seeking out a thought to please
my mind that sings alone.
My mind that questions everything,
within awoken eyes,
leads to questions
when I sleep,
waiting for the Sun to rise.

Waitin for tomorrow
but tomorrow never comes.
It just relays and then replays,
all you ever thought you were.
May 2014 · 415
Ten Thousand Skulls.
Peter Cullen May 2014
Ten thousand skulls,
they line the walls,
of these old sacred corridors.
The labyrinth, leads far below,
is hidden deep, beneath the snow.
Lost to sunlight for so long,
still echoing those ancient songs.
The truth, the light,
the plight of man.
Has been reversed
Has been replanned.
All that we once held as truth
is being laughed at by the youth.
The ones we've left to fix the mess,
will listen as we all confess,
Learn from how we got it wrong,
they will rebuild and carry on
I hope we help them to grow strong,
cause hope is our's and we belong.
May 2014 · 586
Listen to our Hearts.
Peter Cullen May 2014
Seek those tender moments,
embrace them with your soul.
Remember them for all their truths
before you grow too old.
Before you're lost to reason,
with a shield to hide the light.
Remember them for what they are,
they'll lead you to what's right.
What your vessel carries,
sometimes faulters
sometimes cracks,
but remember once you see the light
there ain't no headng back.
See light is sometimes handy,
when you've been basking in the dark,
but we should try remember,
just to listen to our hearts
If only everyone of us
could listen to our heart.
May 2014 · 1.9k
Anger in the Bracken.
Peter Cullen May 2014
falling on water
that was still.
Creating sweet unbalance
at one with natures will.
Timeless moment,
wanting nothing from the world.
I listen to its whispers
to see what I might learn.
And the mallard,
his cheeky little eyes
are throwing me a knowing look
as he glides on by.
I watch it now in motion.
I wonder bout his world.
All that he embodies,
with no one to serve.
A sense of truth
a sense freedom,
which seems out of human reach.
I watch the world around me
to seek what it may teach.

There's anger in the bracken
and anger in the grass.
It sweeps down from the valley
and kicks me in the ****.
It plays with my emotions,
as sometimes anger can,
and then it asks me questions
about the fruitless quests of men.
It leads me to an ancient ruin
where time has took its toll,
there's anger in the mortor,
and anger in the stone.
It wraps itself around me
with a promise to let go,
if I can live a truer life
if I can learn to grow.
It leaves me with an energy,
yet tired on the sand,
it told me it may still return
for anger is unplanned.
It leaves me with a message,
as only anger can.
Yes anger is an energy,
an energy unplanned.
May 2014 · 669
Peter Cullen May 2014
Honesty is something!, it gets harder to maintain,
if we live within a world of need,
with reasons to contain.
But if we truely search inside,
the feelings that we feel.
I think we could suprise ourselves,
and realize what's real.
Its easy to sound righteous,
but righteous are the brave,
if the message they deliver,
follows them into their graves.
Some people live in silence,
but silence always fails,
to deliver you from what it was
you really want to say.
See, too many live in shadows,
in a comfortable shade of grey.
I wonder if they found their voice,
I wonder what they'd say.
Would they sing a song of freedom?,
songs ringing through their minds.
I wonder with those songs they sing,
what there is to find?

May 2014 · 1.2k
Peter Cullen May 2014
I remember social standings
stood standing on my own
My face all red and flustered
as I'd fidget with my phone.
And all it would have taken,
was a few kind simple words.
To break those chains of *******
to return me to the world.
Us humans we're a strange oul race
we all like to fit in,
and with our pack mentality
it's all about the win.
But what about those on the edge
the souls you choose to fail.
What is it, you think they feel
as you turn away.
See people carry things around
like weights around their neck
So please be understanding
and show them some respect.
Do onto them, all that you would
like done onto your own.
Meet them with a friendly smile,
or call them on the phone.
That call could make a difference
more than you'd ever know.
For its not really hard to care............
It helps us all to grow.
For its not really hard to love............
Its not that hard to show.
May 2014 · 1.0k
Mother Nature.
Peter Cullen May 2014
Mother nature, mother us
hold us in your embrace
I'm so ashamed that I can't even
look you in the face.
You've always provided everything
all that we could need.
And yet we seem to strip you bare
to satisfy our greed.
I wonder how you take it all
and then I stop to think...........
that you're not only here for man
you're here for everything.
So when the final breath is drawn
from mankinds choking chest.
I hope that you replenish
and look after all thats left.
Maybe we might make it
I guess only time will tell.
But if we dont its not your fault
I wish you well.
May 2014 · 336
I Wonder What They Dream?
Peter Cullen May 2014
Do you think there's limits to our love?
"Borders that mankind lays down
aren't seen from high above."
People feeling they've been left behind,
waking from their broken dreams -
another daily grind.
When all they've ever known feels like a lie.
Something that stirs in their hearts,
is waking in their minds.
Waking to the ******* and the greed.
The faceless ones in Ivory towers,
what do they really need?
All our energy
our time,
and all our dreams.
To turn the cogs
to turn the screws
of their well oiled machines.

I sometimes really wonder?
just what it is they dream.
May 2014 · 449
May In Clane.
Peter Cullen May 2014
May in Clane, and all the rain,
plays melodies,
upon the pain.
Upon the soil,that soaks it in,
I sit and watch ,all soaked in gin.
The tapping on the sill outside
distracts a mind
that's trying to find.
Reasons not to laugh out load
among a lost and vacant crowd.

Then it calms and brings the morn,
reflections of the day we're born.
As summer takes the joys of spring,
rejoice the truths that bloom within.
For truth alone will set us free,
help us live in harmony.
See harmony,
it makes the song
that carries all of us along.
May 2014 · 507
Peter Cullen May 2014
It lifts, it rises, then it falls,
like everything that ever was before.
It seeks the weakness it can find,
searches out the truth to hurt the blind.

Those blinded by the life their spirits chose,
is sometimes hard
when no one thinks they really know..
What lies within,
seems sometimes written into stone......
with a shadow they would rather leave alone.

But shadows, they don't bring the dark of night,
there just reflections, cast in many different lights.
Lets reflect on what is true and what we feel,
before we lose, all that we thought was truely real.
May 2014 · 357
Upon The Road.
Peter Cullen May 2014
The Spirit Wolf he led the way
in all the mist and all the haze
through secret forests lost to man,
the valleys of forgotten days.
Upon the road a bear we met,
an old soul who could not forget,
salmon sweet and rivers clean,
he wondered was it just a dream.
His noble eyes, they told a tale
of how a greedy race can fail,
a creed that's blind to all they do,
looking for the holy grail.
He showed us a new route to follow,
through the meadows and the hollow,
the void that's there in every soul
always needs to turn to sorrow.

The one thing we don't need to borrow.
May 2014 · 424
Peter Cullen May 2014
Out of the darkness, silence fell
and fed herself to you.
Wrapped herself around your tongue
as you slowly withdrew.
It penetrated every word
that you wanted to say,
but in your mind, it left a thought,
before it went away.
See, silence speaks in many tongues,
she has so much to give.
That silence when you're thinking,
it will form the way you live.
So listen now to all her tones,
that echo through your mind.
Seek her out in solitude,
and see what you might find.
May 2014 · 495
Those Worries.
Peter Cullen May 2014
There's poetry in everything,
the tree's outside my window,
the sombre Sunday view.

There's motion running through the leaves
and everything that I conceive,
everything inside my mind
plays fast forward
then rewind.

The light that grace's my dark room
is something fresh
something new.
Sitting looking at the road
early morning,
warming cold.
Warming thoughts inside my head,
maybe I should be in bed,
dreaming of some place to shine,
but then I wake and realize,
all that's real
all that's mine.
The worries and the joys of life,
those worries aren't hard to find.
Peter Cullen May 2014
There's a Universe alive inside us all,
atoms we could never count,
stars that never fall.
An energy that's burning in my heart,
the force of which can heal my soul,
or tear me apart.

The light that my eyes filter everyday,
the warmth brought from a dying Sun,
so many million miles away.
It shines and burns and guides me through the years
never looking for a thing,
always there to dry the tears.
And still I cannot look her in the eye,
afraid that I might melt away
and she might say goodbye.
So I'll just sit and think of her tonight,
thank her when tomorrow comes
thank her when its bright.
I'll just lie and dream of her tonight
thank her when tomorrow comes,
thank her for the light.
Apr 2014 · 274
The Place
Peter Cullen Apr 2014
There was a place he would go
to be on his own,
to filter the light,
to learn and to grow.

A place where it stopped,
where no boats would rock,
where time is not measured,
no need for a clock.

As long as it took
would he sit and he'd wait
among all the silence,
awaiting his faith.

In search of some answers,
in search of some hope,
he grew and he found,
a new way to cope.

Despite all the madness.
and **** all the pain.
Once he is there.
His place will remain.
Apr 2014 · 908
A Pebbled Stream.
Peter Cullen Apr 2014
Never forget a friendly face,
but with names, I always seem to fumble.
So many tribes and different callings
in this concrete plastic jungle.
But sometimes people leave behind,
a common thread,
a word that's kind,
that resonates inside our minds,
its those folk that I need to find.
The varied ways we live our lives
shall always find a port of call,
see there's so many souls that shine,
and then there are the ones that fall.
Between the cracks, between the creases,
those uncomfortable places where hope sings
are never tempered without reason,
this is just the way it seems.
Yes this is just the way it seems,
all living with awoken dreams.
Yes this is just the way it seems,
for life is but a pebbled stream.

This is just the way it seems.
Apr 2014 · 805
Peter Cullen Apr 2014
Who are my to say whats right
and how dare me to even try.
The blood that trickles from my wound,
is on my sheets,
tears in my eyes.
I try to cast my mind back,
like the trawler casts a hopeful net.
In the search of love and truth,
but all that's left is harsh regrets.
There's sometimes when I wonder:
what if we just never spoke?
I wonder would the love transpire,
I wonder what it would evoke.
See memories have a need for words,
its how we form a view.
But its those words that led us here,
and now I don't have you.
Apr 2014 · 563
All Along.
Peter Cullen Apr 2014
All along the rugged coast
the fallen heroes, ancient ghosts
that form that sense of who we really are.
All along the ancient trails
the love we feel
that holy grail,
its written in our hearts and in the stars.
All the maps, the charters set
the force of power and regret
the will of wanting love and hope
and peace.
Is something that is always there,
its with the meek and all that's fair,
inside those hidden dreams as we all sleep.
Peter Cullen Apr 2014
A sweet whisper in my ear
melts away the ice
the silly fears.
Melt me with that whisper in my ear.
That sweet song that we sing
thaws the winters cold
it brings the spring.
Bring that sweet song, softly to my ear.
The way we dance
its chips away
the barriers that we both made
Baby can we dance the night away?
Underneath the street lights
with grace and hope
a world of dreams.
Baby will you hold me as we sway?
Baby can we dance the night away?
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Peter Cullen Apr 2014
An exorcism, lost inside a dream.
Troubled seas and brainwaves turning green.
Lost without a course to chart with time,
on a mission for a life to bind.
Mapping different regions of the heart,
is hard when we got lost right at the start.
Its harder when the stars don't wanna shine.
What was it?, that we were trying to find.
Yet still we try to stir this old ship home,
for reasons that may always be unknown.
Reason set in mystery and stones.
Deep within the two souls that we own.
Deeper now that we're so far from home.
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
Peter Cullen Apr 2014
broken on the floor.
Memories, lists and dreams,
lost forever more.
Sunlight, through curtains, making rays.
My eyes swirl with the churning dust,
the musty homegrown haze.
The room is growing smaller.
The walls are closing in.
Our hearts are still on fire,
there burning in the bin.
We wrote our names in blood,
in sweat, across the wooden floor.
And then we tell each other
"I don't love you anymore."
How can we tell each other?
"I don't love you anymore."
Mar 2014 · 268
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
The walls lie broken on the ground;
concrete,mortar,dreams, lie strewn around.
Bricks once laid with humble hands,
return to dust
in the promised land.
Amongst the rubble children play,
drones up high, pass and survey.
I wonder if they see those dreams.
Lost a midst the view they see.
Lost a midst the view they see.
Mar 2014 · 494
Eyes and Ears.
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
A higher sense of capability,
drifting out across the plains.
Wrapped in a shawl of sensibility,
things shall never be the same.

Eyes and ears now start to filter
all that's slowly gone a kilter
All the wrongs, once lost to sight
are now in view, not lost to light.

Awoken by a silent whisper,
the silent light that comes at dawn.
All the things we ever wished for,
can be ours, if we belong.

Eyes and ears now start to filter
all that's slowly gone a kilter
All the wrongs, once lost to sight
are now in view, not lost to light.
Mar 2014 · 377
Our Sweet Lonely Nation
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
City lights, synthetic lives, statues made of stone
Sweet nation who stood proud and tall
lies naked on the floor.
Her pants around her ankles
an aching in her gut.
For our sweet lonely nation
she never was a ****.
Mar 2014 · 3.9k
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
Superman ain't super anymore.
He snorted all the kryptonite
and spilled some on the floor.
His cape is in the lost and found
somewhere on the underground
Superman ain't super anymore.

The Man of Steel's heart, colder now than steel
Lois slapped him on the chops
for trying to cop a feel.
Front page of the Daily Planet
Lois wouldn't let him have it
The Man of Steel's heart colder than before.

The problems of the world knock on the door
Superman has fallen down
he's sleeping in the hall.
Crying between fits of snoozing
wishing he could stop the boozing
The problems of the world knock on the door.
Mar 2014 · 197
Up There in the Sky
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
He lay there with a guilt,
that no child should fear,
for he couldn't remember her face.
He sat with his wishes
his thoughts and his fears,
suffering feelings, that no child should feel.
The warmth from her smile,
that loving embrace,
that left him that day, that went to that place.
The place they had told him
where sleeping souls lie.
That place he now hates.
Up there in the sky.
Mar 2014 · 690
A Country Church in Rhode
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
Leaning on that granite wall
that sacred place
where the town folk once were blessed
and rested.
Techno beats entwined with thoughts............
and I'm lost again.
Lost to the music
lost to myself
and to a reality that never really was,
never likely to be.
A place to dance
a place to see.

Those colours when I closed my eyes......
what was contained in those fracturing patterns and shapes
as they sluiced and mingled together.
In every mind present
but different in those minds eyes.
Eyes that never sleep
the ones that brings us sweet release.
Observing and revealing all in turns
the mix the Dj's spinning
it burns,man it burns.
Mar 2014 · 328
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
So it's said I'm overbearing
I shoot to much from a skinny hip.
I know my thoughts are deep,
it hurts me,
I know I sometimes talk to quick......................
and sleep if it so beckons,
then all those things
I say are lost,
but you don't even listen
you prefer to seem at loss.
Mar 2014 · 630
End of Days
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
There's sometimes energy in words
they seem to jump up off the page.
Then there's other words that hide there
like they've seen the End of Days.
Wrapped in a cloak of silence
taught never to be spoken,
until we've seen the fall of men
and all the clocks are broken.

When the innocence returns
and sits side by side in all our lives.
And all that's left is wanting souls
just needing love to stay alive.
When ego dies, in all its forms
and returns to the dust,
the words that chose to hide away
shall return to our trust.
Mar 2014 · 306
A Kind of Fever.
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
She's like a kind of fever,
that slowly captures every pulse.
Coursing through the body,
until she makes your heart combust.

Leaves you lying breathless,
under the shadow of the moon
She'll cling to every thought you own,
like ivy on an ancient ruin.

And when you think your free of her
she'll kiss you on the nape.
Her velvet glove will take your hand,
never to escape.

She's everything that ever was -
ever likely to be.
Like waves upon the ocean floor
the ones you're never gonna see.
Mar 2014 · 247
The Kiss.
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
When all around us, cities burned.
Great kingdoms fell,
with no one spared.
All that I could think of was your kiss.
Amongst the crumbled walls and streets
the places lovers used to meet.
That's the only thing I think I'll miss.
Dark days now full of dread and fear,
broken hearts and swollen tears,
but all that I can think of was that kiss.
Amongst the rivers that ran dry
the few souls left, who sit and cry.
That's the only thing I think I'll miss.
Mar 2014 · 370
Prospect Way.
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
I find myself on Prospect Way
upon a sunny Autumns day
I find my head among the clouds
away from all the bustling crowds
Sitting lost inside my dream
is not as simple as it seems
The burning sun it blocks my way
now I'm back on Prospect Way
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Boardwalk Clown.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
A crying clown on the boardwalk smiled
to melt away his fears.
The humming of the passing world
could not prevent his tears.
Once an introverted extrovert
that liked to talk out loud.
Is sitting with a sullen head
now hiding from the crowd.
There were messages,
that once seemed, like fine ropes made of sand,
but the messages were something,
he was to late to understand.
Sometimes it might be easier
to fall before you rise,
but in the end, it always hits you
right before you die.
As he sat there with expressions
he'd perfected through the years,
there were voices, that relayed to him
the passing of the years.
All the desperation
that would always leave him cold,
was the type of desperation, that watched him now grow old.
And as the situation, now revealed itself in turns,
he wondered in his crippled mind,
is there anything I've learned.
And despite the sinking feeling,
that engulfed his shipwrecked mind,
a silent voice would whisper that...
"there's something left behind".
Its that silent voice that whispers,
makes him reflect and rewind.
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
With The Plough
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
When I saw that picture of a man,
in a field, working land,
at first I couldn't recognize his eyes.
But then it dawned and memories spawned,
of all the love he was to leave behind.
Although I never met him,
we never passed the time of day,
I know I would have loved him,
there's somethings words don't need to say.
You see this man gave me something,
maybe unawares to him.
But this man gave my mother life,
love and hope, somewhere to be.
And though in this life paths weren't crossed,
You never left me at a loss.
And for that,
I thank you now,
the black and white man with the plough.
Feb 2014 · 788
That Glow.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
As I close my eyes,
embrace my mind,
and slowly filter out the light.
The only light that's left there is your glow.
Its haunting me inside my dreams
and finds its way through all the seams.
The patchwork, for protection I had sown.

I wonder, is it guilt or pride,
two words
my mind finds ways to hide,
two words
whose actions led to so much pain.
And then I think about that glow
and all the truths forever known.
I see that things will never be the same.......

but alas that glow it will remain.
Feb 2014 · 443
Mind, Body and Soul.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
Mind Body and  Soul.
I remember well the first time those three words entered my vocabulary in the same sentence, and later entered my consciousness in so many different ways.
The bottom of the first stairwell at Oliver Bond Flats.
They cost five quid each,
upon a hopeful summer's day........

"Mind Body and Soul" my friend said.............
his name was Jay, he's long since dead.
But at the time everything was very much alive.
A few young souls, just striving to get by.

Finding ways to laugh,
and **** the pain.
L.S.D, and squidgy black.
Days spent chasing Mary-Jane.
Wandering our city,
lost wandering our minds.
Not knowing what we're looking for.
Truly the blind leading the blind.

All those different faces,
I wonder where they smile these days?
What kind of light then graced their paths?
How many made it from the haze?
Feb 2014 · 342
Words That Burn.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
Words that burn aren't hard to learn
but leave a nasty blister.
So teach the youth to love themselves
their brothers and their sisters.
It's energy that's going dictate
how the cards will play.
Some lie in bed, they clutch a cross.
Lie waiting for the day.

The meek will then inherit.
All that's broken
all that's left behind.
The remnants of an orchestra
not parallel with natures lines.

A generation left to grasp
the sorry shadow of the past.
I hope they will forgive us, why?
We left them sail without a mast.

Upon sick oceans rising fast.
Feb 2014 · 406
Bad Fruit. Sochi 2014.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
So you can't be gay in Russia,
though one in ten its said to be.
A state of lost repression
where there's a price a bitter fee.
To pay for liberation.
A price to pay to be yourself.
No just deliberation.
A bad fruit on a dusty shelf.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
Whips and pain and daisy chains
are swimming through her mind.
Vanilla mixed with passion fruit
Sweet flavours of all kind.

Trying to grasp a rope of sand
to tie herself to him.
Whips and pain and daisy chains
deep in her mind still swim.

Through currents of emotion
tides and storms of lust and rage.
She searches mind and body
A crazed bird in an open cage.
Feb 2014 · 421
Some Kind of Velvet.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
She was like some kind of velvet
pulsating underneath my touch.
Those sweet reverberations.
Both searching for a mane to clutch.
Bound by lust
and bound by yearning.
The soothing of the carnal beast.
She wraps her legs around my smile
then quivers as I start to feast.
Feb 2014 · 352
The Rat Race.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
That chill is in the air again.
****, its like standing in the frozen-food aisle
looking for something cheap to eat.
Gnawing at you in the morning rush,
looking for that vacant seat.
On crowded buses that enter cities.
Where the rat-race ebbs and flows
As it carries vacant faces that sit rushing
to and fro.
Lost to themselves and to a life
that just seems out of reach.
Reading headlines about men who know,
who really shouldn't preach.
Overloaded with whats right and wrong,
they carry weary frames.
I  wonder will they ever see?
This rat-race is a game!
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
Search inside a little while,
smile and frown,
and pass the day.
So when then,
your eyes get tired,
close them tight and fade away.
And when on you, a dream descends,
I hope it brings you joy.
Brings you back to happy days,
where there's no sad goodbyes.

I know
thinking bout the future's,
sometimes hard, when in the past.
Mercy holds no shelter,
for the shadows that were cast.
We wonder what we're doing here,
and is it all a game?
Sometimes it seems a cruel world,
and there's no one there to blame.

Where do we find the pieces?,
in this theatre called life.
Or are we just a tiny spec
in the realms of time.

Im sure you'll meet again someday.
In the realms of time.
Feb 2014 · 509
A Chair By The Sea.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
Those long hot summer days where all was easy.
"Man", those days that barely give way to night.
There's an energy on the greasy streets.
And the feeling that my heart is free.

Free and buzzing like a bumble bee,
making my way down to the salty quay.
To the mouth of the river,
where land meets sea and sea kisses land.
And one thousand billion grains of sand.
Churned over and over and over again.
As light burns my eyes and paper meets pen.
Churned over and over and over again.

- suddenly an urge to swim.
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