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persefona Jun 2015
Polar bear chews on a dogs leg
a tall dark man- welcoming-  holds a large piece of ham
persefona May 2015
i can't.
either i feel too much or too little
angry waitress pushes me to plop weary
surfacing the icy water while teased by mustard sun's tangy tickles
past tingles too shortly
today i sink, somehow willingly

tiny flies of glee flicker at moments
too small and quick to be caught
then a sticky, sweet and **** fruit goes down the stream seducing the flies- they fed on the light
it is quiet
firemen follow the light
i make a solemn promise to myself to stay with myself

in here black mouth are just blackness
persefona Apr 2015
if you find yourself on a day like this at midst of downtown area
when the sky and the clouds mould a murky web
where a gate opens, which seems to be detaining a different world
dry cement translucent light mirrors purple tulips standing alone
early strawberries in bulk are being sold next to inky leather gloves

if you find yourself escaping to freedom on sour pavements
roaring at the fast paste streets in search of solitude in questionable age barrels, drunk on wistful thinking
in a quest for a pill which makes you taller
you just might see an enticing group of rabbits and swallows
after which you can run skywards
drifting into an inconsistent yonder of freedom

floating. no direction.
smilingly passing by a green neon light
all you got are books
you greet each-other
picking small passages to jump through, never having to stand a trail off.
persefona Apr 2015
its a blur.
I enter the video club and so does my dog after me.
the whole ******* place has been screened by monumental steel animals equipped with cameras down to their *******. monkeys, giraffe, flamingo all ruled by a lemur.

the video club holds an exit.
they require some german skills which somehow i avoid. we drink some beers.
a rabbit whole- thats the way out of the video club
from digital to analog. they say a new system came but their cassettes keep them safe.
persefona Apr 2015
oh yes, i could be a stripper. someday
erotica in its sensual and seductive way, an exchange of energy currencies

no words.  
a distance just so fine.

a flower in dance.
persefona Apr 2015
with half closed eyes, dry and prickly eye lid shuts
i can barely see the one who rambles in a classroom filled with chattering chickens.
so there i think of the swans by the lake, in switzerland, they were served strawberries, cranberries and oranges for dinner.
white heart shaped necks in flirtation and in-between twirls a strawberry orange smoothie. when i think of them, they seem unusually stunning, like never before.
a month later than when swans had their first strawberries I saw
they came to the markets here
several swan bite like packages
expensive as one crown swan can be

again in class.  
the same swans came to my mind. only half dead still chewing on pieces of papaya. it is sad.
the task was to think of something sad.
only they seem to have sat in the strawberry cranberry mush they have pawed while in heat of mating. they are turning pink.
to be a swan in switzerland
you would get more sensation and meaning
than to be existing in this so called class among headless chickens.
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