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persefona Apr 2015
he took her shirt off. she was in a mere disbelief of the sensation uprising.
they stood by the half-opened window inviting small rain drops onto their thirsting skin.
he had glistening blue eyes, high knees, long pounding fingers, a blueberry sweet breath.
soft tender nibble kisses, strokes of hands coming together and meandering like algae in the depths of blue saltness anticipating the rocks to be near.
clutches at moments are like hitting the cliffs covered in velvet moss
awaiting for *** to storm, leaving the skin wet and the soul magnetic.
this wonderful thing that he does, these fireworks on a bright day, sirens of edgy cars dictating the tempo, sensations like breaks of waves in the midst of a city.
persefona Mar 2015
Moon light, sea water shore exercise
chanting with feet high up on kneese
glassware dark-full blue sky
searching for balance
counting the white glitches
under the moon gleam
persefona Mar 2015
Mermerna prostorija.
U njoj stojim u redu da platim clanarinu za biblioteku.
Ispred mene i iza mene nalaze se ljudi, bezlicni, u crnim odevnim kombinacijama. Reklo bi se dosli su na sopstvenu sahranu.

Dolazim na red- promena smene nastupa - naglim okretom ka salteru susrecem se sa gorilom osrednjeg rasta crne boje.
Ona se uplasila od mene! Uznemirena napusta radno mesto- cak uvredjena! zbog cega ne znam.
Koleginice je mole da vrati se na salter- a ja do tada samo znam kako sa psom- pa probam nesto od toga - shvatam da gorila sazvakace me.

Gorila se smirila nekako.
Ja sela da ucim.
persefona Mar 2015
I have an ich
from it my eyes twitch
a hole in my tongue stitch
to scratch each itch
into a dark pitch
where I will do a leg switch
a new head stitching
persefona Mar 2015
steady heart rate
dark eyed bee-wasp
muddy look over to the mountain slivers
a sleek lier- a block of butter
****** intentions
a clown cloak
the most beautiful boy
i have ever seen
woke me up with salt water splashes
persefona Mar 2015
Among avocado skin green flakes,
arranged in a grim graphite sky
underneath lay wet silky roots but filled with despair
Central to the field in retrospective they sing
purple red petals soar, no semblance they bear
Carnal soil parched for the raindrops
covert glancing passer-by
persefona Mar 2015
dim cheap street light
white frosting thick and rich spreads over grey green immersed side-walk
salty caramel glazed man dips his weight into cracking slabs, talking to himself.
blood red helmet- a bell jar on his head- a kind fellow on his mind. well there is a dog on the facing side- stares, murmurs and cries.
could a dog discern this man's pain over bright yellow peaks of snow, instinct driven sensations...
he is upset, i tell ya- leers and weeps.
all the other dogs they lick the frosting with their angry tongues, forgetfully tasting their own pink flesh. tasty obsessions.
this kind fellow cracks the frosted jar with cries of his kind.
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