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Hold on while I explode,
my mind is pacing,
my heart is racing.
Don't let me go,
I can't be left alone.

Your love is a light
that shines down on the darkness,
that protrudes my mind.

Your love is a guide
through the thick black forest,
of my crippled mind.

I can feel you,
when you look into my soul.

Hold on while I implode,
the feelings inside,
no where to hide.
Don't let me go,
I can't be left alone.

Your love is a beacon,
shining high upon the hill,
high above my heart.

Your love is the reason,
that I have the will,
to try and restart.

I can feel you,
you make me whole.
I can feel you,
when you look into my soul.

These simplistic,
complex feelings,
leave me floating,
touch the ceiling.

But in the end,
something will,
always be there,
to tear me down.

Hold on while I explode,
my mind is pacing,
my heart is racing.
Don't let me go,
I can't be left alone.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Darkness is a mystery.
For some,
It is a nightmare lurking in the shadows.
For others,
It is an adventure awaiting with open arms.
Embrace the dark,
For it cannot hurt you.
The dark is a misunderstood creature
With nothing to really hide.
It may swallow you whole,
But it will caress you and guide you,
As you stumble your way through.
Its intentions are pure,
It is as simple as daylight.
The sole difference being that darkness does not show you everything,
It allows you to surprise yourself,
And find hidden treasures.
It is spontaneous,
Wanting to show you the wonders that are overlooked in the light.
Darkness is not bad,
Darkness is an old friend,
Waiting to take you along on a journey inexperienced.
Everything is new in the dark,
Unlike every day in sunlight.
Darkness is a mystery,
But each time you join it,
It can be solved.
I made a mistake.
I mistook your affection for love,
Your loneliness for devotion.

I was in the palm of your hand,
A puppet on a string.
I craved your attention
And longed for your warmth.

You led me to believe
That I was the center of your universe.

In a very sad reality,
I was just a speck of dust floating through your galaxy.
You shone with the brilliance of a supernova,
Until you let me down.

You began to crumble under my feet like an old bridge.
Your devotion was obsolete,
Your affection a product of fickle desire.
I finally saw through the thin veil you hid behind.

Your eyes were empty,
Lacking passion and romance.
Your words were worthless,
Like a dim buzz in the distance.

I made the mistake of caring for you,
For getting too caught up.
I look back on this and get chills of regret.
I mistook your tenderness for a true love,
When really it was all in vain.
My dearest K tears expressed;
As browning flowers' dews depart
Their hopeless drops of life apart
On nature's bitter bed of rest

The sight of her in me compelled
Tears myself too hard to keep,
My every instinct fought the weep
Her every sadness my eyes spelled.

But even fire has its beauty
When taking life to fuel its own-
My lovely K, this goddess disowned
Of joys, replaced by mere cruelty-

The tears did but stain the face-
The one by which my silent quest
Would be a vain, unyielding test
Would I fail to lift her grace,

The prettiest face that ever blessed
My sight, my gentle mortal eyes;
They could not know a nobler prize
Than to see her grief at rest.

— The End —