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 Jan 2014 Pearl Feldman
If fire is life
than what are we?

The fire breathes
and feeds.
It eliminates
struggles to survive.
It creates its self
with every touch.

If fire is life than what are we?

The sun our mother father
gives all life.
The stars a population of beings
they are born
they live
they die.

If fire is life than what are we?
 Jan 2014 Pearl Feldman
Santa came down the chimmney
I whacked him with my uzzi
Santa dropped his sack
It was filled with crack -
Now Santa he's in rehab
Grateful he's not dead
Sitting there waiting
For detox
Clear his head.
I need
Your smell
To fill
The air
Poisons me

I need
Your voice
To fill
The silence
Deafens me

I need
Your touch
To fill
The emptiness
Consumes me

I need
Your heart
To fill
The loneliness
Kills me
 Jan 2014 Pearl Feldman
groans to laughter
what am I, after
riches not
a fool and his are soon parted,
fame not
I have had my fifteen ticks of shame,

never will have enough of either with her,
have so much gratitude for what has past
and what will be, what we have between her and me.
So what
am I, after...different before I met her.

She puts up with me
when I skip down
grocery store aisles
you see,
she laughs at my
humour and tells
others not to encourage
she knows I can not rub her
back but she asks me any
way, and I may be getting better,
so it is gratitude, I display each
and everyday...maybe she will let me stay.

And the coyotes will
find something else to eat
or starve another night.
 Jan 2014 Pearl Feldman
you would think that growing up you could leave somethings behind,
but each day, by this one or another and even family, you get carried
and back,
to a time when defending yourself meant you were outnumbered,
your memories tell you they never stopped and you knew you were
not the only one, but they always made time for you,
and down,
so you became the clown, fast with your words, not with your feet,
you know how many times sitting down I somehow missed my seat,
you know how many times with my books, I played hide and seek,
and that was elementary school,
after stare,
while stars,
closed the night overhead and your pillow on your head and you
would dream that dream that tomorrow would be better and they
would see the good in you and make up for lost time and call you friend,
but you,
would wake up,
to being the **** of the jokes as you got older the stakes got higher,
now you had to fight or be called as well a quitter, a crier, the higher
the grade the more they played with you like a worn out soccer ball,
patches worn,
once they beat you down, you were left in a field of your own misery,
as your tears poured like rain, your own storm of the pain, that inside
of you was shaping castle walls, armour plate, look you in the eye,
and there
was steel,
no feeling, give them no fuel to feed the fire of their desire was a thought, but
you were no longer reeling, you were tired, just wanted it to end, you knew how,
you knew they would talk about you, when you were gone but they would
move on to someone else, so you stuck around, drove a banner into the ground,
no more,
not me,
no more,
not one other,
we all now see,
"how weak and sick and twisted your life is, look in the mirror do you like what you see,
the ugly, every word and name you ever called me and everyone else is written on your
face, permanent ink, what a disgrace" threw my broken geometry case between two, while the third one, dropped my books from an open second story window.

The grade twelve teacher arrived to muffled laughter, all eyes on me, tears rolling from eyes, no control, in the blur I did despise every one in the class, he said to me "What is your problem?" I left room running and slammed the door, cracking it from hinge to hinge to floor.

I was never again bullied, no more, no more...
However, choose a path of peaceful resolution,
these three became, no not friends, but they did
respect my throwing arm.

Sometimes you just can't let go.  Imploding and exploding (not the best in each situation) are options but so is exploring solutions.  No I did not have to pay for the door repair, yes I did get my books back, and a new geometry set.  They did apologize, they meant it too.
I'm gonna tell god
You killed my mom
I'm gonna tell god
You slaughtered my dad
I'm gonna tell god
You ***** my sisters
I'm gonna tell god
You tortured my brothers
I'm gonna tell god
You burned down our village
I'm gonna tell god
You bombed the whole Syria..
I'm gonna tell god
You tore our lives apart
I'm gonna tell god
You painted Syria red..
the precious blood of our Muslim brothers
and sisters...
I'm gonna tell god...
You broke my arms and legs
I'm gonna tell god
You made me permanently paralyzed...
but my heart is still alive...
and I 'm gonna tell god everything.....
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