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4.0k · May 2010
The Real and Wayward Dreams
Paul Mackenzie May 2010

A broken path of pleasure,
Confronts my waking mind,
Skeletons line the carpet,
The path I seek to bind.


Uncertainty surrounds me,
But so the way of life,
An infant artist,
An unconscious exuberance,
The perverse I secretly entice.


Duel opposition's approach in unison,
Fighting for peace with each,
The true anima hides beneath the blood,
Narcissistic emotions naked on a beach.


Forbidden in reality,
The dark caves of the primal soul,
The lost murmurs of effrontery,
Tortured desires repressed explode.
3.5k · Feb 2010
Paul Mackenzie Feb 2010
I can feel your presence,
I can feel your touch,
As I close my eyes to the darkness,
I can feel your warm breath softly brush,
It swathes my being,
It engulfs my soul,
Lost in an abyss of pleasure,
Desires of the flesh have taken control,
Nothing is sacred, nothing is taboo,
Lust is the power, the wisdom and the fool.
2.7k · Nov 2013
Paul Mackenzie Nov 2013

Our love cannot be compared,
To that of mortal existence,
Our passion shall never remit,
For it's heavenly in its brilliance.


Our love is a oneness of being,
With romantic benevolence herewith,
Our blood of mysterious union,
Pumps furiously among loving bliss.


Our love lies deep inside,
Resident in each others heart,
Exploding the flames of desire,
An inferno to banish the dark.


Our love will never be challenged,
Never forgotten, nor passed,
Our bonding of timeless beauty,
As infinite in the joy it has cast.

1.6k · Mar 2010
Paul Mackenzie Mar 2010
Once again I cannot sleep,
I close my eyes,
But fail to find the deep haven of sublime rest,
Manic thoughts are alive,
They rebound around my conscious state,
Friends they will become,
Enemies....if they escape.
1.4k · Oct 2009
Coupled Warmth
Paul Mackenzie Oct 2009
Through a wet night,
And beside an ancient moon,
Came the wolfs howling croon,
Sacred trees breath,
And fire exhausts the soft air,
True Leopards lair.

Lying with eyes of beauty,
And the quiet stillness of perfection,
Silent and soothing,
The velvet wind,
As she licks and teases,
Flicks and breezes under my skin,
And again I'm within her secret layer,
Easing, breathing,
United duelation,
The birth of a nation swims silently in the dark,
Probing sublimation,
Soft and smooth,
To the end of the groove,
And still no more to move,
For sweat speaks exhausted talk,
And pleasure retires to reincarnate,
We've breached the gate,
Coupled warmth smothers,
The light fades,
Woven bodies beneath the moon,
Sleep now for we will awake soon.
1.4k · Oct 2009
Blue Mist
Paul Mackenzie Oct 2009
Early morning wind,
Sparkles the soft dew,
Operatic larks croon,
Silent fading moon,
Young minds occupied,
Eyes glare,
Iron carriages unaware,
Relinquish the thought.

The great deity has chosen,
Friends of the morning depart with a frown,
No knowledge,
No pain,
No thoughts of why,
Onward from mortal life,
Unto paradise they safely fly.
1.0k · Nov 2009
In An Instant
Paul Mackenzie Nov 2009

Innocent birth destined for a ****** grave,
Quick unplanned for exodus,
Once frolicking before friends,
Events to come, surprises to find,
Now taken in spirit and soul,
Toward creations living will never know,
Crying spawn,
Another lost, another torn,
Eternal black is not hard to find,
Young mind,
I've seen death,
Like an instant,
Like a cruel pursuer,
No reason, no justification,
No right,
Who writes this apt and confused thriller we call life,
Monotonous pain and lies,
Peering through the blood,
Unseeing eyes,
It's all crucifixion with a different face,
Stalking us all,
Waiting for the right second,
The pounce of a tiger,
The bite of a snake,
The death of an angel.


Voices aloud in eternal consecration,
In it's many forms,
The advice of surprise is not enough to harvest safety,
Among the prey, one of the children,
Behind the fire, one of the seeds condemned to expire,
Snatched from the light,
Arrived to early to feel the wound,
Disparately together with the truth,
And envisaged no sacrifices,
Reunited and peaceful,
Quiet and relaxed,
The death of a young life.
945 · Nov 2009
Wet Nights
Paul Mackenzie Nov 2009
There dwells an ocean,
On the other side of reason,
Travelling galleon on quest,
There's a creature who escapes,
Torment in captivity,
And a slow mile,
On the wings of a raven.

An animal anima,
And wet nights in a western hotel,
Warm debris,
Wall painting,
****** surrounds,
Oblique artistry,
Howls from a dark crevice,
Coveted screams melt,
In the mouth of the night,
And followers follow,
Into insane sanity,
Where the light is mist,
And the visions feeling of obtuse pleasures,
But the outcome is stolen,
Stealthed by slaves of society,
Trod on with iron tooth,
Raincoats in a booth.

I decree the release of desire,
Worldly solace toward a life,
Ignite the smoldering fire,
How long?
How long!!
Freedom is my wife.
938 · Jan 2010
The Subconscious Dweller
Paul Mackenzie Jan 2010

An escape beckons,
A slow and dark reunion,
It's calling me once more,
The chains have been broken.


The savage stands upon the distant mound,
A bearded smile, a laughing frown,
And from the peyote trance comes the ancient dance,
Heads on fire!
Transparent funeral pyre.
And so begins the long, slow and frightening fall into divine madness.


How good it is to be back among the insane,
The oceans of hallucinations running amok inside my brain,
The subconscious dweller has returned,
Relighting the quiet inferno,
The songs of ambience ooze from every flame,
Expanding paranoid thought,
Bequeathing forgotten demons,
From the shadows back into the game.
929 · Jan 2010
Paul Mackenzie Jan 2010

Destitute with the search,
The realization is slowly creeping forward,
Where lies true love?
Where lies comfort and serenity?
The soft touch of glancing lips,
The heat and the passion for life’s eternity.


Nothings sacred anymore,
Nothings true,
Innocence remains with the few,
The mind is being starved of pure thought,
The masses cavort in shallow seas,
Bypassing the breeze,
And embracing the screaming storm.


Live for the moment cried Epicurus,
The garden philosopher of society defiance,
The omnipotent culture of corruption beckons,
Power and wealth has overcome knowledge,
And with it comes ferocious death,
Millions in a single breathe.


And as beauty strives to survive,
It's essence being burned alive,
Endure the torture and pain,
For personal nirvana is real,
And soon you'll feel,
The silk caress of unconditional love.
929 · Oct 2009
Paul Mackenzie Oct 2009
A swift exchange in the night,
Quiet, tense,
Foreboding sight,
Shadows creep and shadows crawl,
In the depths of darkness,
Sullen moonlight masks,
Tonight we unite,
Allegiance in mystery,
Of running eyes and delicate sound.
A moment of madness,
Touch the round edge of darkness,
Look out the window,
See the chameleon,
Blinded by solitude inside the waterfall,
I don't understand,
Infatuated with small cities,
Crying across the land,
And the lonely people tracking me down,
Now found,
Out of time.
892 · Feb 2010
Paul Mackenzie Feb 2010

Once you've had it,
Once it's gone,
The true potency remains,
Diluted in silent frames,
The thought of suicide,
Cold death,
Relinquish breath,
The archer's arrow steers to manifest.


Lost for words,
Vocabulary gone,
The moon chants the wolf's song,
Beckoning the locked doors of the night,
Inside the fright,
inside the mind,
Locate the keys to a genius find,
Let's create new gardens,
Let's create new beliefs,
Let's storm the stoics,
Run naked through the streets,
**** on the values,
Invent the insane,
Torture and ridicule,
The ******* moralists who lay the blame.
878 · Feb 2010
Paul Mackenzie Feb 2010

The perception has become clear,
Cleansed is every door,
Senses betray and encourage the illusion,
And the pain of mortal seasons before.


Darkness is comfort,
For the impending fate,
The road of excess,
Shall light up the gate.


Draw me inside,
The palace of wisdom,
And quell all my doubts,
In the infinite arms of freedom.
876 · Nov 2009
The Wind Began To Speak
Paul Mackenzie Nov 2009
I was lying alone in the soft ambience,
Beer smells,
Stale warm tides,
Strange feelings,
Wide distance from paternity,
Horse screams from behind,
Glazed window,
Brazen below,
I reached for the morning,
Who's there?
Barking on the stairs,
Dreaming eyes beckon,
Hard, sharp, antenna release,
The wind began to speak,
"You think you can catch me?"
Assemble senses,
Arise the birth,
Dissemble memory,
Eyes of the earth,
The Bavarian leans against the quiet sunrise.
666 · Oct 2009
The New Gods
Paul Mackenzie Oct 2009

It's all arriving now,
Live or die,
Quiet sound that crawls on tainted ground,
Be the saviour of my soul,
Swipe aside the burning flames and rise,
Atone mysteries unknown.


Deep in the mind lies the ancient answer,
Fighting for freedom,
From the salient anchor,
Looking for what is already found,
Searching the past,
Condemning the future,
Falsifying fate to the encore rapture.


The flaming forests where we dwelt,
And the old gods that before we knelt,
Escape the hell of surface fear,
Crawl through the fire 'cause the new gods are here.
620 · Mar 2010
Paul Mackenzie Mar 2010
We live,
We die,
And between we merely survive.
568 · Mar 2010
Inside Unknown
Paul Mackenzie Mar 2010
How free we fly on broken wing,
Return is the cry, return again,
The eternal black is far from round,
The sound it carries through spiritual graves,
And echoes abound for all life is saved.

Immortal heads will turn at this intrusion of life,
Falling icons can't erupt the flames we decide,
Mystic groans cavorting commence,
Today is born the circle,
Tomorrow the tide of innocence.

Forget the crimson dagger and the sacrificial sword,
What is true of Satan and true from the lord?
For must we seek salvation and spur infinite damnation,
Conceal no more the thoughts of inner pride,
Now is the future,
But how far is the divide.

— The End —