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12.9k · Jan 2012
Taken For Granted (Haiku)
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Beautiful blue Globe
Unique Jewel to treasure
Let’s keep it that way.
11.6k · Jan 2012
A Year in Haiku
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Delightful display
Snowdrops bowing pure white heads
To the sun’s glory.

Fresh green buds appear
Indicating spring will soon
Energise us all.

Lambs gambol in fields
Frisky with the joys of life
Bleating happily.

Bluebells stand so proud
Beneath trees now sparsely dressed
Fresh green leaves unfold.

Much awaited sound
Echoes heard amid dense trees
Cuckoo has arrived.

Parks and gardens burst
With sounds and vibrant colours
Perfect harmony.

Beaches become full
Of families having fun
In sand and big waves.

Ripe golden harvest
Burning sun in azure skies
Labours rewarded.

Swallows congregate
On telephone wires ready
To migrate down south.

Red and gold leaves fall,
Crunchy as cornflakes beneath
Feet on a crisp morn.

Frosty webs sparkle
In the early morning sun
Brightly bejewelled.

First few flakes of snow
Dust gardens like icing on
A chocolate cake.
9.1k · Jan 2012
To an Early Snowdrop
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
How amazing to see you
Ahead of your hour
Using your strength
To reveal a small flower.

Like a pure white pearl
Amid emerald blades
Your head peeps through
Winter’s harsh shades.

A courageous act
Pushing through frozen earth
To show me your beauty,
To reveal your true worth.

Stand tall and proud,
Delight me with your charm;
For the merest sight of you
Makes my heart calm.
7.3k · Jan 2012
Beautiful Inside
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Appearances can be deceptive,
And to the superficial gaze
The outside looks dull and grey
Plain looking in many ways,
Yet, when a crack causes
Water to seep slowly through,
A Geode can split to reveal
A dazzling sight to view!
Piles of purple crystals
Sparkling in the light,
Such wonderful inner beauty
Now apparent for our delight!

Have you noticed how some people,
May seem plain as plain can be?
Yet, if we take time to peer deeper,
Then, what gems would we see?
Perhaps a beautiful heart
We never thought was there,
Where an aching generosity
Is waiting its time to share?
Yes, a warm, glowing inner beauty
Will emerge before your eyes,
A newly discovered Treasure
For you to cherish, and to prize!
6.3k · Jan 2012
The Life of a Leaf
Paul Holmes Jan 2012

I slowly unfurl to the World
Stretching up to the sky blue
And sense an early morning chill
Of Spring waking me anew.
Each day grows a little warmer
As daylight hours extend
Making this leaf feel fresher,
Tothe bright sunlight I bend.


I’m at my most greenest now,
Hot sun burns upon my veins;
How glad am I to finally enjoy
Those cooling, copious rains.
At which point, I pour in drips,
A refreshing, rousing trickle
That falls on grass and buttercup
Teasing them with a tickle.


Mists have now arrived, enshrouding
My form with heavy dew;
The greens has all but leached away,
Bled from veins no longer new.
Down below the tree are vivid reds
Browns and translucent golds
Which, increasingly each day now
People their captivation holds.


The first frost of Winter
And a biting, northerly breeze
Cut into me,and scores of others
Were torn from their trees.
I’ve fallen now, to the ground
All wrinkled, and utterly fragile
Awaiting my final hour
Until, I meet my funeral pile…
3.7k · Jan 2012
Natural Mirror (Haiku)
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Liquid clouds sail by
Between green branches they float
Angler’s face is blurred.

Large frog hops then swims
Stirring the placid picture
Grotesque forms reshape.

Stream now calm and still
Sky reflects countryside scene
Tranquil Man and World.
3.6k · Jan 2012
Heart of Dreams (Sonnet)
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Here in the heart of my dreams
I’m cocooned in your embrace,
And the moon’s romantic beams
Shine softly on your face
As I relish and enjoy
Every memorable minute
Where nothing can destroy
Our love so infinite.
No one can interfere while
We’re as close as a heartbeat;
Chasing darkness away with a smile,
Loves’ sunshine does it defeat!
As long as I’m nestled here with you
It’s like all my dreams have come true.
3.6k · Jan 2012
Obese Birds
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Can you imagine
How life would really be
If birds were obese
And fell from their tree?

Sparrows staggering somehow
Around with bent beaks
Upturned to the sky
Awaiting helpful tweaks!

Alas, when the rain showers
Fall like you wouldn’t believe
You’d see Sparrows wearing snorkels
To help them better breathe!

And then an Albatross
Won’t be able to leave the ground
Due to overeating fish
And turning overly round.

Ducks, when thrown some bread
By children in the park
Would slowly, steadily sink
As surely as a dog does bark!

Swallows they would swallow
Many, too many flies
And end up heavily crashing
From our summer skies.

Then, all the newspapers
On the front page would read:
“We’re Fed up with Obese Birds
Please, Do NOT feed!”
3.5k · Jan 2012
Samson's Weakness
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Relaxing peacefully on her lap
Her fingers ran through his hair,
And,speaking soft, soothing words
Waves of calm caressed him there.

Delilah used her feminine wiles,
Honeyed words dripped from her lips,
A sense of serenity enveloped his soul
From her tender fingertips.

The secret of his amazing strength
Was reluctantly revealed to her ears
Leading to open the floodgates
Of times of sorrow and tears.

On her lap he continued to rest,
Unawares of her subtle scheming;
Carefully his luxuriant locks were cut
With scissors sharp and gleaming.

Little could Samson have known
The intentions of her black heart,
Her cunning and overpowering charm
Hit him as with a poisoned dart.

Samson’s strength suddenly left him,
As weak as a kitten he became,
Delilah had truly duped him,
Although it seemed to her a game.

As hard as granite was her heart,
No true feelings of love were there
Else, why would she hurt him
With no chance of any repair?

His life had a very sad ending,
Of this most people have heard,
It’s recorded for our perusal
Within the pages of God’s Word.

The lesson to be learned
From this ghastly episode
Is that disloyalty is as acid
That the heart can corrode.

Like a wilting yellow lily
Under the sun’s searing heat,
Samson’s strength melted
Into a pool of utter defeat.

Remember this we should
And be careful how we act
Lest our deceptive hearts
This drama we re-enact…
2.6k · Jan 2012
My Favourite Places
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
There is a hollow in her hand
That needs to be filled with mine…

A beach of powder white sand
Where we cheerfully recline…

There are two lovely lips
Aching for a tender kiss…

A cliff top where the wind whips
Up a bracing breeze, sheer bliss…

Warm tints nestle within her hair
And seemingly skip with pleasure…

A buttercup meadow so rare
Where we picnic at our leisure…

Right in the centre of her chest
Her heart beats a rhythm sublime…

Wherever we are, that place is the best
As long as I’m with her each time….
2.5k · Jan 2012
Her Blue Eyes (Haiku)
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Like liquid sapphires
Attracting my loving gaze
Your eyes steal my heart.
2.3k · Jan 2012
Tempers Fugit
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Gluteus Maximus
That Gladiator of Rome
Got into such a rage
That his mouth did foam,
He cursed and snarled
And snarled and cursed,
Yet things didn’t improve
They got much worse;
His fists beat the ground
And he spat into the air,
No one dare come close
When his temper did flare.
Furiously struggling
To undo a knot so big
It wasn’t his strong point,
He couldn’t give a fig!
Unable to get to grips
With his **** leather laces
Those sandals caused such scowls
And grotesque grimaces...
So, aren’t you grateful
That he isn’t alive today?
That bad tempered warrior
Your life he would slay
Just with one of his black looks
Or a growl at your face,
You’d probably explode
With only a trace
Of smoke and shoes
Left where you did stand,
Nothing but grey ashes
On the Coliseum’s red sand!
1.5k · Jan 2012
Vapours in Azure
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Vapours appear as if by magic
On the blue canvas of the sky
Creating curious shapes
Or, is it a trick of the eye?

Cauliflower clouds accumulate
Into such a mountainous size;
Mushrooms seem to sprout
Right before my very eyes.

Next, a little white rabbit
With thin, pointy ears
And a mouse with whiskers
Shapes, and slowly appears.

Soon, a whole menagerie
Of animals come into view;
An elephant and a seagull
And even a kangaroo!

My, what a most impressive
Vaporous display;
Much too good to ignore
At the end of the day

As it’s then that these scenes
Appear at their very best
When the setting sun splits rays
And I feel my heart won’t rest

As it beats excitedly at
These pleasing pictures to view;
No artist could capture completely
A painting as lifelike, as true.

So, when you look up at clouds
And wish they wasn't there
Consider that these vapours in azure
Floating quietly in the air

Gently pour life-sustaining rain
Onto the thirsty earth
And thus, each cloud actually
Has a great deal of worth.
1.2k · Jan 2012
The Poet Worthy of Praise
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
He or she who can put pen to paper
And write words for all to cherish and savour,
Who can touch the heart and fire the mind
And make us see things as if we were blind;
Who paints word pictures, again and again
With the swiftest strokes of a fountain pen,
Awakening feelings of wonder and awe
That, perhaps haven’t been sensed before;
Who makes heavy hearts feel at ease
As easily as warm winds bend willow trees;
Truly, on that Poet’s words we should feed
For surely they’re worthy of praise indeed.
1.1k · Jan 2012
More Beautiful
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Can there be a more beautiful Rose
To bloom in the month of May
To release so potent a perfume
That it takes your breath away?

Can there be a more beautiful Beach
To walk on with bare feet
One with soft powder white sands
And a breeze to temper the heat?

Can there be a more beautiful Rainbow
To arch across April's sky
As showers pour in profusion
Like tears across your eye?

Can there be a more beautiful Sunset
With glorious colours to end the day
So wonderful a closing scene
That it makes you want to stay?

Yes! When enjoyed together
With the love of your life;
So enjoy all these, and more,
With your husband or your wife.
1.1k · Jan 2012
Victim of Love
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Slap a padlock on my mind
If you can only but try;
My thoughts cannot be confined,
My freedom you won’t deny.

Am I so small, so fragile a Bird,
Unnoticed, with a broken wing?
So weak to utter a noble word,
Unable to sweetly sing?

No! There’s so much to learn,
Inside there’s a tender heart;
Passion’s deep within do burn,
Just haven’t had chance to start.

Don’t think you can control
My life in every way,
I am a patient, but strong soul
Just waiting for the day

When retribution will call,
Then release, as from a cage
And freedom to walk so tall
With no more seething rage.
Written from a woman's perspective.
1.1k · Jan 2012
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Today, I will love you
Come sun or rainy weather,
Don’t think I will leave you,
No,our lives none can sever.

Tomorrow, I will love you
As long as you hold my hand;
My heart for you I’ll write each day
Although waves wash away the sand.

Forever, I will love you
Don’t doubt, it is the truth,
Each day we spend together
Keeps me in perpetual youth.
996 · Jan 2012
Her Smile Makes Me Smile
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
Whenever I feel sad
And life’s troubles wear me down
I look upon her lovely face
And no longer wear a frown.

Whenever the cold rain
Pours and soaks the ground
It’s then that I sense sunshine
Each time that she’s around.

Her smile makes me smile
And I feel so pleased to be
In the same room as her,
In her close proximity.

Her smile makes me smile
At people that pass me by;
There’s a spring in my step
And a twinkle in my eye.
919 · Jan 2012
Sympathy for an Autumn Leaf
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
I watched you from my window
Clinging on for dear life,
Trembling on the thinnest branch,
Howling winds cut like a knife.

Your life was draining away,
Veins red raw and bare,
Inevitably you had to fall,
I watched you lay right there

Where my ***** brown boots
Crushed your brothers and sisters,
Crinkled scarlet and gold leaves
Piled up, covered with blisters.

There, resting at my feet
Like a fallen, scarlet star
Your pitiful life reminded me
Of how fragile we truly are.
802 · Jan 2012
To get her
Paul Holmes Jan 2012
To get her
Looking into my eyes
And kindly interpreting my sighs
I sit close beside her,
Awaiting tender replies.

To get her
Gently holding my hand
And, no longer feel an Island
I snuggle up even closer
Thus, friendship’s flames are fanned.

To get her
To give a warm embrace
I peer into her face,
And, reaching for her waist,
Her response makes my heart race.

To get her
Kiss and sweetest smile
I speak in poetic style,
Warm memories are forged,
And others return for a while.

We talk and smile and kiss,
We enjoy each marital bliss
Upon Life’s bumpy Highway,
What’s better than this?

— The End —