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Patrick McCombs May 2013
In your hand there was a coffee cup
As I walked into the kitchen you looked up
For a second we locked eyes
And I saw something in you rise
We both glanced at the clock on the wall
It was 3:37 AM and time had slowed to a crawl
Unable to sleep through the night
An insomniacs delight
We sat together at the kitchen table
Trying to keep one another stable
Out side we heard a car race past
We tried to figure out why he was going so fast
Who he was, or where he was going
But alas there was no way of knowing
Then the birds were awake and singing their songs
And I think I heard you humming along
We broke down and opened a gallon of chocolate chip
As we ate you talked about your ideal trip
You said you wanted to go to France
That you just wanted to take a chance
To see the rolling countryside
But the opportunity is always denied
Through the window we see the sun start to rise
The weak light hurting our eyes
Your face was half soaked in the pale morning light
We decide to try and get more sleep "Tonight"
Patrick McCombs Apr 2013
The cold wind cuts right through
Goosebumps appear on my skin
Your eyes are this sweet glacial blue
And your voice is sweet and thin
I hold your hand in mine
As the snow gives under our feet
And the stars up above shine
The street barely looks like a street
It looks like a winter wonderland
Its been awhile since our last walk
And this one was a little unplanned
But you certainly can talk
I can't really feel my face
Your face is a windblown red
You challenge me to a race
Before I can say anything you have already fled
Patrick McCombs Mar 2013
It was daybreak
We were still awake
The sky was basked in a pale light
as the sun came to end the night
We were sitting on the ground
Your breathing was the only sound
That I could hear
And I wanted us to disappear
from the flow of time
Preserve us in our prime
Patrick McCombs Feb 2013
We just crossed state lines
According to the highway signs
With the sun rising at our backs
We're covering up our tracks
Cutting off the loose ends
Leaving all our old "friends"
You've got this look on your face
Like you've just won the big race
You put your foot flat on the ground
And the engine makes a roaring sound
Were racing down the interstate
Trying to out run our fate
Your laugh has undertones of insanity
Or maybe that's just your vanity
As your eyes glow in the misty morning air
I try and figure out whats going on in there
But you're an impossible equation
Skilled in misdirection and evasion
A problem I have no hope of solving
Because you are constantly evolving
You grab a bottle of wine from the back seat
You open it one handed, no easy feat
You take a fantastically long drink
You pass it to me and give me a wink
And we drive off to face the day
Some people might call us crazy, but I prefer it this way.
Patrick McCombs Jan 2013
You sent me a letter
I nearly dropped it when I picked it up
I read the return address at least three times
The letter lay on the table
I stared at it for a while
Paced around the kitchen
Deep breath
I took the plunge
Havn't been this scared to open a letter
Since my senior year of high school
It was a monster of a letter
Ten pages double sided hand written
Letters so tightly pressed together
I thought it was one long word
I read it I read it all in one sitting
You told me where you've been all these years
Every little detail of every major event
Your dead end job
How you quit said job
Your marriage
Your divorce
Your year in a small little town in Arizona
How you ended up teaching english in Seatle
It was a lot
It was more than a lot
I walked over to my desk
And I started writing you a letter
Patrick McCombs Dec 2012
The fireworks burst in the sky
And the colors swirl and fly
The night air is heavy with heat
And the grass is wet beneath our feet
The mosquitos feast on our skin
Its a battle we can never hope to win
The fireworks burn so bright
But to me it never seemed quite right
That such beauty vanishes so fast
I just wanted that shining moment to last
Patrick McCombs Dec 2012
We walk in a silence that begs to be broken
The words we wish to say go unspoken
I can almost see the tension
Reality is put in suspension
I can feel the words on my tounge
They are as foolish as I am young
I can't do this;I can't look into your eyes
And tell you warm sweet lies
Right now truth is the only path
In the head i've done the math
Thought out every word
How to strike every conversational chord
I just need to propel myself down this dead end
Some wounds my never mend
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