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Patrick McCombs Oct 2012
Clouds bounce against the edges of the sky
I let out a long sigh
My breath visible in the frigid air
I'm shaking but I don't care
The sky is a deep after snow blue
A lone bird came into view
The world was perfectly still
I couldn't move; I didn't have the will
To break this instant of perfection
To sever this connection
Patrick McCombs Oct 2012
She has this air
that she doesn't care
That she doesn't give a ****
Not. One. Bit.
You'd think of her shallow.
All marsh but no mallow
But that's not the case
Its written on her face
In the small movement of her lips
And the small vocal slips
When her voice stumbles over words
And she hits melancholy chords
Big smiles that don't quite reach her eyes
I can see through her guise
Because normality
Is only a formality
Patrick McCombs Oct 2012
I imagined your touch
It was almost too much
And the wind screamed
And I no longer dreamed
Of soft lies
Only foreign skies
Alien landscapes that stretch on forever
And my grip on reality starts to sever
Yesterday I thought I saw you across the street
I looked down at my feet
Too scared to look in your direction
Unwilling to spread the infection
That is locking eyes
Because in them I see a thousand other guys
Five minutes later, I realized it wasn't you
That nothing my eyes tell me is true
Its scary to think
That everything is written in disappearing ink
I'm starting to slip
I'm losing my grip
I can't keep track of the days
Its all a never ending haze
Strange scenes
Never ending dreams
Ever briefer spasms of lucidity
I'm losing all validity
Patrick McCombs Oct 2012
We walk in a silence that begs to be broken
The words we wish to say go unspoken
I can almost see the tension
Reality is put in suspension
I can feel the words on my tongue
They are as foolish as I am young
I can't do this;I can't look into your eyes
And tell you warm sweet lies
Right now truth is the only path
In the head i've done the math
Thought out every word
How to strike every conversational chord
I just need to propel myself down this dead end
Some wounds never mend
Patrick McCombs Aug 2012
I hold tight to my locket
Splotches of grey clouding  my vision
I wonder if my eyes are falling out of the socket
And I think with such terrifying precision
Rapid expansion and contraction
My breathing is out of sync
And its starting a chain reaction
I'm sliding toward the brink
I hate this hospital bed
I hate this room with its sickly white walls
And the ever-pressing reminder of the dead
That sometimes pass down these halls
Nobody talks straight
Always just euphemistic *******
I need someone to translate
I want to quit
But I won't, I can't
To sever my ties
To uproot my plant
That would only quicken my demise
I will hold fast
And hope that it can last
Patrick McCombs Jul 2012
I can feel it in my bones
I can hear the dissonant tones
I see the clouds shifting above
I hear the cry of the mourning dove
Its song kicking in my head
I'm filled with dread
I wander down the empty streets
Hearing a strange series of beats
The rhythm of the times as it were
And time became a blur
The sun vanished into the trees
I can hear the night breeze
I look to the stars
I ignore the speeding cars
And focus on the heavenly lights
Patrick McCombs Jul 2012
My thoughts are a mess
A side effect of the stress
I cherry pick the loose strands
And hold them in my hands
They are written in an unknown code
I think I'm going to explode
External pressure ever consuming
I wish I could see what was looming
Right around the bend
Maybe its the end
But I can't even make sense of the present
Can't tell its intent
I'm scared, I'm ******, I'm terrified
My senses are highly electrified
I'm moving fast but I don't know where I'm going
And I don't show any signs of slowing
I'm afraid of crashing
While the green light is flashing.
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