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 Nov 2011 Parker Wallis
How can I consider myself a poet?
I do not have a cat for a pet
(Instead I have a dog that thinks I’m her pet)

How can I call myself a poet?
I do not over indulge in alcohol
(Except the rarely occasional beer or whiskey)

How can I be a poet?
I do not consciously write with rhyme or rhythm in mind
(If it comes, it’s usually seldom or unintentional)

How can I be called a poet?
I don’t live in France nor have I ever been
(Though given the chance, I would leave in a heartbeat)

How can I be considered a poet?
I don’t dress in all black clothes and smoke Clove cigarettes
(I love flannel and jeans and smoke Camel or American Spirits)

                                                      ­       *How can I consider myself a poet?

Maybe the fact that I ask this question makes me a poet?*)
Poet stereotypes. if i can think of more stereotypes (or more are offered) i will probably end up adding onto this poem...
It started with a fire
built with young leaves
and the ink from my pen.
Whether it is your fault or my own,
our lives are intertwined
in the flame.
Still, the breath of our moon
carries a message
to us both;
never offer up the slightest wave
of shame.

Calling from the ground is the rain
that found the wind
that blew paper from my hands.
A wind that practiced
the religion of picking up pieces
of broken hearts
and throwing them back down,
only to kiss their cries
with a stampede
of what they cannot understand.

A well thought out plan started out
with a fire built
with young leaves
and the ink from my pen.
It is not your fault,
nor is it mine.
If we can we ever stop listening
to the winds
that kiss the cries of our broken hearts,
from the flame, we would come
First line donated via the first line game. Special thanks goes to Jon Tobias for "It started with a fire". Thank you for letting me play. ;-{)
will go on eternal

is numbered in years

only one per person

counted in losses

counted in the lack thereof

is boundless and without count

A song
need only a few notes

A poem
but a few words

needs only two hearts

is how you count your blessings
 Nov 2011 Parker Wallis
maybe I will go out there
allow for it all

bite the dust
inhale the wisdom of failure

maybe I will ration the raindrops

invite the Tsunami
exploding fate

finding in death,
a likeness I never knew

Linaji ~ 2011
Rolling Rock

— The End —