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 Jan 2014 Paola Lopez
 Jan 2014 Paola Lopez
I tried to
make a playlist
of all the songs
that reminded
me of you
for the sole
purpose of burning
them entirely
and listening to
the rest in peace,
but I realized
every single one
was laced with
your name
so I ended up
burning everything
to the ground
and it still
wasn't enough
to get you out
of my head.
The words are so hard to form
The memories singe my eyes
I burnt the bridges I built
Let go off the person I love the most
Let go off myself to being lost
Lost in eternity
I miss the warm smile which held my heart
I miss the feeling of your touch
The crinkle around your eyes
The sparkle in your eyes beholding me
The warmth of your touch
The touch of your lips
I miss you; I miss us
I know I burnt your trust

My tears singe my eyes
The scars hurt me deep inside
The wounds in me burn me
The memory lasts forever
Can love be violent
I miss being alive
The screams fill my ears
A part of me dies everyday
A part of me is lost
Lost in eternity
 Sep 2013 Paola Lopez
i look in the mirror &
all i see
is a face i know
once cheerful
with a soul so free

all that is left
is her appearance

but only heaven knows
the emptiness and
creatures inside of me

— The End —