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Anika Festrog (1977-present) is a Hungarian refugee. She fled from behind the Iron Curtain nation, but it was five years after the Cold War was ...
Loveless Wraith
Loveless Wraith is a self-published writer who writes pomes. When he isn't doing this, he enjoys playing in a heavy metal band and collecting Yu-Gi-Oh! ...
Tuck Fish
(1975-Present) Tuck Fish is widely revered in certain circles as a Haiku genius. Published in several 'online anthologies' and many more poetry related (especially Haiku) ...
Who I am is a riddle I haven't learned the answer to, yet. I have a gender, and a work history, an academic record and ...
Johnny Panic
John "Johnny Panic" Rockefeller (1926-1962, 1973-present) is the reanimated corpse of Marilyn Monroe reconstituted with ape DNA. He has been included in exactly none textbooks, ...
After striving in obscurity for decades, Lester Bangs still can't get published to save his worthless life. Even his High School newspaper didn't want his ...
Kitty Parson
Kitty Parson was born at home in an unextraordinary ranch house in the Pacific Northwest. After Kitty was kidnapped at a young age, her mother ...
Doktor Howl (1925-present) is the last survivor of the Old Bohemians Club, and is considered a rather unexceptional poet, who should probably remove his irons ...

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