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Jun 2014 · 776
Next Year
Olivia Mercado Jun 2014
This is the time of the year where
seniors in purple fly through the halls
riding on scooters
as per school tradition.
Where I play "Pomp and Circumstance"
twenty-eight times in a row
while they tromp sloooooowly down the aisle.
The days are scalding
and the nights are balmy
the sky is too blue,
the earth burned slowly brown
the trees green
the grass gold
and the air still.
These are the days when phone book bags
saw at my fingers while I trudge from house to house
raising money for next year.

Next year will be my turn.
The nights will be alive with the music
of my prom
and my graduation;
the halls will be aflame
with the purple of my spreading robes.
Next year I will leave, turn away to the river-blue mountains
the icing-white crests and go.
To Canada, to New York, to Seattle or Portland --
the throbbing quiver of life
of people experiencing one another --

where I go doesn't matter. Next year,
this time,
I will be gone.
May 2014 · 507
Olivia Mercado May 2014
I stare at the ceiling and
love myself
for a change

It feels incredible
to be loved by someone
who knows me as I know
May 2014 · 819
Olivia Mercado May 2014
Poems on
  graph paper
in the bottom of  my
May 2014 · 480
Olivia Mercado May 2014
Broken as a

Lines broken off
                             in the

     what            would
May 2014 · 574
the abstract
Olivia Mercado May 2014
existence is merely the illusion of light inside a void
a narrative projected onyo the screen of darkness without
dreams are swallowed by the void and
make love to it
the children of souls and minds and nothing
of hate

breaking the sky
too strange to be horrible
yet too horrible to be

and so it falls apart
our projection shown for what it is
threadbare and disintegrating
revealed physically in our bodies
like everything we believe.

the desert of the real is upon us
and we are drowning in thirst.
May 2014 · 849
You are better
Olivia Mercado May 2014
You're looking down
please don't look down again.
We live in a culture of self-deprecation
and self-loathing
but we are not slaves to it.
Just because you feel like curling up like a hedgehog
doesn't mean you have to --
It's easy, and you're tired,
but you don't have to.

You are better than this.
You are better than whatever version of yourself
you see in the mirror on those mornings  you don't want to leave the house
better than your father was
better than I am, honestly.
There is so much goodness in you --
stop pulling back
there is nothing to be afraid of.
Trust me.
It took me years to find that out for myself.
May 2014 · 518
AP testing
Olivia Mercado May 2014
My words feel broken

because I stopped using them for poetry
May 2014 · 427
I swore it off
Olivia Mercado May 2014
I'm not in love with anyone right now
and to be honest
it's pretty boring
May 2014 · 540
Olivia Mercado May 2014
Hands on the wheel
window half open
I stare down the road into the perfect golden sunset
toward the city and the sea
the verdant spring forcefully blooming me into mania
the radio singing me onward
All I want, all I ever wanted
to leave
I have my debit card and a full tank of gas
I can go anywhere.

I sigh
pull onto the exit
and drive slowly home.
May 2014 · 842
Olivia Mercado May 2014
I am in a desert town
Standing on the mountaintop
Lonely growing up in a too-big house
seeing the world from behind the smeared glass of a
tour bus
while an automated voice drills in
objective truths
about culture
about what the Other's color of skin makes

Being told to give money because God said so
Being told my daddy up in heaven loved me
whether he showed up or not
and I had to just
and obey

I'd rather turn away
from that sunny desert sky, because it
I'd rather jump off the bus
so I could stop feeling so ****
and forget about what the color of my skin
makes me.
I'd rather not live to serve a god I don't
and never met
and a family who has never met me.

To be called a fellow person
rather than a tourist or
Because I know what it is to be patronized.
May 2014 · 407
Olivia Mercado May 2014
I feel my beating heart
and in between pulses
I see you all
feeling your own hearts
washed in midnight glow of computer screens
shining from your pupils.
not abstract
and very much
May 2014 · 367
Olivia Mercado May 2014
The sea is dead so
come on and take a swim
let it pull you down
meet the horrors of the deep
let your laughter end their sleep
      as you drown.

The world is dying but
you seem just fine.
Somehow you are happy here
bafflingly impervious
to ethereal delirias
      and cosmic fear.
May 2014 · 562
I want to go
Olivia Mercado May 2014
The shredded clouds
in complacent disarray
over my greening desert valley
cast a gray-brown light
on the softening mountains.

I want to go
and go and go and go
If I step onto the street I will not be able to stop myself
My feet will find the riverside
and then the Oregon coastline
and then the California valley
And maybe I will find myself
washed somewhere downstream by the river.
May 2014 · 482
Rubber sheet
Olivia Mercado May 2014
Model human interactions
as trees
or oceans
or politics
Model space
as a
sheet of rubber
Model  the beautiful and infinite
as something
and finite.

When did we get so obsessed
with understanding?
How important is it anyway?
Can't people be people
oceans be oceans
gravity be

It doesn't matter how you model it.
No matter what,



May 2014 · 331
Olivia Mercado May 2014
There's no such thing as wandering
There's no such thing as home
There's only this moment of existence
This feeling in my bones
There's asphalt shining in the rain
Colors brighter than they were
There's coffee stains and rising steam
And music you can't hear
There's friends who've forgotten who you are
And strangers who memorize your face
When you forget your family's birthdays
And you're proud of second place
Home's already fading
As the future eclipses the past
The road is endlessly winding
Nothing feels as good as being lost.
Apr 2014 · 687
Olivia Mercado Apr 2014
To California:
You are a land of gold and opportunity
the manifest destiny grasped
the cradle of many too-distant friends.

To Ohio:
You are halfway across the country
the destination of a poignantly-missed friend
the cradle of a new beginning for her
the end of our era.

To Oregon:
Rivers between us, pumping blue blood to the sea
in you, I stumbled from girl into woman
in you, I woke up and stood up, and
made the first memories I treasure.

To Canada:
You are my parent as much as America
a cleaner, calmer shadow of your sister
more vast than words can encapsulate,
an undiscovered prairie of 100-person towns
beautiful and insulated, insects drowning in amber.
Oil pumps in canola fields
twisted pines from the Dark Ages
atop mountains green with August snowmelt
impossibly broad skies and midnight suns
dancing under the northern lights in my cousin's wedding.
You gave me a
plastic bag with two passports, cracking open
the world.

To Washington:
You are the ever-green land
vibrant and beautiful in my memory and before my eyes
the thrumming of Seattle music,
the steam of fresh coffee on perfect grey skies
warm sweatshirts and jeans that fit just right
copper hair curling perfectly on my shoulders
poetry reading in cafe basements
excitement at discovering my voice.
You are the cradle of my closest friends
my bitterest regrets sweetening my
hang-over coffee.
You were my first start
and every new beginning after that.
You were my first home
and you will be my last.
Mar 2014 · 492
The Sky
Olivia Mercado Mar 2014
The sky is damp as a sodden t-shirt
Worn running into a hose
On the green of summer lawns

The sky is grey as a crone's tight bun
Conservative and chilled
Knowing summer's youth is done

The sky is proud as an archaic monarch
Much-loved, and yet much-feared
Intangible, yet all-encompassing

The sky is not friendly
It is not warm
But it is constant
Through summer days
Through greying hairs
Through the tumbling of kings
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Goodbye/Thank you (long)
Olivia Mercado Mar 2014
I'm at that point after the debate season where
I'm all exhausted and nostalgic because
it's too late to do anything this season
too early to worry about next season and
all my senior friends graduated and
I'll never see them again.

Even scarier is the revelation that this will be me next year.  

What started out as a pleasant diversion
something to do on weekends
has become my social life and my education, and,
to a larger extent than it should be,
my identity.

I will miss playing truth-or-truth
(like truth or dare, only with more difficult decisions).
I will miss making friends because
I can't walk in heels
or mispronounced a word
or I like someone's tie.
I will miss our stupid inside jokes and debating
(and beating)
cute boys, waking up in a new city every weekend.
I will miss long car rides staring at the moonlight
illuminating the patterned clouds,
my headphones in and my best friends sleeping
packed closer-than-comfortable on each other's shoulders.
I know I have another year left, but
a lot of people who made debate what it is
have either graduated or will be graduating this year.

I miss my friends, my mentors, already.
As they leave, the threads that tie me to my city
fray. Already,
a year before it will finally be my turn
to face that door that leads into the unknown of
adult life, the door through which
many of my closest friends have already walked,
I have utterly lost any reluctance
to pass through it.
One friend after another has left
this tiny valley I call home,
and most of my best friends live outside of it.

One more year.

I now understand the way the seniors I looked up to
didn't seem to notice me
or pay me the sort of attention I paid them
when I was busy idealizing and looking up to them --
it's not that I don't care
about the younger kids on my team or my school,
or that I don't appreciate or believe in them,
but they are not a part of my future.
They are not a part of what I will become.  

I face that mysterious door, fighting my way
step by step
through mounds of paperwork and college applications
all for that intangible future
more fresh and beautiful than anything here.
I will go.

And those cute little incoming freshmen will not follow.
If I am to face forward, I must necessarily fix my eyes
on my future, not theirs.
They will do the same in time.

I can't bring myself to obsess over the past
and beat myself up over the relationships
I should have developed but didn't.
There's no point. I don't mean to sound nihilistic --
in fact, just the opposite.
My future is manifesting itself slowly,
inexorably and inexplicably before me.

Am I making decisions, or is fate
shaping my loves and hates and opportunities?
I don't think it matters.
I choose to gaze at my future as infinite opportunity,
infinite joy spread over infinite possiblities.
As that joy becomes tangible, it also becomes more finite,
but from where I stand I see everything ahead.
I can finally leave everything I have been tied to
and prove to myself I am myself.

To those who are graduating this year:
even if I barely remember you,
if you were a brief conversation
or a random my-friend-dared-me-to-hug-you,
you are awesome.
Our brief, random, enlightening moments
of shared human contact have made me who I am.
I can't explain how much it means to realize
that you're not alone,
that some people care about the same things you do
and care enough to reach out and teach.

To those of you who have time left:
make the most of it.
Talk to the shy kid in the corner;
She's the sweetest.
Talk to the kid who reads Game of Thrones between rounds;
He has the funniest stories.
If you have a cute opponent, ask for their case
and write your number on it.
You only get one shot at this,
and it goes by too fast for you to hold back.
My best memories have come from the most dangerous
and strange decisions --
walking around a dark campus
with a couple of people I barely know,
picking "dare" in truth or dare,
smiling at strangers.

To those of you in the same class as me,
looking forward, bound to your past and present:
thank you.
Thank you
thank you
for existing and being kind to me and regaling me with your stories and emotional problems and memories.
Thank you for not letting me stay depressed
and dragging me outside of myself.
Thank you for making me care, one way or another.
When I stand at my high school graduation
in my school's garish purple and gold,
I will be thinking of a dozen other people
in blue and red and orange and green.
I will be thinking of the people
who made life too precious to spill out on a knife,
too beautiful to be captured in the pages of a book,
too unanticipated to get bored or cynical of.
I realize most of the people on this site have never done debate (a cult-like high school activity), but it really has shaped my life. If you made it to the end, thank you for reading all the way. This is something I wanted to share because of how much everyone on my team and the other teams we compete with matter to me. It is, in short, the story of a shy, awkward girl who met a whole community of shy, awkward, brilliant people and fell in love. It is a story of belonging and leaving. And by listening to it, you've become a part of it. Thank you.
Mar 2014 · 951
Olivia Mercado Mar 2014
Sometimes books make me unhappy
because there are probably too many of them
to read before I die.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Love Poems
Olivia Mercado Mar 2014
Love poems
about a face just glimpsed
echoing in memory.
Singular dark eyes,
pooling the shadows
quick words, one handshake
and another for goodbye.

living hundreds of miles apart
yet he draws me outside of myself.
I love not him,
this one I do not know,
but the metaphor -
what he is -

The sere winter wind
rasps my sleepless eyes.
Roads and roads away from home
across a snow-blinded parking lot
we are
missing one another
Mar 2014 · 509
Olivia Mercado Mar 2014
Everyone deserves to die
For something or other
Every man is a murderer
Every woman a *****
In that we take what is not ours
And do what we must, to get what we want
And what we need
To keep going
Stealing seconds
Slivers of breaths
Slivers of sleep, shattered by
Screaming-silent dreams
By the roaring fires over which we dance
Caught in this beautiful
Caught sleeping in the
With only one way out
Mar 2014 · 409
Olivia Mercado Mar 2014
The music beats like a trembling heart
like a baby bird, naked and ugly
fallen and trying to fly.
The pen scratches, my favorite one
spilling green blood
on the cheap white notebook's skin,
my immature secrets
into a listening ear.
I strain forward, to the east
thinking of someone.
Maybe this obsession has gone far enough.
I thought it would fix me, be good
to think about someone else for a while.
But it was too much, in the end.
My best friend said, "A crutch
will only make you weaker.
And eventually, it will break."

Are you happy now? You always loved
being right.
Mar 2014 · 367
Olivia Mercado Mar 2014
I'm looking for someone
but I don't know how to phrase it
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
National Qualifiers
Olivia Mercado Feb 2014
This week I will pull off the impossible
I will write the greatest cases ever written
I will pull up my GPA
turn in the greatest transcendentalism essay you'll ever read
finish my APUSH
pull off wonders in AP Chem.
Ah, the life of a student
in a highly competetive, tightly-knit arena
going for the win.

Little things like drama
and social tension
just seem to fade away when you reach out
higher, harder, faster
Research, speed drills, caffeine
Lose weight, forget to eat
Gain weight, forget to sleep
But I feel fantastic.
No more emo *******
finally, after too long, I am *passionate.
Feb 2014 · 390
Olivia Mercado Feb 2014
This is
standing before the crowded room, exhausted, uncertain, offbeat
the sound of applause at my name
the face of my friend as I
step forward
look around
and begin.

This is
looking out over a group of 600 high schoolers below me
taking in a breath and feeling it liven my lungs
feeling tall and powerful and free
and home.

This is
awards ceremonies at one in the morning
standing on a stage before 600 people, stepping forward
hugging the friend who watched me read, striding up again
to take the prize for my team --
my family.

This is
realizing that some time in the last six hours I have fallen in love
with my opponent
as he steps forward to claim his prize

This is
smiling so hard my face hurts and hugging strangers and feeling okay
This is
reading poetry for a room of strangers
This is
realizing that my voice has not failed me.
Feb 2014 · 821
Olivia Mercado Feb 2014
All the poems I see are sad.
I hit shuffle for the hundredth time,
Hoping not to see the word "gone" or "pain" or "alone."
Once again, I am disappointed.
Yes, I get it.
We turn to poetry when our souls are darkest
To release our insecurities under anonymity
To see the yellow lightning bolt shouting,
"Someone cares!"
Into your darkness.
And this is all right.

But there is also joy in this earth.
There are weird moments when I feel happy
Even though I don't have a boyfriend
And my best friend isn't talking to me
And it's grey and bleak outside.
In these moments of inexplicable happiness,
There is just as much poetry
As there is in the moments
Of inexplicable sorrow.
Feb 2014 · 463
Can't Stop
Olivia Mercado Feb 2014
No more nostalgia!
I will not sleep tonight
There's too many books to read
Too many friends to make
To many things to say and regret
And make up for
Before I die
Or grow up
I am flying down the steel tracks of my life
At a thousand miles an hour
Memorizing speeches and vocabulary words
Hugging strangers
And being me.
There is no time to hang off the end of the caboose
And stare at the things I didn't see earlier.
I want to stand with my arms out,
Feeling the wind wash me away.

When not being sad makes you confused
You're doing it wrong.
Let yourself be happy
Give yourself permission
To define yourself now
Instead of trying to figure out who you are
By what you have done.

I don't have an answer to the question
"Who am I?"
Right now.
But I don't care, because for now
I am free.
Jan 2014 · 571
New Year
Olivia Mercado Jan 2014
Humans are weird things.
They’ll do anything
say anything
trust anyone
just to believe they can change.
From what I've seen,
no one is truly happy with who they are.
And why should they be?
We’re only human, and that means

But still, they cast around
for something greater
more perfect —
a king, a country, a God --  
to make them better.
And every time I look at humanity
in dismay
and lose hope in their goodness,
I also see the way they reach for the sky,
through song and art and love,
the way they aspire for new beginnings.

And I find hope again.

Happy New Year.
Dec 2013 · 598
Olivia Mercado Dec 2013
The fog rolled over the hills
Painting the mountains as the clouds never would
Delicate fingers of frost
On the proud fringes of trees
On the hoary, brittle grass
Covering, delicately, the brown of a snowless winter.

Every morning, when the sun rises
It comes up in a burst of glory
Turning my city into a valley of diamonds
As the fog slinks back to the shadowy vales
To wait for the night,
When it will cover, again, ever solid surface
With the jewels of Winter's generous king.
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
Olivia Mercado Dec 2013
When darkness whispers in your ear
Songs of death throughout the years
When you stand among the graves
Of vanished friends and summer days
When it takes you by the hand
And leads you to an ash-scoured land
And gently, with a seductive smile
Hands you a knife, wreathed in its guile
Wraps your fingers around its hilt
Sweetly drains away your guilt
Pause, dear friend, and think on this
Where was it that you went amiss?

I have been lost, I walk alone
Condemned by some veiled Heaven's throne
But I am a living mortal yet
I have refused the gods' coronet
I could claim to rule my death and life
Drive deep the bright and shining knife
But I scorn that Throne and Crown
God can keep his pride -- I am my own.
Dec 2013 · 728
Olivia Mercado Dec 2013
There was a girl who would dance in the stars
She forgot who she was when the dark turned to dawn
And the sun once came up in its yellow and gold
And told her to rejoice because she'd grown to be old.

There once was a child who loved to pretend
In the storm of his mind, the stout trees would bend
Hills slept as dragons and old sticks were swords
But the dragons kept sleeping and he could find no wars.

An old man was sleeping on a dark green park bench
He dreamed of the nights with his love he had spent
And then he woke up in the afternoon light
And tried to be happy, because they'd all been right

They said "Once you live past the dark horrors of night
Surely, somehow, it will all be all right."
Graduate with honors, a wife and a job
You'll be set 'till the night comes -- and you meet God.

The fight had been over for many years now
But it still didn't feel like he'd won, somehow.
White snow turns brown when the winter is done
It's hard to keep fighting when they all say you've won.
Dec 2013 · 293
Olivia Mercado Dec 2013
Words won't come
To tell you how I feel
All I can do is smile when you talk to me
And try to be myself
And hope you notice.
Dec 2013 · 520
Olivia Mercado Dec 2013
I'm still awake
Still, as the cold seeps into my bones
And my candle gave up an hour ago
I toss like a raft in an ocean
Puppet of the waves, and yet riding above them.

Sing to me, please
Like you did when I was a child
When I still believed in God
When I didn't hate myself
Before I poured myself out for others to ignore.

I miss you
I will choke my pride and say it
Because the missing is more bitter than my ego.
I miss the way the world would sing
Vibrating with a passionate harmony.

I'm still young
But I feel very, very old
Weighed down with selfishness
Already wasting away as my blood peeks out
From the perfect razor lines on my skin.
Will anything ever change?
There are too many years left,
If this is all there is.
I miss you.
And I don't even know who you are.

The very blood in my veins looks for you,
Spinning around and around with
Every beat in my heart
Until it finds an exit and bleeds out
Just for the hope
Of hearing you sing
One last time.
Dec 2013 · 437
Olivia Mercado Dec 2013
I don't know who you are
But you're reading this,
For one reason or another.
Whether you're halfway across the globe,
We have something in common right now.
And I just wanted to say,
You're amazing.
Dec 2013 · 507
The Grey Snow
Olivia Mercado Dec 2013
The snow used to be sparkling and white
Now it's grey
Worn thin by the lukewarm days
Tired of pretending it's Christmas already.

The birds don't sing anymore
And I don't blame them
It's cold and the sun has gone into hibernation
Nobody is outside to hear them anyway.

The scars on my wrist are healing
Just in time for my concert
Good. I don't want to explain.
I'm tired of pretending as it is.

4.0 student, captain of debate team
Painfully, incredibly lonely
Like the birds, hiding in the bushes
Waiting out the winter
Nobody's around to hear me sing anyway.

The snow is grey, worn thin with impatience
So very, very tired.
Nov 2013 · 373
Motion Sick
Olivia Mercado Nov 2013
I feel motion sick
Even when I'm not moving
I wonder:
Is it physical,
A side effect of the medication;
Or is it in my soul?
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
The Keyboard
Olivia Mercado Nov 2013
I play two keyboards
Both are black and white
One has letters and one merely voices
Both have meaning, and power
To change the way people think, and see
My fingers pause
Over the keys
To make music.
Nov 2013 · 853
Olivia Mercado Nov 2013
How could you be so kind
As to leave me with an
Awkward shoulder hug
And a word that never was?
This way, when you leave I don't mind
Nov 2013 · 972
Make it Stop
Olivia Mercado Nov 2013
Imperfections are the beauty of life.
The whisper of a fragmented shell, the uneven receding of the ocean and the glimpse of a half-moon, neither crescent nor full, while the sun begins to rise.
A quiet dawn, absent of the flaming colors of super-saturated images on an “artist’s” computer.
The fact that, as a writer, I am now ******* the rules of grammar and the fragmented, half-beauty of an imperfect sentence is the only result.
Beauty doesn’t come from using big words or even perfect words. It comes from being halfway there, half the joy of our sight fulfilled, half the excitement and mystery and sorrow of not knowing, of not seeing, of not understanding.
Beauty isn’t meant to be understood – or even appreciated.
It is meant to be.
As long as it exists – without the passion, the ****** struggle of the artist’s search for meaning, without the human condition of imperfections and rectifications, art is.
Art doesn’t need you, the artist, to exist.
But you need art.
Beauty that mirrors your own imperfections.
Your own incompletion.
You are not finished yet – you are not an artist yet – you never will be.
You are not creating. You have never made anything original in your life. You can only transpose that which is already in you. And as you are completed, you can begin to know completion, fullness, consummation –
But not quite. It is something that you will never reach. Not on this earth, in this body, with this bound and sleeping soul. A flicker of a spark in the darkness is not enough to truly wake your spirit; death alone can rend the iron chains and throw you out beyond your body.
Never enough.
You are never enough.
Art is never enough – always maddeningly imperfect, broken. What does art do? What do you do? Beyond the existence of the dripping seconds, absorbed by deserts of the poor, the tired, the embittered – they act. They do.
They are always doing.
But what is it to be?
Complete in yourself and in all? To be I am, the one condition by which anything can be anything or have anything, and to be enough?
I am lost, and blind, and cold, in the echoing halls of time.
What am I?
If I am not an artist, not enough, not – somehow – alone?
What can I be?
You – all of you – this human experiment that has reached new heights of love and joy and passion, ceaseless, peaceless, senseless and hollow.
Look at the world. Look and believe.
Death devours all; never satisfied, even with Shakespeare, with Napoleon and Caesar and Alexander the Great.
Even with you, and me.
It will never cease consuming as long as a single breath stirs the air.
Why are we? Why do we keep striving for that fragmented beauty, the misty song of another way to be?
Is there anything but the carnal, the voracious appetite of Death and Man for blood?
Or is humanity nothing but animals who have deluded themselves, told themselves that they can see what others cannot, that justice reigns and that this world is something other than what we see?
And I, caught amidst the whirlwind of all the nothing new, caught and spinning, pretending that I can see what others cannot, that I have something to offer through these black and white and formless words.
Nothing new.
The world never changes its axis; it spins and moves but never really goes anywhere, year after year, in the blinding plummet of galaxies around their black-hole hearts.
Is that all a heart is?
Is lightning only the fire flashing through black clouds that illuminates and kills?
Is poetry only syllables and words we cannot know?
Is the world only what we make of it?
Because then, well, ****.
I guess this is the story of my life, guys.
An arrogant, blind ******* who hates herself and draws away in silence. I drift in the vast reaches of space, unreachable, unlovable, with the rest of humanity spinning around until we get too dizzy to bear the tide and surge of life any longer.
And then we keel over and die.
Oct 2013 · 719
Silver Fish
Olivia Mercado Oct 2013
The sweet song of the humming computer
Follows me into the corner of the room in my dream
Where I curl up and wake
To the softly rising sun in the west.

The sun gives no light;
It can’t decide whether to sing or not
Can’t decide whether to be real today.
I look to the half-light of the West
And back to the door in the corner of the room in my dream.

The door is black and deep and dark
And warm and inviting
With the smell of comfort and mystery
In air that I cannot breathe.

I follow the open door
And don’t amend the smell –
The smell of the nonexistent air
The smell I follow through the doors of my dreams.

And I follow and follow
Up stairs and through long halls underground
The feeling of the substance around me, the substance of the dream
Calling me to my friends and the memories in the future
The memories that are falling asleep, the memories
I want to wake
And drown with the light and rush of my lungs this morning.

The morning doesn’t exist.
The morning is afar away, in a different world, that a different me
Will never see again.
The morning is coming far too quickly,
But it doesn’t exist, and so I fear not and follow the door.

Think not.
Breathe not.
Sleep not.
Amend not.

I follow. Sleeplessly, feellessly,
Like a ghost in the corridors of sunless memory.
There is no dark.
We are lit by the days that are
In the air
That is not air
The feeling, the smell, of swimming
In body-temperature water
There is nothing to feel
To breathe
Or smell
But the dream around you
And your soul, at home, holds you back from breathing in too deeply.

A new place, slipping into the water
In a different form this time
--- but I have no form
I am all forms
The seal, the otter, the water-air around me
Swimming through and catching the flashing fish
The silver, sweet, tasteless, flashing fish
Imprints of glittering eyes that I dart after in my dreams.

A person.
In the background.

Hello. I can see you.
You are blind?
Ah. We are all blind here. I see you in one guise, you see me in another.
I am the air.
I am the water.
I am that smell, that feel of feeling the dream
The clear mist around you
A bubble of translucent warmth without temperature

I am your silver flashing fish
I am your breathless dawn
I am your setting, rising sun
And I would give anything
To know who you are.
Oct 2013 · 628
Just missed it
Olivia Mercado Oct 2013
Beneath the dim October sky
Wrapped in a shawl of celestial mist
I saw an unloved ghost fly by
And heard him bemoan the life he missed.
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
The Quiet Abyss
Olivia Mercado Oct 2013
I walk down to the stream,
a ghost among the tendrils of mist
wakening from the moist air.

The half-moon gives a weak light to my feet,
but grows stronger
as the night rises
and shakes off the sleepiness of twilight.

Sitting on a rough stone,
I look into the shadows
and begin to think.
I pull out my flashlight, try to write,
then turn it off and stare at the stars.

Branches of the tree above me grasp at the wind.
I wrestle with much more,
but cannot grasp my thoughts
or the inconceivable movement
within my soul
any better than I can subjugate the bodiless air.
A melancholy that is not sorrow
settled on me a year ago
this night, in the dark of October's waning moon.

I stand up and leave the stone to wander.

I meet the banks of the shallow stream
and stand there for a while, empty.
There is nothing,
there has been nothing,
for twelve months
since I renounced my pain and bitterness.
Everyone tells you that somehow
love will find you
when you let go of hate.
Everyone is wrong.

The stars spin
in their slow, silent dance;
the highway sighs in the distance;
the moon rises slowly as it had done
for thousands of years.

"Speak!" I importune the stars.

They do not answer.

"Show me your light!" I implore the moon.

The moon hangs there,
among the darkness of the stained sky.

"Answer!" I demand of the sky,
and the sky says nothing.

Twelve months of solitude,
of emptiness and silence,
hovering over the abyss.

I have looked into the abyss.
The abyss has looked into me.
And slowly, like the setting moon,
like the way a fever ends in peaceful sleep,

I begin to fall.
Oct 2013 · 589
A Walk
Olivia Mercado Oct 2013
Take a walk to clear your troubled mind,
And hear the pizzicato violins
In the wind in the pines, and see
The flaming leaves
Brilliant orange, dying in a fire
Of hot colors in the early dawn
The grey sky, cold and smooth
The leaves gilded with frost
Fire and ice lying quietly
In harmony
On the forest floor.

Take the time to
Clear my troubled mind
Take the time to shut up
And listen
Normally I write, but now
I must be quiet. Just be --
As the sky
As the cold granite in this forest, and
The snow-glimpsed peaks.

Do you love me?
I cry into the sky
Too resigned for tears.
Do you live, is there life, must I
Always try to read
What you might say in the wind and the trees?
Will you ever speak to me?
I touch a coal to my lips
It is dead and cold
I feel no fire springing to life in my soul
No words of prophesy tearing out.

The morning is silent.
I am ashamed.
I walk back to the road
And look back over the forest,
Oct 2013 · 1.6k
To Holly
Olivia Mercado Oct 2013
Dear mentor:
You taught me to see the world
Through the eyes of opportunity
Gave me the bravery
and the delight, and desire
To flout expectations
Disregard my GPA
And soar to new heights,
Taught me to value education
As the greatest gift that could be given.

Dear friend:
You taught me to smile
Because I could make a difference
To be kind,
Because everyone is insecure
To laugh when the stress overwhelmed me,
To see the humour in politics
And philosophy and the human condition.

Dear mentor:
You taught me about debate
Taught me about family
Beyond genetics,
Bound by common passion.
And when you left,
I realized,
You'd taught me, in turn,
To teach others.
Oct 2013 · 621
At Last (Heaven)
Olivia Mercado Oct 2013
All I see is black and white and grey
And the ache of centuries
And all the white noise of humanity
Our hopes and dreams and fears
Among the millions
Among the voices, drowning
Looking for meaning, for the raft
That will guide you back to shore
A shore of glass, beyond the grey infinity
Somewhere you belong
And the one you love most of all
Will come, and smile,
And take you by the hand
And lead you home.
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
The Veil
Olivia Mercado Oct 2013
Singing angels of the deep
****** me into quasi-sleep
To wander far-off shores.

I see the sky of molten lead
I see the waves, restless and dead
The souls that sing no more -

Piercing cry and banshee's wail
Sound from behind the heavy veil
Of immortality.

Monsters, lovers, all the same
In this dark and dreary dream --
The veil keeps you from me.
Oct 2013 · 683
Learning to Breathe
Olivia Mercado Oct 2013
This morning the wind whipped
The rain into a storm
Each drop pierced with sunlight
And I realized,
I don't need you.

The wild joy of youth
In the face of a government shutdown,
History being made,
I realize, I am free
To be brilliant
Kind, passionate,
All the things my parents
Don't want me to be
And you don't understand.

I can love someone else now
Someone who cares --
Closer than the wakening wind
Through the storm of life and death
Present in the glistening rain
And the sun taking its first breaths.
Olivia Mercado Sep 2013
How do I always love more
Than I am loved in return?
My best friend, who can't even
Look me in the eye
And can't bear
To speak to me in public
And won't tell me why.

The mother, who can't
Even really love at all
Consumed in her past
Her silver hairs and loss of grace
She feels so bad for herself
I don't know what to feel for her.

The father, my childhood idol
My companion --
But now that's done
As soon as I became a woman,
All I am is "not son --"
Not quite what he wanted
Not the physicist to take his place.

My brother, ADHD
Incapable of having a conversation
Or keeping friends
Or understanding kindness
Supported in everything by
His father.

The world, unfeeling
Trees, unseeing
Wind, unhearing --
I love them all
Even my stupid hamster
Who I save from her own
Suicide attempts --
She will only bite me, but
I hold her more than I hold any
Living human
Close to my beating heart
Because her teeth are not as sharp
As the silence
On the other end of the phone.
Sep 2013 · 591
A Sonnet - Heaven
Olivia Mercado Sep 2013
I see the gasping glory of your pow'r
The flaming bed of rosy-finger'd Dawn
I fall and kneel at thrones of gold and pearl
I tremble to think how stars in darkness shone.
Immortalized in holy evening sky
The flaming suns that looked down once with love
Upon the life of royalty so high
The singing Earth to bear its glory strove.
Those stars in darkness beam now down to me
And look upon a humble mortal life
A promise, taken in a time of need
Now called upon to resolve inner strife.
In Heaven I may not yet find reprieve
Yet in His eyes I find the strength to grieve.
Sep 2013 · 746
Olivia Mercado Sep 2013
Welcome home to me, my love
In this autumn gilded bright
The summer's lonely skies above
Are flecked with fresh and flaming light.

I'm glad to see you safe, my dear
The unspoken words still true
I'm glad to see our friendship here
Revived from across the ocean blue.

It's sad to see you torn apart,
It's good to see you home again.
I hope to spare your battered heart
From an ounce of unshared pain.

I cannot always walk with you
You cannot always lean on me.
But I know somehow you'll make it through
To become what I cannot be.
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