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Olivia M Jackson Aug 2010
Sometimes is seems as though it's easy for us to just walk by
Nonexistent are the pictures of them
Moving, living, breathing
Them, societies refuse
Thrown away and discarded by life
We are no longer our brother’s keeper
Human beings rendered worthless; useless
We move amongst them as a breeze blowing by
Uncaring for all in its path
Rushing to its destination
Our selfish needs to hold on to the little we have
And keep it from those who have none
Not even our "little"
Quickly it has become forgotten
At any moment any of us can be overtaken by hunger
Sweeping over us as garbage in the street
Leaving us bare, empty, hungry
We too can be eluded by shelter
With no one to care
No hands reaching out to help
We too can become a fracture in humanity
I see them peering at me from behind broken spectacles
Shoeless feet in the winter
Suffering in the bitter cold, nowhere to go
Sound the alarm
Our fellow humans are dying!
Not perishing to wounds in battle
Senseless crimes, illness & disease
They're dying of hunger
Exposure to extreme weather
Tantrums of Mother Nature
Sometimes we're afraid
Afraid of the side effects of being homeless
Some become as a Gemini having dual personalities
The person they once were
And the person being homeless
Fighting for every breath of air has made them
The side effect, the other twin
The homeless twin with nowhere to sleep
Our underrated simplicity of going to bed
Let us keep our brothers
In keeping our brothers, it is ourselves that we keep
Safe, fed, protected, secured, sheltered
The right of every human being
© 2010 Olivia M. Jackson
Olivia M Jackson Aug 2010
Away with you o' wondrous fate
My inner eye perceives with depth
Gazing ghouls of tragic past
Follow the path of wondrous fate

Lips that part with blissful hearts
Pleasant words of sweet allure
Bridges built on time and love
Usher in thou blissful hearts

Serene content the waters deep
Salvage mankind not once to drown
Life abundant swallows crude
New birth abounding in waters deep

Unleashing beauty’s blooming flower
Transforming shadows dancing moon
Joyful embrace of scenery cheer
Henceforth doth spring o' blooming flower
© 2010 Olivia M. Jackson
Olivia M Jackson Jul 2010
Things of this world last for but a moment
Deluded we look for your love in man
Mind decieved that this world fullfills
In us is not perfection in peace
Grant me your spirit that I too will live
A life of freedom in Him who has sent me
© 2010 Olivia M. Jackson
Olivia M Jackson Jul 2010
My wounded heart o' lacketh glee
Laughter torments tortured me
Once promised future now dost flee
Oh love I yearn to dwell with thee
Seeking refuge eternally
© 2010 Olivia M. Jackson
Olivia M Jackson Jul 2010
Darkness is my only vision
My inner sanctuary is full of mourning
Memories crying in the dark
Sobbing as they watch each other die
Widowed shadows of happiness fall to their knees
Weeping over their beloved murdered future
Sadness is unleashed from her prison in the dungeon of misery
The sword of sorrow is in the hands of uncertainty
My heart sits in sack cloth and ashes
Grieving the untimely death of love
Rigamortis sets in the bones of truth
Darkness is my only vision
My inner sanctuary is full of mourning
Memories crying in the dark
© 2010 Olivia M. Jackson
Olivia M Jackson Jul 2010
Sometimes it doesn't matter who made the mess in your life, what plans the mess ruined and what dreams the mess killed.
It does not matter who dropped the bowl and caused it to break and spill all its contents all over the kitchen floor.
All that matters is the love and relationship remains. The bowl is your life, the break and the spill is the mess that others can sometimes facilitate-make happen easier in your life, the pain that they can cause you.  
All that matters is that in cleaning up the mess, you do it with love.
When the deepest pain is inflicted, clean up the kitchen floor love. No blame, no fault, for it does not matter who dropped the bowl.
© 2010 Olivia M. Jackson
Olivia M Jackson Jul 2010
Fluttering wings of a butterfly
Awakens the morning
Sleep so deep
The winds blow hello to the sun
The suns shines good day to the birds
© 2010 Olivia M. Jackson
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