Vast moments faded into hyperspace.
Moments of deception came around and went.
You spoke forth of true love, from a tongue that was forked, nothing was meant, flicked words to left, kisses to the right.
For occasional seconds, that sharp tongued forked out of sight.
Never concerned about sleeping at night.
Kept me awake.
My heart, my soul, my whole being, did you take
******* with dangling bangles and ribbons made out of silly string.
Joined together to deck out the bandstand of love formation and creation, for all the world to breathe and see.
Bright colours and patterns where nothing else matters, save being with you.
Where *** was initiated, formed in fresh air by heirs with graces with noses in air.
Made love to music in a million tones of clattering battering jiggery- pokery.
You set me on a journey, floating upstream on a broken raft.
You spoke that you loved my precious little heart,
My poor heart it conceived the truth you had spoken, pregnant issued with your lies.
You were not to be believed.
I looked down at your gift with tender eyes.
She looked up at me, she saw through your lies.
An adult now, abandoned by thee.
She knows of the truth,
She shall always have me.
You said you loved my heart and soul.
You liar