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My head is clouded
Im faded
No use in trying to escape it
All the while, trying to erase it

I'm here
Alone, but listening

I need everything you have to give,
But I realize now that's an unrealistic request

I'm still chasing it

Escape it, and erase it

There's no point is wasting anymore time desiring the undesirable
The heat and oxygen course through your lungs like a temporary flame

One sweet dull second of numbness

All they can see is an empty vessel; an unstained body, with from the looks of it, not a care in the world

But they are simply decomposing from the inside out

No doubt, they will be a platform of overt despair by the end of the night

The sight will give a writer something to write about, an empath something to cry about, and a lover something to worry about

Destruction is infused in every cell of their body

When it comes down to choice, there is not one

It feels to them as if the days inevitably, and relentlessly, cease to end in the immense amount of pain instilled in every ounce of their being

Dreading tomorrow as if it's a terminal sickness

Once you have lost hope, it seems there is no fire left to burn

The time that they have left in the world will be filled with cheap cigarettes, Irish car bombs, and lifeless friends

Closely comparable to a dying tree; close to expired, and still so beautiful
Tick tock

The man is gone

Tick tock

Did he run?

Tick tock

He made a mistake

Tick tock

Time has been stopped
A breathing corpse

Patiently waiting for the violent images to abandon my mind

Hours pass

A thickness hovers over me, and I can now feel him

No words are ever spoken

No face, and no name

The only option is to wait for them to go away

My entire being is consumed

I can't move my body, or control my thoughts

My reality is controlled by subconsciousness

Total awareness with a complete lack of control


When will it end?

When will I be left alone?
Pain is something so dimensional

It can be ones suffering, or lack there of

No one way to describe it, and no one way to feel it

An ache from the pain

Eventually amounting into complete numbness
What does it take
For a man to bury his dreams
Behind the garage with his gone pets?

Was it responsibility and maturity
To know that the dreams of a child
Weren't obtainable for a man anymore?

Was it because too many people
Said it couldn't be done
The doubt that seeded in
Just added up to lost time
And now there just wasn't enough time?

What does it take
For a man to finally bury his dreams?
Shovel in hand, a cigarette rests in his lips
As he says goodbye
To the dreams he had as a child
I wish you were there for me
Like I've been there for you
But you're not
Because this is a one-way street
And you're headed the wrong way
You were Fire and Ice
Naughty and nice
Loving you hurt
I couldn't be helped
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