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I think maybe
I loved you a
little bit. I knew
it then but never
told you. That's
okay, though,
because I think
you loved me a
little bit, too, and
never told me,
I'll never
tell you about
how at night
sometimes I lace my fingers
and I pretend
they belong to someone
I miss you lying next to me
This bed has never been so cold
And though my arms are free
To spread - -
They lack your chest to hold.

I miss your rhythmic breath
I crave your steady warmth
And those silent stolen kisses
good night - -
realizing now you are my solid strength

I lay my head to rest
And set sail into the west
Where I find your beautiful embrace
Always - -
Completely fills me best

I bid thee sweet dreams
my love. Reality is far from near
Yet tomorrow - -
Will surely prove me closer
To your realms.
I want to spend rainy Saturday mornings with you
On my couch underneath the blankets we just slept in
Sipping freshly brewed coffee, the vapors wafting over you skin
Leaning our heads against the couch
Looking into each others eyes using only the light of the lamp
Finding beauty in messy hair
As we do everything we possibly can
To leave the world
For a moment
Let's take down the clocks
I think my name would be safe in your mouth.
I wouldn't be concerned about you
misusing it
or putting other names with it.
I trust you
would keep it secure
between your teeth.
There would be no worry
of you spilling it out with vicious words.
I'd be sure that you would treat it with care
and only use it
when the setting is perfect.
And you would sing around my name.
Songs I probably won't know but
that's okay
because my name would be
somewhere good.
I imagine you
would only surround it
with words like
"careful" and "forever"
and "here, take my hand."
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