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May 2014 · 376
A way to live life
Oliver Benjamin May 2014
Just because you could
Doesn't mean you should
Especially when it's plain nasty
And doing others far from good
May 2014 · 7.9k
My Blue Eyed Mum
Oliver Benjamin May 2014
Where do I see you my blue eyed mum?
In colours of rainbows lit up by the sun,
In the chair by the window with your tea and a crossword,
In the picture you drew of me when I was a young boy,
In the last birthday card you were ever to send me,
In the list that you gave me to help me get sorted,
The photo of you holding me as a baby.
The love that you showed never came with a maybe.

How will I remember you my blue eyed mum?
Thinking of others would name but just one,
Camping with children from near and far places,
Cooking meals in the kitchen for friends and for family,
Changing the subject whenever you wanted,
Asking me to speak louder because you could not hear me,
The eggs that you bought for me every Friday,
Making the dress for your youngest granddaughter.

What did I learn from you my blue eyed mum?
The list would be endless but here are just some,
The listener learns more than the ones that are talking,
Words spoken in anger may someday be regretted,
Hate towards others will only consume me,
The loudest voice heard may not be the wisest,
Happiness cannot be measured in coins or possessions,
Let beauty be seen in all colours, shapes and sizes.
This is the poem I wrote for my mums funeral.  I know it may seem a bit dissjointed but I make no appologies for that as it was and still is relevent to my memories of her .
The inspiration came from the song "A hard rains gonna fall"  by Bob Dylan as my family (especially my parents) have been involved with the peace movement for many decades.
May 2014 · 380
A lucky mans shore
Oliver Benjamin May 2014
This lovely young woman,
Who once sailed the sea,
A drop of water was beauty,
All the oceans she’d be.

If a smile were a star,
Then she shines like the sun,
Like the moon pulls the tides,
From my dreams she can’t run.

Perfect of perfection,
Never encountered before,
One day she may land on a lucky mans shore.
I sent her this by text and she did land on my shore :-)

— The End —