Oh, how long must a wait
for your sweet touch
and how long for lips so scarlet red?
Oh, to know the treasures
of the heart within your breast
and the treasures of your soul
oh such a treasure that would be for me!
For then I would know
the key to your love
and how make our love burn on and on
like an eternal flame
burning in the eternal dark
of this cold world.
Oh, you have been so distant
and so lovely
like a million stars
shining in a midnight sky.
Oh, how I longed
that these fingers
could reach and touch the stars.
Oh, how I am lost
in a sea of a million souls
who seek your love
a million admirers
like the waves of a mighty ocean.
Oh, how I seek in vain to let our love be!
Oh, you are a star
that shines high above the sky
in the shining dome of heaven
shining with starry jewels far above.
Oh, for I know
the only hope for you too see
this love that burns for you
that burns on and on
is to shed the red tears
that flow from my body
like the crying of my soul
for my last hope
is for your embrace
and you to kiss
my dying breath.