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Oh,  how long must a wait  
for your sweet touch
and how long for lips  so scarlet  red?
Oh, to know the treasures
of the heart within your breast
and the treasures of your soul
oh  such a treasure that would be for me!
For then I  would know
the key to your  love
and how make our love burn on and on
like an eternal flame
burning in the  eternal dark
of this cold world.
Oh, you have been so distant
and so lovely
like a million stars
shining in a midnight sky.
Oh, how I  longed
that these fingers
could reach  and touch the stars.
Oh, how I am lost
in a sea of a million souls
who seek your love
a million admirers
like the waves of a mighty ocean.
Oh, how I seek in vain  to let our love be!
Oh, you are a star
that shines high above the sky
in the shining dome of heaven
shining with starry jewels far above.
Oh,  for I know
the only  hope for you too see
this love that burns for you
that burns on and on
is to shed the red tears
that flow from my body
like the crying of my soul
for my last  hope
is for your embrace
and you to kiss
my dying breath.
Oh, you are the meaning of all things
and the beginning
and the end of all things.
Oh,  and I find the reason
of why I am
living in your soul.
Oh, I was like a floating
and restless cloud
but no more
does  my soul search
for its meaning.
Oh, I have found you
from this wide waste
of the world.
My  life  once meaningless
like a circle within a circle  without end
has found its it way.
Oh, you are the all world
and if you were not
it is better that I  should never be.
Oh, for you are a treasure
precious beyond price
and beyond measure.
Oh, forever I seek you
angel  for beyond the stars.
Oh, how I long
to light  an eternal flame
of love within your soul
and to burn with you
on and on.
Oh, how time can never unwind
for what has come
shall soon be gone
and lost in the great ocean
of eternity.
For time passes
and memories
fade away
and through the eons
time that has been
shall be as though it never was.
Oh, my love
don't you know
that you and I
shall never pass this way again.
Oh my  love
do  not squander
the time that is yours
for we are all passing away.
Oh, let us love
one another
and let our love live
through the ocean of eternity.
For the chance of our love
is but a fleeting shadow
with only a moment to be born
but an eternity to live
till the stars wax old and fade away.
Oh, my love
let this love live through eternity
and defeat this swift winged time.
Oh, let our love never end!
Oh, how most men are blind
of the power and passion
flowing  through the universe
ever burning like fire.
Oh, how I breath in the passion
and the power of love
as it flows  through me.
And oh that flame  burns
as it  courses through  my veins
and into the heart of my soul!
Oh, how  this passion burns within
and connects me to the universe.
Oh, my love  you are the fire
and I your poor slave.
once ignited this passion
burns my very bones to ashes
and I  am ever helpless 
 before your lovely fire.
Oh, the pain I feel
of my yearning for you
how to burns and tortures me!
You are the only one
who can save me
from madness of mind
and a dying soul.
Only  when we become one
can my soul rest
and my mind once again
know peace.
Oh, let us forever be one
and show cold blind men
what fools they be.
Oh, the chains of this world
like an earthly hell
Oh, how the envelope me
seeking to bind
in a prison of eternal sorrow and pain.
Oh, how I struggle for the key
to unlock your body and soul.
Oh, a treasure I have long dreamed of
since the days unborn.
Oh, heavenly angel
for you alone I die
and for you I shall live  evermore.
Oh, other men
how they climb their mountain
and swim their deepest seas
and the whole world seek to conquer.
But you alone are my goal
and your heart
worth the hearts of a thousand angels.
Oh, and though I must struggle
till the stars fall from the sky
and the world grow old and die
I  shall not cease
till I hold you in my arms
and your heart is mine
and forever together we are bound.
Oh, your lips  are  a flame
Oh, how they burn me!
Oh, the thought of your heart
to be won.
Oh, how it burns me  and burns me!
Oh, your body!
As it sways one way
and then another
like the passing of clouds
as they pass through  the heavens
Oh, how it is a fire
to burns me to ash
and light my very bones to flame!
Oh, I  have passed  far beyond
the limits of reason.
You have become   the meaning
of my being
of why I am  that I am.
Oh, my life has become a force
that seeks to make you mine.
and though I die
or though I live
I  care not at all!
But follow  the   course  my heart has set
till  the stars  shall fall from the sky
and the moon  no longer
gives  her light.
Oh, how my life is changed
all that was once day
is now night
and all  that came before
is now but a dream.
Oh, when I saw your  angelic form
the door to heaven
was opened within my soul
as once more my heart was born.
Oh, my words how they fly away
as though they were a flock of wild birds
as I seek
to find the words
to tell you  of all the love
my heart holds for you.
Oh, deep within
my heart sings a sad song
to deep for words to reach
or any tongue to tell
of a longing for your heart
and lovely form.
Oh, answer me my  love
your heart reply
that you shall  love me
ever and ever more
before I sink into nothingness
forever and ever more.
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