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198 · Nov 2015
I wonder if you watch the clouds too

If you watch them move
And change
Forming new creatures
Within their white tufts

I wonder if they hang above you
And if you look at them
And think of me

I know that every cloud
Seems to remind me of you

It covers the earth in shade
But shines brightly on nice days

You were covered in darkness
But sometimes, on good days,
You smile so brightly,
Held me so tightly,

So yes you remind me of the clouds

You remind me of so much
And so much reminds me of you.
198 · Jan 2016
Things we learn
He lives in me
In everything I do
In my past
And in a way
My present and future
Though he is not here
He has created bits of me.
198 · Aug 2015
You gather the shards of your brokenness
And every movement slices
With heart breaking hope.

I am suffocated in the pain of hope
198 · Apr 2014
Marry Nope
I've wanted to ask you
To marry me
More times than
I can count
But I know
*You'd say no.
197 · Sep 2015
Fairy Dust and Good Dreams
As I teetered between between being sleep and consciousness I felt your arm wrapped around me like fairy dust that was left behind because when I was jolted awake by this feeling I knew I'd turn around and you, you wouldn't be there.
197 · Nov 2015
Here or There
When we were apart
We nearly killed ourselves

When we were together
We barely breathed life into each other

Now it's fair to say
We can not be here nor there

For us
We don't belong anywhere.
197 · Dec 2016
Random Thoughts On RJ
No two were ever more like Romeo and Juliet than us
Torn apart by our families hatred for each other
Both on the brink of suicide
Both planning it
We're unafraid of knives
We only ever cared for words
Because they always stabbed so much deeper

Will we let their hate defeat us
Or by the grace of God
Will we find the strength to love each other
The way we always have.
196 · Mar 2014
Part 1 :Change is Necessary
I miss you
The tenderness
The love that felt so real
But that could never look past who i was
And somehow molded me
Because my love could make me do anything
196 · Jan 2016
Eat me whole
Do you still hear my echo at night
The beating of my heart

Do you still feel me in bed
When I haven't been there

Do you feel my shadow lurking
Watching you heave your emptiness

Do you feel it
Placing a hand on your shoulder

Hoping one day you'll come to your senses

Can you feel me all around you
Swallowing me in the air you breathe.
My father
My first love
My almost second love
My second love
My best friend
My dream future
All gone
All leaving me with nothing
But wet cheeks and a broken heart.
196 · May 2013
Blinded Poet
No I didn't see
You should have just
Pointed it out to me.
196 · Apr 2016
Imaginary Future
You're gone now

But every time

I close my eyes

I still see the future

We always imagined.
196 · Apr 2014
Missing Parts
There's a void
In my aching chest
That only your comfort
Will ever heal.
196 · Aug 2015
Pillow Stains

The tears

Stain my pillow

Because they just feel like it.
196 · Dec 2015
My past finally said goodbye
With a block to the face

Goodbye hopes and dreams of eleven year old me

My past finally will fade

I will no longer live in the shadow
Of what you wanted me to be.
195 · Dec 2015
Just a Thought
I never even dreamed
That such a person
Could hold so much
Within their souls
Oh my dear
It eminates all around you
You are gorgeous
How can such
Perfection exist?
195 · Mar 2014
Girl Of Ash
My world shattered
The diamonds that cascaded my life
Broke and fell around me
Shimmering in horror
For I have nothing left
And i try so hard now
To sweep up the glass
And put something, anything together
I try to make something out of nothing
But the ashes of the lost dreams
That now seem so hopeless
I fight for strength
When the aching is constant
And I'll move on and pretend
That nothing broke
That there never was
A sparkling world that has fallen apart
I'll put away some shards
Hoping one day everything will
Return to its former glory
But even my hope feels
Bitter and useless
I am no longer who i was years ago
Nor just last night
I'm the girl standing on the mound
Of all her failures
Searching for something good
Something solid and everlasting
And finding nothing
Ploping down in the mound of broken moments
That we never got to have
And all the ones we did
I'm the girl who is nothing
But the glass you step on outside
Or the dirt sweeping up in the wind.
195 · Apr 2014
I Need Rescuing
I wrote you
And I know
You won't
Write back
But I'll
That you do
195 · Jan 2013
Mornings (10w)
Your touch
Like Drops of heaven
Pouring upon my body.
195 · Apr 2014
Missing You
I miss your kiss
No others
Will ever compare
I miss your hug
No others
Is as comforting
I miss your skin
No others
Lights mine with such passion
I miss your hands
No others
Matched mine so perfectly
Baby, sweetie, my love
I miss you.
195 · Nov 2015
You Were Jest Knight Anyway
My anxiety is keeping me
From making an appointment

So I soak now in all of my thoughts

Letting them rush back in

Letting them devour me

I no longer have a knight to stop them
195 · May 2014
Thank You
I read those
Words over
And over
Just so
I can
195 · Apr 2014
I just wish I wasnt so lonely
I miss you
I love you
And I hope
We do come
Back to each other
Because I
We are
Meant to be
194 · Mar 2014
Lover Lost
I miss making love everywhere
That passion that swept us away
That told us that here and now is perfect
The sweet kiss on my neck
That always made my skin rise
And the way we said we loved each other
And the way he touched me
The way he kissed those lips of mine
And made me claw at him and the sheets
The way we joined face to face
Face to hips
And best of all hip to hip
I miss the way we finished together
But never really finished because we always
Wanted more
I miss my lover
Because he was more than just that
He was a friend and the man
I dreamed would be my husband
And thats what made it special
That why our first time
Really felt like my first time.
Part 2
194 · Feb 2013
Mornings With You
After all
Was done
I wanted
To lay with you
Just as we were.

*If only we had time
194 · Dec 2012
Hopefully True
Maybe true love
Is when two
People can break
Each others hearts
And still want
To just be with the other.
194 · Oct 2020
Mistress she is
I don't think I know love

You see,

For the entirety of my life

I was so sure

I was positive I knew her

I knew her inside and out

I knew she was beautiful and kind

But I feel like the fairytale just shattered before my eyes

Like this painting I've spent my life working on has just been doused

I thought I knew love

I thought she was my friend

More than that I thought she was life, air, I thought she was a necessity

But as I grow and age

I begin to wonder if it isn't love I need

Just the warmth of a body

Of a hug

After hours of crying

Just a kiss

After a day long headache

I wonder if love knows

She isn't perfect

If she knows how many days are spent yelling and arguing

There's this bitterness to life that I never anticipated

And I still don't think my body has quite learned how to process it

Maybe one day I'll learn

Maybe one day I'll understand love

194 · Nov 2015
Why thoughts
You've exiled me
Ignored my texts

I am no longer a part of you

But let me tell you this

You will always be a part of me

You will always be

My true sweetie.
194 · Feb 2017
You are crazy
Crazier than anyone
I have ever known
And you give me my lowest loss

You are crazy
And I love you because of it
And you give me my highest highs

You are home
That it is the biggest truth
I feel calm and happy
Like the world isn't crashing Down around me when I'm in Your arms

You know my body
Like the back of your hand
And I know yours
And when I look into your eyes
I see the soul
That I want forever
And we're crazy
And maybe it'll never work
Not permanently
But I will take
Every single
Totally insane moment
And cherish every single one.
194 · Oct 2015
All In One
Loving you
Was the most bittersweet
And the most beautiful thing
That I have yet to know in my life.
193 · Apr 2014
Hope Endlessly
I still look out my window

Hoping one day

You'll come walking up the street

Straight towards my arms.
193 · Mar 2014
My Pleas To God
I cried so hard that night
Thanking God
For this last
Year and a half
Telling him how
I tried
And how i loved you
And how i shouldve listened
To his signs that it
Simply wasnt time
But he has yet to answer
If it'll ever get to be the right time.

So i fade back into the past and pray for you
Like i always use to do
Pray that you stay in my life
Even if im broken
Pray that one day you'll see
That i looked at you with more love
Than most humans can understand
Pray for God to find a way.
When I told him
Thaf I wanted to bleed
He said
If you do, I'll kick your ****
And now
I'm crying
Because that's exactly
What you'd say.
193 · Jun 2013
Anything For You
With hope in my heart
I'm willing to fight for us.
192 · Feb 2017
Three year ramble
We were together
Three years
And you thought I was cheating
So you cheated a little

Not that there's really a degree of it, either you are or you aren't

But in all that time
That you thought that
You missed something really important

You missed the way I look at you

Like my whole world is in your eyes

Like you're the most attractive person in this world to me

Like I love you, every crazy, paranoid, insane part of you

You missed the part where I promised to always love you

And though in that time together

We did plan our future

You didn't think my heart was in it

But baby my whole soul was in it

There is no future for me without you

If there is it will just be a sad miserable existence

You lied and hid stuff

I didn't care about your choices

Just that you decided to lie

Three years together

Now nine of knowing you

And I still can't stop dreaming of you

You are home


I can't stop this love

I have tried

I have tried to love others

I have tried to find a lover

That could beat you

But you are always my King

And no matter how you hurt me

No matter what you think I feel

No matter if you lie or break promises

You will always be the person who brought me to life

The person who makes me happiest

And I will always love you

And if that makes me crazy

Then I'm okay with that.
192 · Jul 2021
"About me"
These sections usually contain little limericks or personal anecdotes

and yet,

My "about me" section is about you.
About who you made me
192 · Jan 2020
I'm the fool
You're a fleeting desire

You're here today

But in a few blinks

You'll be gone

How do I pull myself out.
192 · Apr 2014
Water place
I just
Need to get back
To the water
Only it will distract
Me from my brokeness
192 · Jan 2016
I Still Have Your Stuff
The truth of it is
That she still cries in the shower
Remembering you

She will love you
Forever and always
As she had always promised

She loved you throughout
So much pain

She loved you after lies
After cheating
After leaving

She loved you as infinitely as the stars

She misses you everyday too
But you're gone now

You stopped being the man she needed
And she stopped being the woman you wanted.
192 · Apr 2014
Twisted Love
He told me something

And all I want now
Is to hear it from you
All I want is you here
Holding me close
I want everything
From the pet names
To the tenderness
I want to feel
The full wrath of love again
To reach out to you
And for you to take my hand
I want you back
I want your love
And all I have
Are memories
Too wonderful
To remember without hurting
And a love that won't fade.
....I just don't know....I want you here. I love you. And to you I'm cursed and all my attempts to break this seems futile. When you leave them....will you come for me? How do you know our paths will cross? how can we do this for years and years? How do I know you'll wait? what can I do? What do you expect from me? I'm already trying so hard so why leave me? Aghhhhh
192 · Apr 2014
You helped me see the light
And now I want to help you
See goodness again
To feel without pain
I wish to heal your aching
And hope you heal me as well.
I want you to be happy, I love and miss you and I hope your safe.
191 · Nov 2019
Somewhat compatible
I had loved you for so long

So long it ached with every breath I took

And now years after

All I can agree we had in common

Was great ***.
191 · Dec 2012
Love Always (10w)
I love you
That fact
And will not
191 · Sep 2018
Lock and Key
Boom boom boom
She knocks on the door of an entity
Shaped like an ***** she long forgot
She hears whispers
Alas no answer

Boom boom boom
She knocks again
The silence from the other side
Ringing in her gentle ears
And she begins to wonder
Will she ever again find the key
190 · Apr 2014
Today reminded me
Of you
In the way that the
Air blew through my hair
And the way the sun
Shun on me
Today reminded me
Of your tenderness
That has now faded
And how I tire
Of the loneliness.
Sweetie pie, I miss you.
190 · Jan 2013
Broke And Done
A heart

Is never


To be broken.
190 · Mar 2014
Why does it always seem so easy for you

To fly in and out on your golden chariot

And yes I'm partially to blame

Because i'm the one who painted it gold

Why does the wind no longer hit me with cool air

But a numbing one

That calms my aching soul

Why has my mind moved forward and my heart

Stand completely still

Why do i know this is the right thing to do

But my tears disagree

Why have we let the world cave in

And let something strong and breathtaking go

Why is it that we said goodbye only to say hello again

189 · Dec 2015
Abandoned again
I don't tell anyone
But I still miss you
Out of no where
I wish you were holding me
I miss you
More than my broken heart
Can ever fathom
I miss you
But you are gone
We are done
You have left me.
189 · Jan 2013
Still Waiting...
I cried all day
So many parts
Of my life to a dream
But the more I cried
The more I knew
I can't erase it
Just hope
There is ONE
Just one
Who would understand.
188 · Feb 2013
Ending (10w)
I'm going off the deep
                    ­                     N

            ­                                                     *Will You Save Me?
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