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annmarie Dec 2013
Quite a few years from now,
my daughter will be twelve.
And all her friends will start
to think about things like
first kisses and winter dances,
and I know she will ask me
what my first love had been like.
And when that happens,
I'm going to smile
(though it may be bittersweetly)
as I remember
driving around aimlessly with you
singing along to bad radio stations
and exploring our town
to find the best local coffeeshops.
I'll remember nights
in our high school arts building
when nobody else was around
looking at the newest pictures
the photography class pinned up,
and how gentle you were
whenever our lips met.
I'll remember how no matter
how close you held me,
I always wanted it to be closer.
I'll remember exactly the way
that your favorite scarf smelled,
and the safety I felt
when you'd pull me into your arms.

I don't know what else will happen
between today and the day my daughter asks,
but whenever it is,
the answer to that question
will always be you—
so I want you to know
I can't thank you enough
for a story that makes me glad
I let myself fall in love with you.
I found this in a notebook from this summer and I might write a version two later but for now I like the original.
annmarie Sep 2013
For all the months we spent together, you only kissed me once. You tasted like spearmint gum, and like the burst of laughter you held back between our lips, and it was a "to be continued" kind of kiss. Every time after that we were picking up where we left off—extensions of that first kiss in March, extra pages to extra chapters to extra volumes in the story of you and me. You were a library book, one I hadn't read before. And in the back of my mind I knew you wouldn't be mine forever. But you were new and you were exciting and I couldn't wait for the next time I could open you up and be reminded how much I loved the taste of spearmint.

But sooner or later it was going to have to end. I knew this, I knew it, I really did; I just told myself if I didn't think about it it wouldn't happen. It did happen though. Sure enough, the due date to my library book came around—way too fast. I was almost sure that I had you for much longer, and for that reason I didn't even get to read the ending of the story. But I had to return all of the kisses and the laughter and the gum…as well as giving up all of the ones I hadn't gotten to yet, because I had had no idea when the words "the end" were going to be coming up.

And so the next time you kissed me, our second official kiss, I hadn't expected so much of a plot twist. I had finally renewed my library book, but my favorite character died, and the villain turned himself in, and the hero and the girl he loved were falling apart. You had stopped chewing spearmint gum, and the laughter was gone—replaced with the bitter taste of self-doubt and uncertainty. I pulled away faster than I expected, suddenly nervous and not sure why. I closed the book and handed it back to you, with the ending I had wished so desperately to be able to read, but not the one I had expected at all.
annmarie Nov 2013
One.* We started as complete strangers, meeting for the first time. I hadn't met an actual complete stranger for the first time in months.
Two. That night, I told you a story and you listened. A story about not being able to use the school computers because they were all taken. It was the stupidest story I had ever told. You listened anyway.
Three. Nobody ever listens to me anymore.
Four. I'm not done meeting you yet and I love that. We don't know much about each other, but we piece together a little more of the puzzle every day.
Five. My friends adore you this time. I can spend my Friday nights with both you and them. I don't need to choose.
Six. You call me kiddo, just like he did, but yours is different. He was condescending. You treat me like I'm worth just as much as you.
Seven. I'm not worth just as much as you. You're a lot better than me.
Eight. You're unbelievably sweet, even to the girl that nobody else talks to. If they aren't ignoring her, they're mocking her. Even I ignored her.
Nine. I don't have to try for you. Nothing is forced, nothing is overthought, nothing is poised or staged or planned. I could tell you anything in the world and not be worried about how you'd react.
Ten. I've known you for a month. It feels like my whole life.
I don't know how to end this poem, because the list could go on forever. I think I'll stop it here, but with an ellipsis…
annmarie Sep 2013
I saw you a few minutes ago
and you were laughing (and I had to laugh too)
but you didn't really look at me at all
yet it was way too hard to not look at you
and I have no idea how to explain
exactly how that moment felt
but I thought about your smile again
(and I had to smile too)
but then really fast I stopped
because the you that was just smiling
in the lobby of the building where we first kissed
was you exactly how you were six months ago
but somehow I couldn't see myself in your life anymore
and it wasn't like before
when I knew of course that I wasn't in your life anymore
but it was like I knew I wasn't
and I couldn't even see how it made sense
that I ever had been at all
and then I felt like crying
and I'm not even sure why
but I picked everything up
and I left right away
and now I'm upstairs
in the middle of the chair where we first kissed
and nothing feels the same
but I don't know how it's different
because I don't remember how it felt before
and now you're really quickly fading
from the person I thought was perfect
and couldn't believe was mine
(and then couldn't believe I had lost)
to another senior boy
who does his homework
in the lobby of the building where I go too
who barely even knows who I am
and wouldn't think twice
if he didn't say a word to me all year
and I don't want you to be that
(as in I need you to not be that)
but I don't know how to tell you
because it's already too late
and my thoughts aren't organizing themselves well
(as in this is probably my worst poem ever)
but I'm so shaken up
just by sitting near you
as you were laughing
and I don't know what's happening
but I hate what it's doing to me
and really all I want
is to have whatever I'm missing back
but I don't even remember what it was anymore.
Ahhh I'm really so sorry that this poem is so terrible but I'm having a really strange emotional overload like I see my ex boyfriend like seven million times a day but this time was really weird and I don't have any idea what just happened with my head but it was weird and I think I'm freaking out so much cause I think I actually just finally got over him and I don't know how to handle it and I can't even think straight and I'm not sure what's going on but it sort of hurts and it's sort of relieving and I just really don't know I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
annmarie Sep 2013
I love the fact
that I get to see you
in ways nobody else
has ever been able to see.
Like the way you laugh
when I feel like being silly
or the hardness in your jawline
after just fighting with your mom
of the flash of mischief in your eyes
right before you kiss me.
I get to see the side of you
that still acts like you're five years old
and brightens immediately
as we run towards a playground.
I notice the aura you have,
as if the air around you
was scattered with flakes of gold.
I get to feel the rush
of your breath on my neck
whenever you're right behind me—
and when it feels like everything in me is empty,
I can know the safety
of being encircled in your arms.
And nobody else
sees these things quite like I can,
because nobody else will ever love you the exact same way.
annmarie Dec 2013
The hum of the nightlife
lulls me to sleep
and I wrap my arms
around the cool pillow—
instead of your chest.
Broadway lights twinkle
above my head,
but no one
forms them into constellations with me.
The coffee is great, and
the streets stay exciting,
but there's nobody's hand
to hold as I'm walking.
Manhattan is incredible
and here I am happy,
                                      but the only thing
                                     this city still needs
                                                          i­s you.
New York, part two
annmarie Nov 2013
Everything I hoped for
in what tonight would be
wasn't nearly as good as
everything it was.

It's been a long time,
as in since ever,
since I've been comfortable
around a person I've only just met.

But even if it's only been a week
of missing you and waiting
to be able to see you again,
it almost feels as if
I've spent my entire life
missing you and waiting
to see you again.

Because in your arms it felt
exactly how it does
after trying several different pieces
to see if they fit just right
into the square of the puzzle,
to finally find
the perfect match
that simply clicks
perfectly into place
and makes things more beautiful
than one piece alone could ever manage.
For Sophia
annmarie Dec 2013
I wrote it all out today:
all my biggest reasons,
using three words, eight letters in the tenth,
and it took a lot of caution
and almost not enough self-awareness
to not let my mouse slip
over the "send" button.
Because I don't think I'll tell you yet,
but I promise someday
that I'm going to say it:
I always breathe easiest
whenever you're around,
and nothing feels more natural
than your hands on my waist,
and I finally understand
what all of those cheesy songs
were actually talking about.
Mostly, though, soon I'll tell you
that even though I wouldn't exactly
know from experience,
I'm pretty sure this is what it feels like
to be in love with you.
For India
annmarie Oct 2013
This is a poem
about the day we first met,
and how you'd always say you knew
before even talking to me
that we'd get along.

This is a poem
about the book I was reading on day two,
and how you made fun of me
because some of the pages
still had pictures.

This is a poem
about your nickname,
and how I always thought it suited you
since it reminded me
of coffee mugs.

This is a poem
about your eyes,
and how they'd crinkle at the corners
and sparkle a lot
whenever you laughed.

This is a poem
about your laugh,
and how even though it was way too loud
it always sounded
a lot like music to me.

This is a poem
about a leather chair,
and how we'd always argue
over who got to sit in it
but ended up sharing anyway.

This is a poem
about my first kiss,
and how it took you way too long
to pick up on subtleties
but you made up for it pretty well.

This is a poem
about your beat-up Camry,
and how whenever I'd ask you
where we were driving this time
you'd only ever say "forward" or "adventure."

This is a poem
about clichés,
and how whenever I'm describing you
they're the only thing that comes to mind
even though I know it's lame.

This is a poem
about the first time I fell in love,
and how through everything that happened
I couldn't have asked for
a better first than you.

This is a poem
about the church parking lot,
and how the way you said goodbye
made me feel literally sick
and I didn't think the hurt would go away.

This is a poem
about you,
and how I can't still imagine myself
with anyone more amazing
than everything you were.

This is a poem
about us,
and how the ending came too soon
but I still wouldn't dare go back
to ever change a single moment.
annmarie Dec 2013
I just got off the phone with you,
and I'd have to admit
that hearing the smile in your "hello"
was one of the best parts of my day.
And laughing with you, and
absorbing some of your carefree relief
took some of my own stress
off my shoulders.
And tomorrow I'll probably make jokes
about being in love with a college boy,
but also it is a little bittersweet—
because over the course of just a day
the fact that you're leaving in a few months
suddenly became very, very real.
But St. Louis isn't that far away,
and 320 miles could have been a lot more,
and even though I'd rather say it in person,
I won't get tired
of that same smile in your voice
when you pick up the phone—
and though it's better to say face-to-face,
the sincerity in every one of my I love you's
won't be fading with the distance.
[I don't want to lose you yet.]
annmarie Feb 2014
The weatherman told us
today would be awful
but I don't think he knows
what he was talking about.
A "polar vortex"
is really nothing
that we can't handle,
and not being able to drive
isn't really much
to complain about.

I tried to hate the snow
for keeping you from getting here--
but when I looked outside to glare at it
it danced on the wind past the library window,
careless and free and absolutely beautiful.
And though of course I miss you
and wish the chair across from me
didn't have to be empty,
it's difficult to focus
on the things I don't have here with me
when I'm next to the heater in a leather chair,
laptop in front of me and earbuds in.

And it's not quite as fun
to be here alone,
but I do have to admit
I'll get a lot more work done.
So promises of "next time"
will have to be enough,
at least for the time being,
and for now I guess
what we'll have to do
is both look out the window
and take in the expanse of whiteness
for something incredible
instead of
the burden the weatherman
told us it would be.
Though Cecil Baldwin's voice is no match for yours, and an overheated computer can't warm my hands as well as your own, I really can't complain about today when so much about it is flawless.
annmarie Sep 2013
Today I feel lonely.
And it isn't the kind of lonely
like when all your friends leave for class
and you have a fee period.
It's that kind of lonely
that you never notice
until all your friends aren't around
and only your thoughts
are there for you to listen to.

Today I feel lonely.
I hadn't felt it until now,
but it's been there all day.
The kind of lonely
you get when you feel like
none of them care, not really,
and without you nothing would change
and there's no possible way
that anyone will ever love you.

Today I feel lonely.
And I wish I didn't,
but I can't help it much.
It's the kind of lonely
where the tears pool up
behind your eyes all day,
but nobody stops to notice
the glistening you're holding back.

Today I feel lonely.
And I don't know why,
but I hope tomorrow is better.
annmarie Oct 2013
"I've never been in love," you said,
one night when I shouldn't
have been talking to you at all.

                 "Yeah, I don't think I have either"
                           was all I could think to say.

  But under the stars
in the place we called ours
        there wasn't anywhere else
             I'd ever have wanted to be.

And I know my pulse quickened
        because I could feel it moving
   on the tips of my fingers
        where my hand met yours.

When you looked me in the eyes that night,
                    I hope you could tell
                    I was lying.
annmarie Sep 2013
Too much
of a good thing
is bad,

but too much
of something amazing
destroys you.
annmarie Nov 2013
Remember the days in middle school
when we'd take a notebook (exactly like
the ones I now fill with poetry)
and write back and forth in it,
trading off between passing periods
and pouring out our hearts?
That was only a year or two ago,
but now you feel so far away
that I don't even remember if
I made you up in my head.

Remember all the times eighth grade
when we'd go to each other's houses
and make monkey bread
just to finish off the last bite an hour later?
I haven't baked anything with a friend
since the last time we did that.

Remember how we signed off
every time we wrote in that little notebook,
with a drawing of a whale
and our acronym that stood for
Love You To Pluto And Back?
To this day whales are still my favorite
and just the thought of the acronym
makes me smile.

Remember the Painted Penguin
and how we were the oldest girls in the store
but we didn't even mind
because it was so much fun
to be doing silly things together?
I still have all the little ceramic statues
that we painted over with shaky hands.

Remember the boy I told you about,
the one who gave me my first kiss
and was the only one who said he loved me
and got the same response back from me?
We broke up last June,
but a week ago exactly
he told me he still loved me like he used to,
and he still got the same response back from me.

Remember all the times
that I messed up
and you were angry enough
to let all your hurt out on me,
and I deserved it?
My best friend now
talks exactly the same way you do
when she's upset with me
and I deserve it.

Remember the years when
we never would have hesitated
to call each other the best of friends?
I still love you just as much,
but you've stopped returning texts
and I haven't seen you at all
in the past two years.
And I've really tried to tell you
that I miss you more than anything,
but it absolutely terrifies me
that I don't think you feel the same.
How is it that just years ago we were saving each other's lives and now I'm scared to even text you because I know you won't even bother to respond? What happened to us?
annmarie Nov 2013
Hello, good afternoon, sir—
how have you been today?
Oh, good, I had hoped
the day was treating you well.

You know, if you don't mind me saying, sir,
you remind me a lot
of another boy I knew.
In fact, I was pretty sure, sir,
that I could find him here
if I looked hard enough.
And actually I had thought, sir,
that he might have been you.

And I hope you do forgive me, sir,
I just wanted him to be here.
But now I clearly see, sir,
he's nowhere to be found,
and from up close, sir?
The two of you aren't so similar.

Try not to take it personally, sir,
but this boy was kind,
and he was considerate,
and he was caring,
and his smile held more sincerity than yours—
and if I'm being truly honest, sir,
I really think I loved him.

But I don't think I'll find him here, sir,
I don't think he's around anymore.

Please tell me if you see him, sir,
I'd really like to know.
You may have different hearts, sir,
but you'll be able to recognize him—
he looks exactly like you do.

Well, very nice to meet you, sir,
I think I'll be on my way.
But if you find the boy I'm scared has left,
kindly pay him my respects.
For Sophia

I feel like this one might need some explaining maybe. I made it kinda subtle and it's easier to understand if I describe it better. First and foremost, the use of the word "sir." I used it so repetitively to communicate how flustered the narrative voice was—how she'd hoped so badly to find this boy she might have loved and instead was met with a complete stranger. The word "sir" also kind of, if you picked up that he *was* the boy she wanted to find, was used to show that she didn't even recognize him anymore and felt like she needed to be formal with him again, as if meeting for the first time. Same with her saying "nice to meet you." As if he's a whole new person now. Also, when handwriting the title in my notebook, I accidentally wrote *respects* instead of *respect.* I decided to keep it as is. Because you can pay anybody respect, but you pay your *respects* to somebody that has passed away. I wanted to convey that the boy she loved was dead and that she missed him. So yep, those are my notes on what I meant in this poem. If you've read this far I really really love you. ***, Annmarie
annmarie Oct 2013
You've both read through dozens
of midnight thoughts poured into poems
that hardly even apply to your lives,
and maybe once or twice a few
that I've written about you.

But there's never been one to you,
and honestly there should.
Poets better than myself
should be writing about the both of you.

Because at the end of the day
(you're another day older, and)
you're the ones
who have stayed with me
through every single one
of my conscious, deliberate mistakes
and also the ones
that I never meant to make—
and every moment when
the only thing I've been was a burden,
you've put up with me;
you've never loved me less
(though there were times you really should have)
and I couldn't be more grateful for that.

Everybody told me that I needed to be careful—
that people can be fake,
and best friends in high school
never really means forever.
But I know that even if
a time comes when we can't be as close as right now,
you'll both remain parts of me
that will stay my entire life;
collections of stories in memory books
that I'll keep on the coffee table of my mind,
right between a picture of how we looked the night of senior prom
and the invitations to both of your weddings.

I couldn't have ever in a million years
asked for more amazing best friends—
that feel a lot more like sisters most of the time
and are more important than
any other relationship with anyone
I'll ever have in my entire life.

And I know that I'm more
than a little bit hard to love
a lot of the time
and that I should say this way more often,
but I love you both so much more
that I could ever convey with words in a poem.
(But, as you both know,
that's the only way I know how to express things.
So until a better way comes along,
this is my placeholding "I love you"
for forever and beyond.)
To India and Sophia

Ahhhh there's so much more that I meant to say in this and I have literally no idea whatsoever how to portray it in writing but I realized last night that you guys are more incredible than any silly boy that I have ever and will ever write about and yet I've never written you a poem. So I did that and it's not exactly what I expected but it got some across and I don't know how I'm going to show this to you yet but this is something I don't ever say to either of you nearly enough and it's true it's true it's true...
annmarie Aug 2013
it's 2AM and I can't sleep
because once again you've found a way
to sneak into my dreams
through the back door
and appear when I don't expect you
in the depths of my subconscious
to make me fall
time and time again
for the danger in your smile
and the gentleness in your eyes.
you've occupied every corner of my mind
so that anything and everything
can remind me of you
and send me reeling backwards
on a tidal wave that I've created
and let grow
until the only thing I can think about
is the tsunami of you
that knocks me down ceaselessly
and holds me under so breathing is
and never lets go of me
as it tells me letting go
is the only thing that can
get me out alive.
annmarie Sep 2013
I have pretty eyes, I'm told,
but I didn't ever believe it
until I was hearing it from you.

I needed braces for four years,
but you say you've never been
more in love with someone's smile.

I stopped eating lunch every day,
but started to again
when you told me my body was perfect.

I've always hated my lips,
but have never felt happier
than when they were pressed to yours.

And I find it ironic (and amazing)
that everywhere I didn't feel beautiful
was beautiful to you.

(But I just wish I could tell you
that I feel the very same way about
the parts of you you want to change.)
annmarie Nov 2013
I've never really felt like doing
anything like drugs or alcohol.
But being around you makes me
why people love the feeling.

But they aren't as lucky as I am,
cause you can cause me to
and make me dizzy
just by being next to me.

(Honestly, just thinking about you
makes my stomach do backflips.)

On the other hand, they're luckier.
Cause I've tried time and time again
to get rid of this addiction,
and I can't bring myself to do it,
and there isn't a Twelve-Step Program
to quit you.
annmarie Sep 2013
People always tell you
that living in the city means
you miss out
on the night sky.
The thing I don't realize is
it doesn't matter
where you are—
the stars are still there, just different.
And the way I see it,
Cityscapes at night
have their own cosmic qualities.
Groups of skyscrapers
cluster into galaxies
and headlights shine like comets
and if you look up
the moon is still shining there.
The way I see it,
cities act as solar systems in themselves;
holding all of the excitement
and all of the magic
and all of the inspiration
that comes from gazing at the stars.
annmarie Dec 2013
my parents drove
into the city
to watch the moment
our closest family friend
got engaged.

I wish I was there to see it—
she's like an older sister to me.

Counting down the days
until the wedding
is going to take forever,
but what I'm most excited for
isn't seeing the dress, or the cake.

I can't wait to see
the smile on the Maid of Honor's face.

It'll be the exact same smile
that her Maid of Honor will wear, too—
the one that knows
exactly how long the bride waited
until this day,
the one that saw
all the heartache leading up
to meeting him,
the one that heard
all the late-night stories
about finding the perfect boy,
and the one that felt
all the breathless joy, too,
when he finally worked up the courage
to make her his.

it's a long long time
until either of our weddings.
And on that day,
I'm going to be giving you
that exact same smile.

For now, though,
you'll be getting it for different reasons:
when he first kisses you.
I promise it's going to be
worth the wait.
when you tell him you love him.
I promise you, darling,
he's fallen just as hard.

And for all of the time
between now and your vows to him,
whoever he is,
know that this is my own vow to you:
best friends, forever and ever,
until the very end, and then long after that.
To Sophia and to India
annmarie Dec 2013
There's a lot that hurts about it.
Like not being able
to look at pictures from last year's prom
without thinking of him,
and seeing him in the halls
and just saying "hello"
instead of finding myself
wrapped in his arms out of nowhere,
and watching as he gets into other girls' cars
a lot of Friday nights.

There's a lot that hurts about it.
But the absolute worst part is knowing
I lost you (because I picked him)
when you were the most important thing to me
and he was just the one
who told me he loved me more often.

And you've been gone a while now,
but you had gone weeks before the moving truck
pulled out of your driveway.
And the hardest part
is that I know it was only me
who sent you away.
And now I'm scared it's nearly impossible
to have you come back.

There's a lot that hurts about it.
And I hated losing him,
but I don't think I'll ever forgive myself
for losing you first.
This was from the beginning of the year and the Jaycup part doesn't apply anymore but the Rasha part does still.
annmarie Dec 2013
Once a writer falls in love with you,
you can't ever die—
we all know the saying.
But what happens, I wonder,
to those who fell in love
but never tried to preserve it
with paper and ink?
Was their love, I wonder,
not as real
as the love that all of us
have written down,
as if the feelings aren't official
until we find an artistic way
to express them in words?

So this one goes out to
all the athletes and the inventors,
to the photographers and the painters
and the musicians and the dancers—
to the encouragers, and the listeners,
and the readers—
to everyone who's ever been in love.
To anyone who's ever found themselves
feeling the same way inside as it feels
when you step into the sun
after spending far too long
in artificial lighting,
or when you feel the breeze again
after far too much air conditioning.

This one goes out to all of you.
To all of *us.

Because no matter how we choose
to express it,
we are the lovers,
and we can never die.
annmarie Sep 2013
I've something to tell you,
but no idea how to say it.
Especially when I'm not even
completely sure what "it" is.
My first thought was a painting
(a picture's worth a thousand words, you know)
but I quickly learned that
not even a thousand was enough.
I wasn't quite able to convey
simply through brush strokes
the feeling in the pit of my stomach
(like a dropping rollercoaster,
but much more thrilling)
whenever you smile at me.
Just a few pencil marks
couldn't ever communicate
the fireworks that ignite
as soon as our fingers touch.
And I've heard other people
try to explain in only words
the way this feels
(the closest we've gotten are the letters l-o-v-e)
but I'm not sure if even
the world's greatest poets
would be able to accurately portray this—
let alone me, with my little notebook
and my twelve-cent ballpoint pen.
But I need you to know
that even if I can't describe it to you,
there's something about 'us'
that makes me happier than I've ever been.
annmarie Oct 2013
I should have said it earlier,
but here's my "I'm sorry—"
I couldn't do it.
I thought maybe the first time
it was something like
the wrong place at the wrong time,
or it was just me being nervous.
I thought maybe the first time
I was just caught off guard.
But maybe the first time
should have stayed the only time,
because now after the second time
I'm stuck feeling terrible because
I still can't do it.
And it isn't you,
please don't think it's you,
I promise it isn't you
because I know it's him.
It's always been him.
So this isn't me
turning you down because of who you are.
But it is me
telling you I can't,
because of who you're not.
annmarie Dec 2013
But I can't understand
why the hell
people actually believe
that a number one-through-ten
could actually ever
be an accurate representation
of who a person is.
As if a number,
barely two digits at its best,
could ever actually capture
what makes up a person—
their passion in life, their favorite art piece,
their tears at 2:56 AM (and what caused them,)
their hopes, the way they like to wear their hair,
or how they treat the people
who can do nothing for them.
Not even a hundred digits could summarize that.
So, sorry if you thought you were being nice—
but I'm not an "8."
I'm not anything;
don't think for a second
that you can confine me
to a ******* number
and just write it off
like everything I am can fit
into something as simple as that.
annmarie Dec 2013
You are
a clap of thunder
in the midst of a summer storm,
exciting and full of life,
but you are also
the next day,
when the sun is shining
and there isn't a single cloud in the sky.

You are
restlessness, impatience,
and the feeling that
there is too much else
that's keeping both of us away,
but you are also
and knowing that
even if I don't get all of you right now,
there isn't any rush,
and the hope that even though
forever is past the horizon,
it's still there waiting for us

You are*
my favorite book,
the one I know by heart
and can recite all
your greatest quotes,
but you are also
a book I've never read before,
that I can't wait to learn more about
with each new chapter.

You are
a lot of things
that are completely new to me
and I'm both curious
and a little apprehensive,
but you are also
a lot of things
that make me feel like
I've known you my whole life
and want to know you forever.
annmarie Feb 2014
I needed to know
if I had any power,
so I blocked off my heart
and found the fastest way into yours.
I got you to let me in,
and let you think my laughter
was about having you back
instead of about what it was.

It was about watching you care
when I knew that I didn't.

I thought I was having fun
playing with your heart
in the exact same ways
that you had played with mine.

I thought I wanted
to make you hurt
cause you hurt me.

But then it worked.

I took it too far
because I still didn't think you cared
and I told you I felt nothing
as you were about to tell me you loved me.
And you sat back and closed your eyes
and that was when I knew:
you didn't mind that I didn't feel the same.
You didn't feel the same either.

But last night you almost kissed me,
until you stopped and pushed me away again.
And I never could have expected
what you told me next.

But then I got what I wanted,
and I realized how much you hurt,
and everything in me shattered
hearing your voice break.

And there have been far too many apologies
so I'm not sure if this one will even mean anything to you
but I can't say sorry enough
for wanting to hurt you
when you're the one who matters the most to me.
I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry I don't even know what to say anymore I'm so sorry
annmarie Jan 2014
You want me to ask questions and I won't.
This isn't mine to know.
I don't have the right to know, nor do I
deserve to find out anything.

I don't.

But she does.
She deserves to know all of it,
whatever it is
that's compelled you
and your passive aggression
to let her find out
like this.

It isn't fair to her,
you know that.
She loved you.

— The End —