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 Nov 2013 annmarie
adam hicks
if "you are what you eat"
was true
i would help myself
to a bouquet of sunflowers
i want to learn how to shine
like the street light
outside my bedroom window
i'd line my stomach
with old leonard cohen records
so i could sing all my "i love you"'s
i would stuff my face
with the pages of your favourite book
so i could regurgitate the words
you love so much
whisper them in your ear
while you sleep
i'd take a bite
out of an oak tree
cut me in half
& count my rings
there are so many things
i wish i were
i am not graceful
i'd like to make a toast
to every day that i haven't fallen down
or slipped
or tripped
on my words
see, i am full of mistakes
i never learned
how to ride a bike
god, my parents really tried
but the ground was so unforgiving
& i was too afraid of falling
i would eat those training wheels
so i could keep my balance
walk in a straight line
i'd swallow my watch
so i'm always on time
don't be surprised
if you see me
tucking into those sunflowers
come & bask
in my rays.
 Nov 2013 annmarie
The first night I came beside him
we ****** in braille. It was quiet the way some fog
drifts low
touching your head, but too much of a 
phantom to ever feel inside you. I squeezed his
hand in code - once, this is
good. Twice, I am sorry this has to happen now, 
three never happened because I
could not let go: 
he was my air and he was the ceiling when
I arched my back, he held me
when I gave pieces of myself away to the summer
whispering about my hands. The finger I
awoke his pillowed lips with and
we had the idea
to exchange chewing gum in the morning because
Suddenly it was important to taste each other:
I broke the barrier of not
knowing. Our mattress squeaked in
tongues as I told it how we would feel together
when I hold the sheets that way 
I clawed through his wrists to exhale the first time.
And we have kissed
like hot rain ever since, silence saying
how I once had no one to touch me but myself. I
did not know
how to hold him without believing it 
were an emergency - desperate 
places hands go when you smell me in the air
haunting the room and filling the inches between us.
It's been a while, since I've thought of you
In that way
It's been a while since I've held you close to my body
About last may?
It's been a while, yeah it's been a while
But it still pains me, seeing you with him each day
I write a lot of different poems,
About many short term lovers
But it's still just the memories of you.
That pull me under

It's been a while, since our last kiss
It's been a while, since I've cherished your soul
It's been a while, but I know that this
Is far from the last poem I'll write to you
This storm can't bring me down
I stand tall and proud
Against the binds of aggressive nature
We'll see who earns this Earthen crown

Rain keeps falling down
Down upon my head
Do you see this Earthen crown?
It was stolen from the dead
 Nov 2013 annmarie
J Drake
The Road
 Nov 2013 annmarie
J Drake
This is your
road. It has always
been here waiting for
you. You're welcome to
begin this journey whenever
you're ready. There are certain
principles that you must remember,
however, to truly understand this journey.
First, know that you chose this road before ever
you came upon it. This is your path, and your path
alone. No one else can tell you how best to tread this
path. That is impossible. It is not their path. They know
nothing of this road -- Your Road. It is up to you to read the
signs and find your own way. Do not be afraid. It's an adventure!
You can't slip up. You can't ***** up. That's just not how it works...
Let go of your fear. Stop living your life in hiding, running away from
the things that scare you. Instead, live in search of the things you LOVE.
Love will always carry you home. Love will teach you all you need to know.
Love is your streetlight. Let it guide your footing. Follow the Light, your Heart,
your Soul. They are one and the same. And as you do this, very soon you'll see,
the further you go down the road, the closer you get to your Self. Closer to YOU.

You start to learn who you truly are.
In a sense, you remember.
This epiphany will shake your life to the core.
You discover that You Are Perfect.
Embrace who You Are.
Love who You Are.
Become who You Are.
This is your number one vocation.
There is no higher calling.

For from within, from who you are,
This world shall be changed,
Your life will ignite,
Your purpose laid before you...

Become whole.
Become Love in motion.
Become YOU.
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