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 Oct 2013 annmarie
i miss a lot of people daily and
sometimes i think about living
until i'm eighty
like this
constantly clinging
to the past
i'm not sure when i became
and you became
but i'm realizing i miss nick, too
and jordan
and every guest
who came to my parties

is it time for me to get
 Oct 2013 annmarie
Ana Leejay
life is nothing but an ocean of waves
a wave of highs
a wave of lows
of sadness
of glee
of holding back
of letting go

a wave of loving your mother
a wave of forgetting to call

a wave of many friends
and then relying on the trust of a stranger

a wave of 3 am puking
and hangover mornings

a wave of coming home early
and listening to the quietness of your own home

and then a wave of the train rides knowing
someone is waiting for you
cooking the dinner
setting the table
checking the clock

there will be a time when
it seems as if the wind has stopped blowing
the moon and sun has gotten tired of the chase
this is the end

keep watching the tide,

life is nothing but an ocean of waves
a constant battle between shoreline
and sunset
you can never have both

you can't see the sand from the middle of the ocean
but the sun will never leave you
if you choose the shoreline

you'll never see the future from living in your past
but there will always be a pocket full of memories
for when the storm is coming
so keep moving on
follow the ocean
 Oct 2013 annmarie
why do all my ghosts
of boyfriends' past
insist on talking
with me

i don't want to imagine either of us
with anyone but
each other
this is total **** but i'm so frustrated right now.
 Oct 2013 annmarie
dear you, i wonder if i will ever have to specify who you are. if there will ever be another boy i will write so many poems about, so many poems to. you were the first. you haven't been the only, but then again you haven't been the only anything. there have been many since you. so many that i've begun to lost track, there have even been girls. when i met you i was homophobic, but look at me now. look how i've changed since i met you. look how i've fallen. when i fell for you i fell down the rabbit hole. i took too much shrinking potion, yet at the same time i'll always crave more. if i'm smaller when i see you will you love me again? is there even an again to be had? i'll never know for sure, so i've let myself believe that you loved me. that you could again. but part of me knows that our time is over. i can't accept it. i can't let you go. dear. i'm afraid to let you go because there is no one else to hold onto. there is no one like you. i can't breathe. it's been two years and i can't breathe. i don't want it to be three, or four, or more. i want my oxygen back, i want you. i can pray to god a thousand times and i will still want you. only you. pretend that i'm your soulmate and kiss me. one more time?
but i don't when it comes to you. take me. all of me. no matter who i kiss i'm nobody but yours.
Everyone would always remind me
that one day I'll have my first love

I wanted it to be
a handsome boy
with hazel eyes
that shined

so my heart broke hearts
and hearts broke my heart  

and I never realized how my first love

should have been me

love yourself before you can love somebody else.
 Oct 2013 annmarie
I kissed you because it felt so right
I kissed you because I knew it was wrong
I kissed you because I felt a connection that we both said we lost with our current partners
I kissed you because I knew from the moment I saw you accross the room that you would mean something to me and by something I mean everything
I kissed you because she can't
I kissed you because my undeveloped brain acts too much on emotion and impulsity and not enough on logic
I kissed you because the way the moonlight reflected your face was so beautiful
I kissed you because I couldn't pay attention to what you were saying because I was too focused on your lips and not the words coming out of them
I kissed you because it was the perfect response
I kissed you because the look in your eyes was something I couldn't explain with any words
I kissed you because I can't possibly explain to you how I feel when those sweet eyes meet mine
I kissed you because when I heard that song at work with the lyrics that I no longer remember I knew you were perfect
I kissed you because you have what she doesn't
I kissed you because you deserve to be kissed, actually you deserve much more than a kiss from me
You deserve a Grammy worthy kiss from a scene in a cheesy movie
I kissed you because I hadn't felt those caterpillars in my stomach burst into beautiful butterflies in so long
I kissed you because there wasn't anything else in the world that I wanted more in that very moment
I kissed you because it felt so right

But now it feels so *wrong
 Sep 2013 annmarie
you wrote what you called
'part-time poetry'
and I'm still not sure what
exactly that means.
but I think you were also
part-time in love with me,
a few days a week in a few

and I was always full-time
in love with you.
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