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cee Mar 2016
she loves him
like she loves to watch the sky turn orange every day

she loves him
as much as she loves to write poems in her worst state

she loves him
like she loves the promises behind every "come-what-may"

she loves him
like love is something she's not afraid
cee Mar 2016
I said yes when I should've said no
And I kissed you when you needed to go

I smiled when I should've cried hard
I freely opened when I should've closed my heart

I even loved you more when your love's a fake
Oh the things I did just to be your mistake
cee Dec 2015
Other times
Your heart can’t afford the
Things you want for yourself

And you try to understand the reason

Why people name love as happiness

Other times
Your brain just want to stop

And you try to sleep and forget

But how can you have the peace of mind, if everything’s such a mess
cee Dec 2015
Show me your bruises,
And all the things she left you with

And I’ll still love you with every word and every breath
And all the things in between
cee Dec 2015
For all the times
I made you laugh,

Suddenly you thought
It was not me
You want to love
  Dec 2015 cee
I dance alone and countlessly wonder
if you're as confused as I am
I want to fall in love again
I want to find your gaze
and feel violated and connected
and be confused about what it is you mean
and what you mean to me
it's all some sultry dream.
I want your kisses again
I want you in my dreams again.
cee Nov 2015
I long for you on the way home,
Feeling lonely and helpless

I long for you when I try new things,
For you were always there so I wouldn’t make a mess

I long for you when I see chromatic lights
Now you left me in black and white

I long for you every time I smile
It’s different now without you on my sight
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