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It was the right thing to do
but, Oh God does it hurt.
I'll never find someone
quite like you.

I'm sorry for everything
I've put you through.
You think I'm right for you.
Trust me, I'm not.

I wish and I hope
with every fiber of my being
that you find your true soulmate.
It isn't me.

Keep searching,
keep looking,
you'll find the right one,
and maybe so will I.

Maybe someday
Distance makes the heart grow fonder
Time makes our will grow stronger
Life makes our meeting harder
Oceans make it so much farther.

Will our love forever smoulder
Will you let us grow colder?
Mundane steps,
common thoughts, (so unoriginal),
like stripes on a zebra.
They haunt me.

Didn't I say the sun was setting?
Sunshine pours through me,
filling me with hope.
Guess I was wrong.

Now I glow.
And I grow.
And I wait.

One day that sun will blast
the shadow that walks past my window
into something real.

My steps will no longer be mundane,
or just mine.

Fresh footprints in the sand -
mine, yours, and a little pair in between.

But it's hard to make footprints on a boat, chasing the sun around the world.
When I think about you,
it's hard to pull words from my mind
that could ever let you know how I feel.
You just make things real.

Our plans are mad!
I'm so far away from you.
When you talk about it though,
well, it could all come true.

Please, for my sanity
quest across the water
and find your way to me.

I would wait a thousand years,
but I cannot waste a lifetime.
The dark of the unknown tickles your thoughts.
It serenades your memories,
it schemes and it plots.

The world as you know it
is not what you thought it to be,
everything is wrong,
you just want to be free.
To end it all now?

Oh, woe is me....

And everyone around you,
should you choose to entertain,
the dark thoughts that have gathered
and wish to remain.

Yes, the world is complicated,
not quite how you pictured it,
but what you must know
is that as long as you walk amongst the living
this world ... it grows.

Cast aside the inner darkness
and choose to command,
for life isn't there for the taking-
it is what you demand.

You can choose change,
you can choose freedom.
Please, just remember,
you are someone's smile -
you are someone's reason.
You have the power to make someone's day from a thousand miles away :)
I hear you twittering away in the background.
You sing to yourself a lot, did you know?

                                                  I see you tapping on your leg
                                                  I love the way you sound, did you know?

I smell the scent of old wood and music on your collar.
You carry it around with you, did you know?

                                                I feel you holding my heart in every word.
                                                You keep it alive, did you know?

I taste sweet love on your lips.
It is pure and intoxicating, did you know?

                                   Did you know that every little thing
                                      you do drives me a little crazier?

                                    Crazy in a good way, did you know?
<3 Jamie <3
The twang of guitar strings
fights through my headphones
eager for attention.

The look of dire determination
outlined with concentration
and subtle admiration,
paints your face
in a handsome light.

You pen a word -
then a sentence.
Your words are laced with
in anticipation of a grandeur scheme.

Your shy glances
bounce off me when I look at you,
keen to remain unseen.
But I see you.

Words come to life
as they slip like silk
from your lips
and tickle my skin
like icy fingertips.

This love is an art.
I'll write
You sing
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