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The song bird sings the song
of your voice

The leaves rustle sounding
like the rustle of sheets

The wind's cries mimic
cries of simple pleasures

The memories remembered by time
remind me of your memory

The peaceful calm of nature
lies heavily on the calming peace
of love
***** socks
     cast aside like
Lizard hide
     you hide behind
Little meant
     the words you said
Ended life
     *with a blow like death
Every day is a day closer to
the day that I lose
half of who I am

A day closer to the day
I watch my better half
just stride away

A day closer to the day
my soul tears in two
half for me, half for you

A day closer to the day
my whole world falls apart
when you walk away
with my stolen heart

And a day closer to the day
when I will be forced to forget
what my body remembers,
and my mind will regret
I lash out
so you say
and you take it
day by day

I am hard to impress
so you say
but you continue to mess
one day at a time

I bite, I claw, I poison
Poison your thoughts
with feelings of love
and distress
what a test

Patiently you wait for the moment
when you will get what you came for
then you will leave in a flash of
uncut threads
and webs

Who really wears the hourglass?
Drive me to the end
the end of days
of light
of faith

Hold the key
the key to life
to love
to happiness

Remember your promises
promises of longevity
of fulfillment
of hope

These things
they wound
they hurt
they pain
You have wronged me
and for that
I shall do what's in my power
to be free
Oh Higher Power please!
-Please tell me what I need to know.
Why does my love for him not grow?

Is it stoppered with a blackened promise?
A hateful word, an unfaithful kiss?
Is there something to which I am amiss?

I do not wish to linger here,
drowning in what seems unclear
while suspicion does provoke a tear.
Oh, tell me what I need to hear...

I shall take whatever you care to tell
in the hope that my tears such knowledge will quell,
for not knowing shall inevitably drive me to my hell
Oh Higher Power please...

~Please tell~
The birds and the bees?
How did they even get associated?
Maybe it should be the dog and the fleas...
but why sit back while one does the work?

No that won't work

What about the bear and the bees?
but its not good to be at war
oh, such a tease

This is a tease

I know why it's called the birds
and the bees
Maybe because it isn't suppose to make sense
because in love, things rarely go with ease
but hey...

...*Love is the bee's knees.
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