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I heart
           thats smart
I love
          not so smart
You're great
                    just wait
You're beautiful
                            how fanciful
I love you
                 is that true?
I'm not sure
                    you're on a tour
I think i'm free
                         you're not, believe me
You don't own me
                                just wait you'll see
Are we over?
Of course.
You happen to be one
It's bright in your eyes
evident in your movements
thick on your breath
as savoury as your flavour

                                                   Tantalizingly deadly
                                                    you're bad for my health
                                                             my soul
                                                                           my virtue
                                                                                            my conscience
                                                    my heart sees you differently
                                                   -"keep trying, he will love, he will... will"

We are caught in a battle of will
Will his heart open?
Will his hold on me falter?
Will it be to late?

                                                          I am entangled with a
                                                          Deadly Sin
                                                          He is lust
                                                          I am defenseless
I'm falling awake
yes it can be done
wakefulness falls upon you
just as effectively as sleep
your mind clears
your eyes flutter
you yawn
It is very possible to fall awake

I especially enjoy falling awake
to grinace at you,
yes, grinace.
You are in control
I thought maybe I was
         oh boy was I wrong

I thought I had the upper hand
the only reason it was upper
        was because you pinned it there

I mirror your movements
because mirror is all I can do
         if I am to keep up with you

Take control
Take the lead
        take me
I can't remember now
If it was the water rushing over my face
or the blood rushing hot through my veins

I can't remember now
Who's skin was who's
or which tongue was which
I can't remember now
if you held me against the tiles
or if I held your heart against my chest
maybe both?

All I remember
Is the way you feel
soaking wet
close to me

All I remember
are hungry kisses
strong hands
on my waist

All I remember
is you pulling me closer
wet hands running down
my wet body

Maybe I remember
more than I think
You reside inside my mind
for my eyes have never looked upon thee
yet well I know- you are handsome

You live in my nerves
my skin has never met yours
yet I feel you in every movement

You've taken my mouth
I have never felt your lips
but your taste is overwhelming

You reign in my ear
never have I heard your voice
yet in my head it rings

You govern my nose
thys scent hath never trespassed
now all I smell is you

Something has happened to me
Now all I have is you
I have the tendency
of getting very physical
It's getting harder to breathe
for you that's literal

Does it hurt?
Does it weaken your will
to learn that I have all the control?

Do you lust?
Do you want another turn,
want to go till you break?

I'm happy to oblige
but can't be held responsible
if no one can do it better
-for that I am not liable
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