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 Jun 2011 Number 8
Noel Irion
but why, oh angel,
why do i lack the courage
to say buongiorno?
 May 2011 Number 8
Noel Irion
that below you,
your feet,
your soul..
something stirs from the ancients
awakening this new oblivion..
you ask how, never.
could it be just,
the fright with no recover
for no means lay discoverable here..
land frozen, bitter.
and may i add,
short, sweet..
do not falter, new directions
create the life you've grown to know quite well..
suffer, yet prevail.
though still and still,
that empty
fills up..
void full of fallacies like
what you see is what you get, where's the faith..
in the world, yourself.
you must go search,
you can't
let go..
for that which hides is worth finding
in both the journey and the resolution..
let your ship set sail.
be the captain,
guide that
helm through..
endure whatever comes forth
to misguide you, deceive you, taunt, block you..
crush the ice, bring hope.
numb to the bone,
but wait,
the warmth..
euphoria, achievement's
best reward when such struggles, outperformed.
you've reached the goal,
now make two more.
failure comes, and
failure goes, but
success is worth more than a thousand stones.
port, bow, starboard, stern, compass unbeknown,
never hesitate in changing your course..
follow the north wind,
let it take you home.
 Apr 2011 Number 8
Noel Irion
Roses sing softly through whispering petals,
Gently stroking upon each others' own.
Similar is the sound, when all else rests,
Of sweet breath escaping lips royally throned.
I wish she would take me home.

Sunset, sunrise,
Chasing the moon girl, no surprise.
How long i have longed to catch her eyes,
Baby blue by nature, baby blue in mine.
Gold embroidered galaxies tells the false man lies.

Heart beats fast,
Bass drops low.
Twisting, turning, head spinning, falling.
How did we get here? Where do we go?
Covalently bonded, nowhere is everything now.
 Apr 2011 Number 8
Kelly Zhang
you asked what I thought of you
point-blank, blunt
Bewildered, I examined the cross-shaped birthmark on your arm (you were agnostic)
scuffed sneakers and your eyes
the new old ones I liked: you had gotten rid of the blue contacts two months ago,
a week after we met.
mouth open, I searched for a word and couldn’t believe how hard it was
smiling and I closed my lips, you seemed confused, did that little
eyebrow thing
I took your hand as the subway doors opened onto 66th St and dragged you into the city.

we ran up the stairs, his hand was warm like the cigarette night air
I’ll show him what I think of him
we ate burgers from Sonic on the lit-up street corner;
he spilled mayo down his shirt and we threw lettuce and laughter at each other.
around 2.7.11
revised version of "Throwing Lettuce." it's a lot different so I thought I'd post it again. hope you enjoy :)
 Mar 2011 Number 8
Noel Irion
Lay down your own bricks in the cobblestone;
Let your motivation shine through creation,
Any man’s hard work is not worth your own.

I’ve passed up jobs, errands and even the unknown,
To reminisce on maybe lost elation;
Lay down your own bricks in the cobblestone.

To hire is to lay desire prone,
Motionless, emotion deviation;
Any man’s hard work is not worth your own.

Thrice I’ll repeat, for urgency was shown,
Like no vacancy for meditation;
Lay down your own bricks in the cobblestone.

If a lesson is to be learned and known;
As Dad says, “Honor. Appreciation.”
Any man’s hard work is not worth your own.

If ever I am lost, misled or thrown
Off my path, I’ll pave with no duration,
Lay down your own bricks in the cobblestone.
Any man’s hard work is not worth your own.
 Mar 2011 Number 8
Marsha Singh
My love was like a playful kitten,
curious and quickly smitten –
maraud the house to see what's in it,
intrigued by all the things forbidden.

Your love was like a lazy hound,
content to dig the same old ground –  
or better yet, to go lay down;
a nuisance, having me around.
 Mar 2011 Number 8
Kiana Jackson
Well I'm aware that you don't know me
And you get this all the time
But I saw you on my TV
And I want you to be mine

When they yell "action."
You bring on the smolder
You don't see my jealous reaction
When you hold her

I want it to be me
The one that you hold
I want it to be me
The one you shield from the cold

I hope someday you'll know me
And I can see you all the time
Not only as a person on my TV
But the one I can call mine
I wrote this about Ian Somerhalder, the guy who plays Damon Salvatore on The Vampire Diaries. I think he is amazing but I don't really want him to be "mine". He is about twice my age (but he still looks super hot) But if he was younger or I was older, I would want him to be "mine" :P The reason I used the word "smolder" is because in one of his interviews he was called "Smolder-holder"
 Mar 2011 Number 8
Sarah Jane
I feel a darkness in me
that is not worthy of love
and is not capable anyways.
It is selfish and will hurt you.
But there is a bright light as well
and it has also caused you pain.
For the noble light removes me
out of belief it will stop you from hurting.
And when I want to love you
I know that I must not.
It is an inner turmoil that has accomplished nothing.
Your pain and confusion was meant to be spared.
I am a curse.
You have felt pain whether my intentions were pure or not.

A piece of my heart flew away
everytime I dissappointed myself.
A piece of my heart melted
everytime someone I trusted walked away.
A piece of my heart passed away
with each loved one lost.
Pieces of my heart have been broken
by the careless hands of others.
I feared there was nothing left
but in unknown, brief moments
I feel a slight spark in my chest
And I am reminded that there is still one person who can make me feel like there is no darkness in the world.

I think
I love you.
It seems clearer now
for some reason.
But this abrupt
is exactly what keeps me from knowing...
Why now?
Why did it take so long?
Just when my frustrations had peaked,
I found your name within my heart again.

How I do love thee
I love thee with what heart I possess
but I'm afraid not much lies within this chest
And I fear you an injustice
If only part of a heart you request
Then I offer it as my best
For I do not know the tests
I may face in this life
nor the next.
If we should be but friends
I would embrace you as my best
for you have given me memories
that will forever be cherished
One day at a time it will show
One day we will know
But with you i'd rather grow
Than to have lost it and be unsure.

Made with Love
 Mar 2011 Number 8
Noel Irion
Have you ever wondered how the west was won?
Perhaps it’s the freedom, range closed off to none.
Moments in time freeze over like sage,
Crystalline fingertips intertwine like a maze.
The sun rise warms the winter tundra below,
A desert valley rests amidst the mountains’ toes.

The earth’s spine in the sky, reaching up so high,
Into the clouds, above and beyond, as I,
Reminisce on the peak, serene and sweet.
Wind whispers swift secrets, quickly they fleet
As if time had no outlet, yet no end to meet.
Nightfall brings forth fierce starlight whose course
Is omnipresent, ever-glowing, a masterpiece without a source.

Mind at ease, soul and spirit appeased,
Meditation is natural, never wanting to leave.
Learn to love the small things, short but sweet,
For memories do fade, so live long, repeat.
Have you ever wondered how the west was won?
Take a stroll through New Mexico, all worries you outrun.
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