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 Sep 2014 Jessica-Amaya
You lit the first spark, and that was all it took. I was ready to believe that I was ready for love. I was not.
2. You were the first flame, but I stood too close to the fire and it singed  my insides to the point that I felt like nothing more than ashes. Worthless
3. You unhinged my previous thoughts for awhile, and replaced them with your soft lips and warm eyes.
4. You caught me at a good time and helped me stay there for a couple months, but you grew up, while I remained stationary.
5. I found myself at home in your arms, between the trees, and under the stars.
6. I met you in the midst of a hazy summer and I have yet to decode what it is that you mean to me. But like all lost lovers, we're bound to find ourselves no longer misplaced.
 Sep 2014 Jessica-Amaya
 Sep 2014 Jessica-Amaya
I'm weak.
I so badly want to forgive him.
He's got that cute kind of side smile that you just can't stay mad at,
And those lips like a black hole, pulling everything around, until all you can focus on is him.
His voice is smokey, and I inhale it until I can no longer breathe.
And those eyes
Eyes like sapphires,
But by no means is he a gem.
 Jun 2014 Jessica-Amaya
 Jun 2014 Jessica-Amaya
And once again,
It's two AM.
And she's awake,
Writing about him.
She can't explain in words,
Those feeling that occur,
When his face drifts in her head,
So she sings about it instead.

When he says hello,
Her thoughts just melt like snow.
And when he walks her way,
She forgets just what to say.

And once again, my friend,
I'm up at two AM.
I sit here all alone,
My thoughts shift into poems.
Might use some lines as lyrics...

— The End —