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Nothing Nov 2013
Today, i found myself outside of the
Even the name has a dark connotation,
Like most things,
If you really think about it.
A store for drugs.
Now yet another thing that is made
For serious purposes
Is romanticized
By todays society.

I wasnt there to buy
Or makeup
Or toiletries
Like i probably shouldve been.
I was there for one thing,
And one thing only.

I headed into the stationary and
Household tools section,
Hoping to find the tiny bit of relief
Hanging off a shelf,
With my name carved into
The glinting metal,
Not unlike what i would be using it for.

But instead,
All i found were
And thumbtacks
And safety pins.
But i had hoped to escalade from that,
These innocent desk drawer tools.  

I didnt pick them up.
Did i want to?
Do i have to?
Im not sure.
But i didnt.
And thats good enough for me.
Nothing Nov 2013
Even scars will heal
Though the memories will last
You will find peace soon
Nothing May 2014
i see red everywhere and
a month ago i would have wanted it all over
but now the red is you
Nothing Dec 2013
have you ever noticed
that when people stare out the window on a bus or train or car or plane
that their eyes follow every single detail at a whiplash inducing speed
but their head stays put?
it's like they're mesmerized by something, something no one else can see
and they have to stare, unblinkingly
so it doesn't disappear.
their eyes flit back and forth like someones head, while watching a tennis match.
they rarely blink
until they tear their eyes away,
sleepy, unfocused suddenly
and stare straight ahead,
like nothing happened.
Nothing Nov 2013
You cause pain to yourself
In more ways than
All the time
Without even realizing it.

Every time I warn you
I can feel
You getting weaker
Your responses shorter
And the lone little light
In your heart
Getting dimmer.

Because the more you want to become stronger,
The more you give up inside
With all the stinging
You feed yourself.

I can feel you trying,
For me and him,
And i can feel you
So close
Like a kids game
Hold-your-breath contest
And you lose 2 seconds
Too late.

I know you can do it
I know how much you want it
I know how much you need it
But really
I dont know half of it.
How much you arent telling me
Because your afraid it will send me

Ive tried so hard
And so have you
And i'll keep trying
Till the day I die
Or you
Whichever comes faster.
But the day you or I die,
Is the day i stop trying
And i hope you know that.
Too many thoughts in one poem
Nothing Dec 2013
And you made me
Hate the sun
Because people are trained to fear the unknown
Unless you open your arms to it
But you blocked my view.
popped into my head out of nowhere
Nothing Nov 2013
You really want it
And you're so close
you can feel it.

You're breaking through,
Breaking free of the chains
Binding you.

Its a game you're about to win,
I'll be the proud audience
Ever cheering,
rooting for you.

You're almost
Nothing Nov 2013
You gave me
On my heart.
Spots that you roughed up enough
That they stayed permantently hardened
An instinct defense now.

Every time we would grow apart,
These callouses would disappear a little
I was stupid for letting these callouses
Become tender.
For letting my gaurd down so that
Every time you gave me that quick, sly grin
I would have to build those calouses up again.
I could either
Thank you,
For making me so strong,
Or despise you,
For making me so weak.
Nothing Nov 2013
Today is Wednesday.
And it wont be in exactly
45 minutes.
Lets make Wednesday last.
caffeine-soaked thoughts lead to poems about the days of the week...what is this
Nothing Nov 2013
I dont know what to believe anymore
I dont know what you arent telling me
And it scares me.
I know youre worried
And i know you care
But  i just wish
That you could be honest
I dont know what to believe anymore.

The things i dont know wont hurt me
Is what youre thinking
But its the opposite.
These white lies are anything but white
In the form of pink lines
Sometimes red
Tracing up
Places (you think) arent visible
You hope.

Others might buy the cheap
"Im fine."
But i know better.
When the strained, tight smile
Doesnt reach your clear eyes
I know better.

Be honest.
Nothing Nov 2013
You are
The way your tiny, nimble fingers
Flow freely up and down the frets,
Reminds me of the way you can sing and
Get lost in a song,
Everything almost forgotten.
Reminds me of the way you could probably
Spit bars accurately like someone who
Because everything else comes so easy;
Why not?

You are
The way you write
Seems to hum harmoniously with the tune of
Mournful sadness or
Drowned happiness.
The music of you enthralls all
Capturing, reminds me of the story you carry,
A twisted
Fairy tale,
Scribbled in scars and watercolor
Inscribed on pages of forgotten notebooks.
Trailing off, leaving a sweet, high, melodic note
With a flourish.
had a lot of inspiration for this one.
happy birthday.

— The End —